My poem” MY SOULMATE ” reviewed by eminent reviewer Prof. Dr Nirakar Dash Department of English Assam University, Humbled & Honoured.

My poem “MY SOULMATE ” reviewed by honorable reviewer Prof. Dr Nirakar Dash Department of English of Assam University.
Humbled & Honoured.


Without you this life ‘ll be in utter despair
We ‘ll meet each other no matter what
Like waves breaking together not to part
Your tinkling anklets my music of heart
You’re my soulmate , so unique in world
Let nothing obstructs our path forever
May we always be found hand in hand
From this cunning world I ‘ll steal you
I ‘ll hide you in the corner of my heart
In trouble I ‘ll take care of you for sure.

©®Dr Prasana Kumar Dalai@India.
Date. Mon, 09 Sept 2024.

The beloved being far away,of course for a short time, the poet is downbeat thinking that his life will go in vain in the event of her not returning.The trepidation marked in the first line of the poem is rid by a firm determination of the lover to unite with her at any cost.This temporary departure can not bring an end to their bonding.Assuming life to be the sea,they,as waves in it,are inseparable.From the philosophical musings of the first four line, the poem takes a sensuous turn when the lover is reminded of her “twinkling anklets” . This world being devious and cunning, he feels his love unsafe here.His heart,big and expensive enough and a world in itself, can hide her there in order to safeguard from all troubles.The line,”Let nothing obstruct our path for ever” indicates that this temporary separation is unbearable and harrowing for him.Unique poem having personal, universal and spiritual appeal.Congratulations and regards,Dr Prasanna Sir.

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About the Author: Dr. Prasanna Kumar Dalai

A Famous English Poet From India

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