My odia poem Dusta Jhia tie translated by eminent translator and reviewer Raj Kishor Patnaik. Humbled and grateful.

My odia poem Dusta Jhia tie translated into Hindi & English by eminent reviewer & translator Raj Kishor Pattnaik .
Humbled and grateful.

ଦୁଷ୍ଟ ଝିଅ ଟିଏ!

କେବେ କେବେ ସ୍ନେହ ଭରା କଥା
ଆଉ କେବେ ହୃଦୟ ରେ ଭରି ଦିଅ ଦୁଃଖ
ଜୀବନ ଠୁ ଦୁରେଇ ଯାଇ
ସତ କୁ ନ ମାନି ବାହାନା କରିବା
ତୁମେ ଶିଖେଇଥିଲ ମୋ ହୃଦୟ କୁ
ପ୍ରତିଟି ସ୍ପନ୍ଦନ ରେ ସ୍ପନ୍ଦିତ ତୁମର ସ୍ମୃତି

ପରବର୍ତୀ ମୁହୂର୍ତ୍ତ ରେ ବିଷାଦ ଓ ଦୁଃଖ
ଅମାନିଆ ଆଖିରେ ଲୁହ ଆଜି ଲହୁ
ଅଦିନିଆ ମେଘ ପରି
ତୁମେ ସାଇତିଲ ତୁମ ହୃଦୟର କୋଠରୀରେ
ମୋ ଭଙ୍ଗା ମନ ସହ ଖେଳି ସାରିଲା ପରେ
ମୋ ଦୁନିଆ କୁ ଉଜାଡି ଚାଲିଗଲ
ଦୁଷ୍ଟ ଝିଅ ଟିଏ ପରି |

ଡ଼କ୍ଟର ପ୍ରସନ୍ନ କୁମାର ଦଳାଇ

English translation

Naughty Girl

Sometimes you speak with love so sweet,
Sometimes my heart feels sorrow’s beat.
You drift from life, excuses you weave,
Denying the truth, making me grieve.
You taught my heart how to yearn,
With every beat, your name I learn.

And then a moment of pain arrives,
Tears flow as if the storm revives.
Like endless clouds, dark and gray,
You locked your heart and turned away.
You played with my broken soul so fine,
Then left my world, no longer mine.
Oh, naughty girl, what have you done,
Left me ruined, now the game’s won.

Memories linger, bittersweet and deep,
Your whispers haunt me, awake or asleep.
But the wounds you left, they still remain,
A melody of love mixed with pain.
Naughty girl, your tricks so sly,
Charmed my heart but left me dry.

Dr. Prasanna Kumar Dalai
Kabisuryanagar, Ganjam

Hindi translation

दुष्ट लड़की!

कभी स्नेहिल शब्दों की बौछार,
कभी हृदय में दुख की फुहार।
जीवन से दूर, सत्य को ठुकराकर,
बहानों की राह पर चल पड़ी हो।
तुमने मेरे हृदय को सिखाया,
हर धड़कन में तुम्हारी स्मृति को बसाया।

क्षण भर में विषाद की घटा,
अनचाही आँखों से आँसुओं की धारा।
अनवरत मेघों की छाया में,
तुमने अपने हृदय के कोने में छुपाया।
मेरे टूटे मन से खेलकर,
जब तुम्हारी चाहत पूरी हो गई,
तुमने मेरी दुनिया को उजाड़ दिया,
जैसे कोई दुष्ट लड़की,
जो केवल उथल-पुथल में आनंद पाती हो।

डॉ. प्रसन्न कुमार दलई
कविसूर्यनगर, गंजाम

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