My poem I WONT COME reviewed by eminent reviewer retired Prof Dr Nirakar Dash Department of English Assam Government.Humbled and grateful.

My poem I WONT COME reviewed by eminent reviewer retired Prof Dr Nirakar Dash Department of English Assam Government.
Humbled and grateful.


Merely in a moment I will forget you
With no grudge for breaking my heart
When you will start to miss me badly
How much you wish , I won’t come
I will go much afar though hard it is
Whenever I see you I find only shadow
Now I am just a broken music , soulless
You used to be the sound of my life
Both my brook and book to boost me
I will live anyway in cocoon all the way
Slowly getting over the boundless grief .

©️®️ Dr Prasana Kumar Dalai@India.
Date.Tuesday 07 December 2025.


The lover, though forsaken by the girl friend, has much resilience to stand the separation and the guts to forget her depending on his wish. Though it is hard to stay away from her, his admonition that he will not welcome her when she wishes to come back,sounds very much sulking.It is not threatening at any rate! The word “shadow” , standing for visualisation of her in the mindscape, is strong in contrast to the first line of the poem,”merely in a moment I will forget you”.In reality,as evident from expressions like “broken music”and “soulless”, he can never erase her from his mind. Smiles and tears being the music of life,she used to be a part of it;but now,as she is far away, that symphony is soundless and dead.The alliteration of the tenth line emphasises the moroseness of the lover’s mood. Looking forward to his inability to bear the brunt of the situation in case she does not come back, the poet lover will take recourse to stoic acceptance as stated in the concluding two lines:”I will live anyway in the cocoon all the way/Slowly getting over the boundless grief” Excellent composition Dr Prasanna Sir! Thanks and regards!!

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About the Author: Dr. Prasanna Kumar Dalai

A Famous English Poet From India

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