Epistolary collaboration no#235 between Dr Prasana Kumar Dalai & Kristy Raines U S A

Epistolary Poem #235 Presented by Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai of India and
Kristy Raines of The United States


Your soul forces me to keep on walking
In my dejected and gloomy world
Even the seas are thirsty and famished
The nectar is in the beauty of your eyes
Can I paint your image or write a poem
An amalgamation of hues and rhythms
You’re the beat of my innocent heart
And the very soul of my mortal life
Your breath is as fragrant as blooms
Your arms have the softness of lotus
The brightness of sunray is in the face
A deer I do find in your gracefulness
Your love can stich up my torn heart.

©️®️Dr Prasana Kumar Dalai@India
Date.30Thursday January 2025.

She writes him with great determination…


In a world where nothing makes sense anymore;
Where the clouds no longer rain, and oceans thirst
I refuse to let the perils of giving up, win
I am not a woman who quits, and we need nothing
but the nectar of hope that fills my tearful eyes
Paint a portrait of my soul with the colors of red
and write me a poem filled with sound of the wind
My heart beats with the blood of a warrior
Though soft and gentle on the surface of my being
I can withstand the beating from the world around us
and I will stitch the wounds around your heart
with strands of resilience that will keep you alive.
And in the end, it will be love that heals both of our souls.

©️®️Kristy Raines@USA

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About the Author: Dr. Prasanna Kumar Dalai

A Famous English Poet From India

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