A pen; a poet’s pen ,
Goes on,knows no bound,
Jots down countless series of hacks and facts,
With emotion profound.

Delving into the waves of thought,
He sketches out,
The tale of time
Nature’s whisper ,sweet-sublime.

Life’s labyrinthine Odyssey ,
Finds words of awe and ecstasy.

Paper soaked with ink,
Ink with emotion,
The poet,the odd one out of the world,
Pours his potion.

A poet pens….
Macabre to melancholy ,
Melancholy to magical manifestation,
Stories of submission, subjugation,
A silent conversation.

The unseen bars of the cage ,
Appear so vivacious,
Even tempting to a sage.

Untold fables,unfolded fantasy,
Attain a form as the poet’s legacy.

Beauty in barren land,
Divine in the devil,
Eyes under flipped specs ,
The poet finds virtue in evil.


Bhabani Sankar Mohanty

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