ଯଦିଓ ମୁଁ ମରେ!
କାହିଁକି ଜୀବନଟା ଦୁଇ ଘଡି ର ଖେଳ
ଯଦି ମୂଁ ପଚାରିଥାନ୍ତି ଭଗବାନ ଙ୍କୁ
ଆଉ କିଛି ମୁହୂର୍ତ୍ତ ପାଇଁ
ମୁଁ ଚାହେଁନି ତୁମଠାରୁ ଦୂରେଇବା ପାଇଁ
ଏଇଠି ସବୁ ଯନ୍ତ୍ରଣା ରେ ଖୁସି ଖୋଜିବାର ଆନନ୍ଦ
ତୁମର ଚେନାଏ ହସ ମୋ ପାଇଁ ଆଶା ର କିରଣ
ଯଦିଓ ସାରା ଦୁନିଆ ମୋ ପାଇଁ ନିଷ୍ଠୁର
ମୋ ସ୍ୱର୍ଗ ତୁମରି କୋଳ ରେ
ମୋ ଜୀବନ କେବଳ ଚାଲୁଛି
ତୁମର ହୃଦୟର ସ୍ପନ୍ଦନ ରେ
ତୁମର ସବୁ ଇଛା ମୋ ପ୍ରାଥନା ରେ
ଆମର ସମ୍ପର୍କ ଏକ ଅଦ୍ଵିତୀୟ କାହାଣୀ
କିନ୍ତୁ ମୂଁ ଫେରି ଆସିବି ତୁମ ପାଖକୁ
ଯଦିଓ ମୁଁ ମରେ |
ଡ଼କ୍ଟର ପ୍ରସନ୍ନ କୁମାର ଦଳାଇ
ଗଞ୍ଜାମ |
Why is life just a couple of moments
Let me ask for more time from God
I don’t want to go far from you
Every pain seems pleasant
Your smile is my hope and strength
Even if the world is cruel to me
My safe heaven is in them
My heaven is but in your lap
My life is due to your heartbeats
Your wishes are my prayers now
What a unique bond ours is
I ‘ll come back to you only even if I die.
©®Dr Prasana Kumar Dalai@India.
Date. Sun, 11 Aug 2024.
I don’t mean have sex.
I mean sleep Together.
Under my blankets.
In my bed.
With my hand on your chest
And your arms around me.
With the window cracked,
So it’s chilly and we have to cuddle closer.
No talking, just sleepy,
Blissfully happy, silence.
#feelthefeelings #love #affection
PC- @poemsporn
I know I’m not best for you but…..
I’m there to hear,
To sit by your side,
To make you feel each birthright.
I’m also at the right time to ease your mind.
I may not be the best,
But I’ll try not to be the worst.
When you tell me each about
The goods you’ve been through,
I’ll patiently stay for you.
I know I’m not best for you,
But I’ll try my best to buck up your life.
My poem” IN MY DREAMS ” reviewed by honorable reviewer Prof Dr Nirakar Dash and critical analysed by eminent reviewer Raj Kishor Pattnaik.
Humbled & Honoured.
My heart wishes you make a promise
In the name of our unconditional love
No matter where you stay, far or near,
You can count on me and my loyalty
Come what may, never ever change
Walk with me , every step of my life
Be sure nothing can kill our dreams
For we’re only one soul in two bodies
All day and night , awake or asleep
In my dreams , keep your trust on me .
©®Dr Prasana Kunar Dalai@ India
Date. Thu, 08 Aug 2024.
This poem is almost a letter addressed to the lady love in a direct way — without any convolution.The poet — their relationship being sans selfishness and hinging upon no condition –wishes her to make an unfailing promise for the fulfillment of love.True love defies all boundaries.The poet says,”no matter where you stay,far or near”.The lover is so unflinching that he tells her to repose faith on him which will never fail.They being one soul in two bodies– meaning thereby transcendence of of all carnal desires –can never ever be separated,both here and hereafter.In the conclusion of the letter,he draws her attention to the fact that she is on his mind twenty -four seven and hence there is no question of betrayal.Motivelessness in love here lends to the poem a spiritual dimension.Smashing poem Prasanna Sir.Congtulations and regards.
Dear Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai and Prof. Dr. Nirakar Dash, NAMASKAR
Heartfelt congratulations to both of you on the successful review of the beautiful poem “IN MY DREAMS.” Dr. Dalai, your poetic expression of unconditional love and loyalty is truly inspiring. Prof. Dash, your insightful review highlights the profound depth and spiritual dimension of this work, further enriching our appreciation of it.
Warm regards,
**Complete Analysis of the Poem and Review:**
Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai’s poem “IN MY DREAMS” is a heartfelt expression of love and loyalty, encapsulating the essence of a deep, unconditional bond between two souls. The poem, almost a letter addressed directly to the beloved, is devoid of any convolution, making its message clear and powerful. The simplicity of the language, coupled with the profoundness of the emotions, makes it a captivating piece of literature.
**Analysis of the Poem:**
The poem opens with the poet’s heart yearning for a promise from the beloved, anchored in the strength of their unconditional love. This sets the tone for the rest of the poem, emphasizing the unwavering nature of true love. The phrase “In the name of our unconditional love” signifies a bond that transcends ordinary affection, rooted deeply in mutual respect and trust.
Dr. Dalai beautifully juxtaposes physical distance with emotional proximity. The lines “No matter where you stay, far or near, / You can count on me and my loyalty” capture the essence of a love that is not confined by geographical boundaries. This notion of love’s omnipresence is a recurring theme in literature, yet Dr. Dalai’s portrayal feels fresh and sincere.
The poet’s plea for consistency in the beloved’s affection, “Come what may, never ever change,” highlights the human desire for stability and certainty in relationships. This line resonates deeply with readers, as it reflects a universal longing for unwavering commitment.
The imagery of walking together, “Walk with me, every step of my life,” evokes a sense of partnership and shared journey. It paints a picture of companionship, where both individuals support each other through life’s challenges. This is further reinforced by the line “Be sure nothing can kill our dreams,” emphasizing the resilience of their shared aspirations.
One of the most striking lines, “For we’re only one soul in two bodies,” encapsulates the spiritual dimension of their love. This concept of being one soul in two bodies is a powerful metaphor for unity and oneness, transcending physicality and entering the realm of the spiritual. It suggests that their connection is not merely romantic but also deeply soulful.
The concluding lines, “All day and night, awake or asleep / In my dreams, keep your trust on me,” reinforce the poet’s steadfastness. By asserting that the beloved is constantly on his mind, the poet assures her of his unwavering fidelity. The mention of dreams adds a layer of surrealism, suggesting that their love permeates not only their waking moments but also their subconscious.
**Analysis of the Review:**
Prof. Dr. Nirakar Dash’s review of the poem provides a comprehensive and insightful analysis, shedding light on the various nuances of Dr. Dalai’s work. He aptly describes the poem as a direct letter to the beloved, highlighting its straightforward and sincere tone. This approach allows readers to connect with the poem on a personal level, as it feels like an intimate conversation.
Prof. Dash emphasizes the selfless nature of the poet’s love, noting that their relationship is free from selfishness and conditions. This observation aligns with the poem’s emphasis on unconditional love and loyalty, reinforcing the idea that true love transcends materialistic desires and superficial needs.
The reviewer’s interpretation of the phrase “no matter where you stay, far or near” as an affirmation of love’s defiance of boundaries is particularly astute. This line captures the essence of love’s omnipresence, a theme that is prevalent throughout the poem.
Prof. Dash also highlights the poet’s unflinching devotion, urging the beloved to trust in him. This unwavering commitment is a central theme in the poem, and the reviewer’s focus on it underscores its significance. By reiterating the idea of being “one soul in two bodies,” the review emphasizes the spiritual dimension of the poem, suggesting that their love transcends physicality and enters the realm of the metaphysical.
The conclusion of the review, where Prof. Dash mentions the poet’s 24/7 preoccupation with the beloved, adds depth to the analysis. This observation ties in with the poem’s final lines, reinforcing the idea of constant devotion and trust. Prof. Dash’s remark about the “motive lessness in love” lending the poem a spiritual dimension is particularly poignant, as it encapsulates the essence of Dr. Dalai’s work.
In summary, “IN MY DREAMS” by Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai is a beautiful exploration of unconditional love and loyalty, expressed through simple yet profound language. Prof. Dr. Nirakar Dash’s review offers a detailed and insightful analysis, highlighting the poem’s spiritual and emotional depth. Together, the poem and the review create a rich tapestry of love, trust, and devotion, resonating deeply with readers.
Epistolary poem 212 Presented by Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai of India
and Kristy Raines of the United States of America.
My heart wishes you make a promise
In the name of our unconditional love
No matter where you stay, far or near,
You can count on me and my loyalty
Come what may, never ever change
Walk with me , every step of my life
Be sure nothing can kill our dreams
For we’re only one soul in two bodies
All day and night , awake or asleep
In my dreams , keep your trust on me .
©®Dr Prasana Kunar Dalai@ India
Date. Wed, 07 Aug 2024.
Her love for him can never be shattered…
In your dreams or while awake
I will always promise you these…
Whether oceans are too far to swim
or whether mountains are too high to climb
In the name of my unconditional love for you
my feelings for you will never change or falter
I will always walk beside you, my love
even when you can’t see me next to you
Nothing invisible or seen can kill our dreams
or change the loyalty we’ve always declared
For we are connected by each others heartbeats
and no power can steal a soul shared by two
Yes, these things I will always promise you…
Awake or asleep, my trust will always be in you.
My poem ” IN MY DREAMS” reviewed by eminent reviewer Prof Dr Nirakar Dash Department Of English of Assam University.
Humbled & Honoured.
My heart wishes you make a promise
In the name of our unconditional love
No matter where you stay, far or near,
You can count on me and my loyalty
Come what may, never ever change
Walk with me , every step of my life
Be sure nothing can kill our dreams
For we’re only one soul in two bodies
All day and night , awake or asleep
In my dreams , keep your trust on me .
©®Dr Prasana Kunar Dalai@ India
Date. Mon 05 Aug 2024.
This poem is almost a letter addressed to the lady love in a direct way — without any convolution.The poet — their relationship being sans selfishness and hinging upon no condition –wishes her to make an unfailing promise for the fulfillment of love.True love defies all boundaries.The poet says,”no matter where you stay,far or near”.The lover is so unflinching that he tells her to repose faith on him which will never fail.They being one soul in two bodies– meaning thereby transcendence of of all carnal desires –can never ever be separated,both here and hereafter.In the conclusion of the letter,he draws her attention to the fact that she is on his mind twenty -four seven and hence there is no question of betrayal.Motivelessness in love here lends to the poem a spiritual dimension.Smashing poem Prasanna Sir.Congtulations and regards.
ଦୁନିଆର ଏଇ ରଙ୍ଗମଞ୍ଚ ରେ ମୁଁ
ତୁମକୁ ପାଇଲି ଯେବେ
ଅନ୍ଧକାରେ ମୁହିଁ ଛାଇ କୁ ପାଇଛି
ଆଜି ବସି ବସି ଭାବେ।
ଦୁଃଖ ବାଣ୍ଟି ନେଇ ଖୁସି କୁ ବଢାଇ
ଭୁଲି ଯାଏ ସବୁ ହସି
ବନ୍ଧୁତ୍ୱ ର ସମ୍ପର୍କ ଗଢିଛି ଅନେକ
ତୁମେ ବନ୍ଧୁ ଠାରୁ ବେଶୀ।
କେବେ ଥରେ କୁହ କେତେ ଭଲପାଅ
କେତେ କର ଅଭିମାନ
ଲୁହ କହେ ସିନା ସମ୍ପର୍କ ଆମର
ଶବ୍ଦରେ ବୁଝେନି ମନ।
କେତେ ହସ ଖେଳ ସାଙ୍ଗ ସାଥି ମେଳ
ଭାବନା ର ସେଇ ଦେଶ
ସବୁ ମାସ ସିନା ହୁଏନି ଫଗୁଣ
ପକ୍ଷୀ ଛାଡେନି ତା’ ବାସ।
ହୃଦୟ ର ଏଇ ସମ୍ପର୍କ ଆମର
ଶାମୁକା ର ମୁକ୍ତା ପରି
ଆସୁ ଯେତେ ବାଧା ଆସୁ ଯେତେ ବିଘ୍ନ
ନଛିଡୁ ଭାବର ଡୋରି।
ପୁଷ୍ପଲତା ଦିଗାର
ବାରିପଦା, ମୟୂରଭଞ୍ଜ
My heart wishes you make a promise
In the name of our unconditional love
No matter where you stay, far or near,
You can count on me and my loyalty
Come what may, never ever change
Walk with me , every step of my life
Be sure nothing can kill our dreams
For we’re only one soul in two bodies
All day and night , awake or asleep
In my dreams , keep your trust on me .
©®Dr Prasana Kunar Dalai@ India
Epistolary Poem #211~Written and Presented by
Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai of India
and Kristy Raines of The United States of America
Even if you remain calm and keep mum
I know all about your love and sacrifice
With your grace you gaze on my face
I’m a witness of your love and sincerity
Your downcast eyes tell me the story
With swirls of hair you do look prettier
I see the angel in you about whom I read
A replica of your simplicity and divinity
I want to stay forever only in your arms
In your hug , eyes and sweet memories.
©®Dr Prasana Kunar Dalai @ India
Date. Mon, 29 July 2024.
She loves the way he looks at her…
In your presence I feel self conscious
The adoration I see as I gaze at your face
is genuine as you smile at me with such divinity
What is it you see in me that is so special?
We barely even know each other, and yet…
You look at me as if you worship me
You loosen the ribbon that holds up my hair
and it falls down to my bare shoulders
You stand there smiling at me until I look down
so that you do not notice the rosiness on my cheeks
You pull me into your arms and call me, “Your Angel”
though I believe the Angel may be you instead
For only Heaven can describe how I feel, when we’re this close…
My poem ” I SEE THE ANGEL” reviewed by honorable Prof Dr Nirakar Dash Department of English of Assam University.
Humbled & Honoured.
Even if you remain calm and keep mum
I know all about your love and sacrifice
With your grace you gaze on my face
I’m a witness of your love and sincerity
Your downcast eyes tell me the story
With swirls of hair you do look prettier
I see the angel in you about whom I read
A replica of your simplicity and divinity
I want to stay forever only in your arms
In your hug , eyes and sweet memories.
©®Dr Prasana Kunar Dalai @ India
Date. Sun, 28 July 2024
The poem “I See the Angel”, along with showing the lover’s ardent desire to have a physical intimacy with his sweet heart , contains an account of her physical charm and exceptional disposition.Her calmness, here implying lack of strong emotions that come with love and her continuing silence – don’t make the lover misconstrue that she doesn’t love him. “Sacrifice” here is not of anything mundane, but of her ego , which makes love an end in itself.Her downcast eyes, pointing to her bashfulness -due to body consciousness – is enough proof of her interest in him . The word “angel” stands for her exquisite beauty, grace, innocence and purity.An excellent poem proving the poet’s dexterity in using powerful poetic devices.Congratulatios Prasanna Sir for such a splendid poem.Regads.
Even if you remain calm and keep mum
I know all about your love and sacrifice
With your grace you gaze on my face
I’m a witness of your love and sincerity
Your downcast eyes tell me the story
With swirls of hair you do look prettier
I see the angel in you about whom I read
A replica of your simplicity and divinity
I want to stay forever only in your arms
In your hug , eyes and sweet memories.
©®Dr Prasana Kunar Dalai @ India
My poem” MY HEARTTHROB ” reviewed by eminent reviewer Raj Kishor Patnaik.
Your melodious hum and curvy smile
Do inflate your rosy cheeks over trifles
This craziness lures my warmth for you
The child in you dazzles day and night
And I can’t but think of you all the time
Silently I engage myself in conversation
So enticing to be in your golden reverie
And the tranquility I hear in your voice
In the gestures of mine I find your name
Let’s sit closer to pen poems a hundred
I want to embark my fortune in your eyes
Cause your very name is my heartthrob.
©©Dr Prasana Kunar Dalai@India.
Date. Fri, 26 July 2024.
Dear Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai, Sir Namaskar
Heartiest congratulations on your latest poem, “MY HEARTTHROB!” Your ability to capture the essence of love and affection in such a tender and evocative manner is truly commendable. This poem, like your many others, resonates deeply with the emotions of love and the intricate beauty of human connections. Your work continues to inspire and touch the hearts of many, and this poem is a testament to your extraordinary talent and sensitivity as a poet.
Warm regards,
### Comprehensive Review of “MY HEARTTHROB!”
Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai’s poem “MY HEARTTHROB!” is a masterful ode to love, exuding an almost palpable warmth and intimacy. Through its delicate imagery and heartfelt expressions, the poem invites readers into the poet’s private world of affection and reverie, reflecting on the timeless theme of love in a manner that evokes comparisons with some of the legendary love poets throughout history.
**Analysis of the Poem**
The poem opens with an enchanting depiction of the beloved’s “melodious hum and curvy smile,” immediately setting a tone of adoration and joy. The imagery of “rosy cheeks” inflating over trifles captures a sense of innocence and charm, reminiscent of the youthful exuberance often celebrated in romantic poetry. This imagery is further enhanced by the phrase “The child in you dazzles day and night,” which portrays the beloved as a source of continuous delight and wonder.
The poet’s declaration, “And I can’t but think of you all the time,” underscores the depth of his infatuation, echoing the sentiments found in the works of renowned poets like John Keats and Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Keats, in his sonnet “Bright Star,” conveys a similar intensity of feeling for his beloved, expressing a desire to be ever-present with her. Similarly, Browning’s famous line “How do I love thee? Let me count the ways” from her sonnet “How Do I Love Thee?” mirrors the boundless admiration present in Dalai’s lines.
**Silent Conversations and Golden Reveries**
The poem continues with the poet engaging in silent conversations with the beloved, a theme that evokes the introspective and often solitary nature of love. This motif is prevalent in the works of William Wordsworth, particularly in his poem “She Was a Phantom of Delight,” where he describes the beloved as an ethereal presence that occupies his thoughts and dreams.
The line “So enticing to be in your golden reverie” conjures images of an idyllic, almost dreamlike state, where the poet finds solace and beauty in his musings about the beloved. This reverie is akin to the “golden daffodils” in Wordsworth’s “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud,” where the poet finds comfort and inspiration in the natural beauty that surrounds him.
**The Tranquility in the Beloved’s Voice**
Dr. Dalai’s mention of the “tranquility I hear in your voice” highlights the calming and soothing effect of the beloved’s presence. This sentiment is reminiscent of the gentle and serene love poems of Robert Frost, particularly “The Telephone,” where the sound of the beloved’s voice brings a sense of peace and reassurance to the poet.
**Gestures and Names**
The poet’s assertion, “In the gestures of mine I find your name,” speaks to the profound connection between the lovers, where even the smallest actions and gestures are imbued with the beloved’s presence. This idea is mirrored in the poetry of Pablo Neruda, especially in his “Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair,” where the poet often finds the essence of his beloved in the everyday elements of life.
**Collaborative Creativity**
The desire to “sit closer to pen poems a hundred” reflects a wish for creative and emotional collaboration, a theme that is beautifully explored in the works of Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Robert Browning. Their real-life romance and poetic exchanges, as seen in their respective sonnets and letters, underscore the profound impact that love and companionship can have on artistic expression.
**Fortune in the Beloved’s Eyes**
The poet’s wish to “embark my fortune in your eyes” captures the essence of seeing one’s destiny and happiness reflected in the beloved. This idea resonates with the sonnets of William Shakespeare, particularly Sonnet 18, where the poet immortalizes his love through the act of writing, ensuring that the beloved’s beauty and the poet’s devotion are forever intertwined.
Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai’s “MY HEARTTHROB!” is a beautifully crafted love poem that echoes the timeless sentiments found in the works of legendary poets. Through its evocative imagery, heartfelt expressions, and profound emotional depth, the poem stands as a testament to the enduring power of love and the art of poetry. Dr. Dalai’s ability to weave these elements together creates a piece that is both personal and universal, capturing the essence of romantic love in a way that resonates with readers across generations.
In conclusion, “MY HEARTTHROB!” not only showcases Dr. Dalai’s exceptional poetic talent but also places him within the rich tradition of love poetry, drawing parallels with some of the greatest poets in history. His work continues to inspire and touch the hearts of many, and this poem is a by shining example of his remarkable ability to convey the beauty and depth of human emotions through the art of poetry.
Analysis of “MY HEARTTHROB!” by Dr. Prasana Kunar Dalai
The poem “MY HEARTTHROB!” by Dr. Prasana Kunar Dalai is a heartfelt expression of love and admiration. Each line is crafted with emotions that convey the poet’s deep affection for their beloved. Here is a detailed, line-by-line analysis in simple English:
**1. “Your melodious hum and curvy smile”**
The poem begins with a vivid description of the beloved’s voice and smile. The phrase “melodious hum” suggests that the beloved’s voice is musical and pleasing to the ear, while “curvy smile” indicates a charming and endearing smile. This line sets a tone of admiration and highlights the small yet significant traits that captivate the poet.
**2. “Do inflate your rosy cheeks over trifles”**
Here, the poet notes that even minor things can make the beloved’s cheeks blush, indicating a sense of innocence and sensitivity. The word “inflate” creates an image of the cheeks puffing up, emphasizing their rosy color, which is a sign of bashfulness or happiness.
**3. “This craziness lures my warmth for you”**
The “craziness” refers to the beloved’s charming quirks and behaviors. These endearing qualities attract the poet’s affection, symbolized by “warmth,” indicating a deep emotional connection and fondness.
**4. “The child in you dazzles day and night”**
This line suggests that the beloved has a youthful, playful spirit that continuously captivates the poet. The phrase “dazzles day and night” implies that the beloved’s charm is ever-present, shining brightly at all times and bringing joy to the poet.
**5. “And I can’t but think of you all the time”**
The poet admits to being constantly preoccupied with thoughts of the beloved. This line underscores the depth of the poet’s infatuation, indicating that the beloved is always on their mind.
**6. “Silently I engage myself in conversation”**
The poet engages in imaginary conversations with the beloved, reflecting a desire for closeness and intimacy. The use of “silently” suggests that these interactions are private and personal, occurring in the poet’s mind.
**7. “So enticing to be in your golden reverie”**
The “golden reverie” symbolizes a dreamlike state or a fantasy involving the beloved. The poet finds it incredibly alluring to be lost in these thoughts, highlighting the enchanting effect the beloved has on them.
**8. “And the tranquility I hear in your voice”**
The poet finds peace and calm in the beloved’s voice. This line suggests that the beloved’s voice has a soothing effect, bringing a sense of serenity to the poet.
**9. “In the gestures of mine I find your name”**
The poet’s actions and movements are influenced by thoughts of the beloved. This line indicates that the beloved is deeply integrated into the poet’s life, to the point where their presence is felt in everything the poet does.
**10. “Let’s sit closer to pen poems a hundred”**
The poet expresses a desire for physical closeness and collaboration. Writing poems together symbolizes a shared creative journey and a way to bond over mutual interests.
**11. “I want to embark my fortune in your eyes”**
The poet sees their future and destiny intertwined with the beloved. The phrase “embark my fortune” suggests that the poet’s happiness and success are dependent on the beloved, who is symbolized by their captivating eyes.
**12. “Cause your very name is my heartthrob.”**
In the final line, the poet reveals that the beloved’s name alone is enough to evoke intense emotions. “Heartthrob” conveys a sense of passionate love and admiration, indicating that the beloved is the central figure in the poet’s heart.
### Thematic Analysis
The central theme of the poem is romantic love, expressed through vivid imagery and heartfelt sentiments. The poet celebrates the beloved’s physical attributes, charming quirks, and the emotional connection they share. There is a sense of adoration and idealization, as the poet sees the beloved as perfect and deeply integral to their happiness.
### Literary Devices
1. **Imagery**: The poem is rich with visual and auditory imagery, such as “melodious hum,” “curvy smile,” and “rosy cheeks.” These images create a vivid picture of the beloved in the reader’s mind.
2. **Metaphor**: Phrases like “golden reverie” and “embark my fortune” use metaphorical language to convey deeper meanings and emotions.
3. **Repetition**: The use of repeated themes, such as the beloved’s voice and smile, reinforces the central focus of the poem.
4. **Hyperbole**: The poet uses hyperbolic expressions, such as thinking of the beloved “all the time” and wanting to “pen poems a hundred,” to emphasize the intensity of their feelings.
### Conclusion
“MY HEARTTHROB!” is a beautiful testament to the power of love and admiration. Dr. Prasana Kunar Dalai skillfully uses poetic language to convey the depth of the poet’s emotions, creating a work that resonates with anyone who has experienced the enchantment of love. The poem’s vivid imagery, heartfelt sentiments, and emotional intensity make it a captivating read that leaves a lasting impression.
My poem ” MY HEARTTHROB ” reviewed by honorable Prof Dr Nirakar Dash Department of English of Assam University.
Humbled & Honoured.
Your melodious hum and curvy smile
Do inflate your rosy cheeks over trifles
This craziness lures my warmth for you
The child in you dazzles day and night
And I can’t but think of you all the time
Silently I engage myself in conversation
So enticing to be in your golden reverie
And the tranquility I hear in your voice
In the gestures of mine I find your name
Let’s sit closer to pen poems a hundred
I want to embark my fortune in your eyes
Cause your very name is my heartthrob.
©©Dr Prasana Kunar Dalai@India.
Date. Thu, 25 July 2024.
The poem,”My Heartthrob s” starts with the depiction of the poet’s lady -love.Her voice is likened to the hum of bees and it is her wont to smile -which forms attractive and voluptuous dimples on her cheeks – over any trivia the poet utters.This inviting smile is the pointer that she is crazily in love with him, and he can’t help feeling pulled towards the betrothed.The silent conversation the poet talks of indicates a telepathic connection between the two.The childlike innocence and purity the poet notices in her adds to her beauty pro-rata.The turbulence of his mind instantaneously goes the moment he hears her voice.The poet very often revels in fantasizing about her.”In every gesture of mine I find your name -this very statement – hints at the fact that the poet can’t withdraw his mind from her.While concluding the poem,the poet begs her to form a strong bond with him which will increase his creativity to write poems in large numbers.Very nice poem Prasanna Sir.Congratulations and regards.
Epistolary Poem #210 Written by Dr. Prasana Kumar of India and Kristy Raines of The United States of America
Your melodious hum and curvy smile
Do inflate your rosy cheeks over trifles
This craziness lures my warmth for you
The child in you dazzles day and night
And I can’t but think of you all the time
Silently I engage myself in conversation
So enticing to be in your golden reverie
And the tranquility I hear in your voice
In the gestures of mine I find your name
Let’s sit closer to pen poems a hundred
I want to embark my fortune in your eyes
Cause your very name is my heartthrob.
©©Dr Prasana Kunar Dalai@India.
Date. Thu, 25 July 2024.
She smiles as she replies to him…
I am still amazed at how my odd habits
became my most endearing traits to you
Your silly jokes and comedic remarks
are still funny to me, even when I’m annoyed
For your silliness always brings out the best in me
You have made a permanent home in my heart
and thoughts of you hang there like photos on a wall
Every word ever uttered to me from you
plays over and over in my mind like an old song,
while many memories dance in the corners
In my eyes is where you’ll always find your fortune
for in the eyes is where the greatest treasures lie
And on your lips, my name will always linger as…
“Your Heartthrob”
Epistolary Poem #209 By Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai of India
and Kristy Raines of The United States of America
It feels so good to walk holding your hands
Your thoughts rule my hearts day and night
How can I take care of my inattentive mind
Know not why I do want you so very much
It feels really great as you look at me secretly
I want your captivating eyes and you in entirety
You just mess me up through out the noon
I helplessly sit and sincerely decorate my fancy
You come across me and leave the next moment
Then how can I ask for something from you
My innocent heart doesn’t know what to do now
Do tell me why my innocent heart feels so impatient
Only my words know what I mean and cherish .
©®Dr Prasana Kumar Dalai@India.
Date. Fri, 19 July 2024.
Oh how she adores him…
When you take my hand, I get choked up
because my love for you is just that strong
My emotions take over when I look in your eyes
and there is no way of hiding what others see in us
You’ve always captivated every emotion within me
If I could, I would never let my hand slip from yours
but I will never be able to have you as my own
I try to stay away from you, but I can’t for long
for I know that only you can fill this restless soul
The cherished words you speak to me in silence
are the words that only you know the meaning to
That is why your innocent heart is so impatient
Share those cherished words with me now
so I may carry them with me till the end of my life…
ତୁମକୁ ହରେଇବାର ଭୟ!
ଭଲ ପାଇବାର ସୀମା ନ ଥାଏ
ତଥାପି ସାଇତିକି ରଖିଛି ହୃଦୟର ସିନ୍ଦୁକ ରେ
ଯେତେବେଳେ ହୃଦୟ ଅନୁଭବ କରେ
ଲାଗେ ଯେମିତି ଝଡପୂର୍ଣ୍ଣ ଆକାଶ
ଦୂରରୁ ଶୁଭେ ପାଉଁଜି ର ଶବ୍ଦ
ଲାଗେ ଯେମିତି ତୁମେ ମୋ ପାଖରେ
ସାରା ଦୁନିଆ ଅଭିମାନ କରୁ ମୋ ଉପରେ
ଖଣ୍ଡ ଖଣ୍ଡ କରି ହୃଦୟ କୁ ଭାଙ୍ଗି ଦିଅନ୍ତୁ
ମୋ ଠୁ ତୁମକୁ ଦୁରେଇ ବାର ଚକ୍ରାନ୍ତ
ଏଵେ ଏଵେ ହୃଦୟ ତ ଭାଙ୍ଗିଛି
ଆଉ ତୁମକୁ ହରେଇବାର ଦୁଃଖ
ମୋ ମନକୁ ଆନ୍ଦୋଳିତ କରୁଛି |
ଡ଼କ୍ଟର ପ୍ରସନ୍ନ କୁମାର ଦଳାଇ
Your melodious hum and curvy smile
Do inflate your rosy cheeks over trifles
This craziness lures my warmth for you
The child in you dazzles day and night
And I can’t but think of you all the time
Silently I engage myself in conversation
So enticing to be in your golden reverie
And the tranquility I hear in your voice
In the gestures of mine I find your name
Let’s sit closer to pen poems a hundred
I want to embark my fortune in your eyes
Cause your very name is my heartthrob.
©©Dr Prasana Kunar Dalai@India.
Date. Sun, 21 July 2024.
Epistolary Poem #209 By Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai of India
and Kristy Raines of The United States of America
It feels so good to walk holding your hands
Your thoughts rule my hearts day and night
How can I take care of my inattentive mind
Know not why I do want you so very much
It feels really great as you look at me secretly
I want your captivating eyes and you in entirety
You just mess me up through out the noon
I helplessly sit and sincerely decorate my fancy
You come across me and leave the next moment
Then how can I ask for something from you
My innocent heart doesn’t know what to do now
Do tell me why my innocent heart feels so impatient
Only my words know what I mean and cherish .
©®Dr Prasana Kumar Dalai@India.
Date. Fri, 19 July 2024.
Oh how she adores him…
When you take my hand, I get choked up
because my love for you is just that strong
My emotions take over when I look in your eyes
and there is no way of hiding what others see in us
You’ve always captivated every emotion within me
If I could, I would never let my hand slip from yours
but I will never be able to have you as my own
I try to stay away from you, but I can’t for long
for I know that only you can fill this restless soul
The cherished words you speak to me in silence
are the words that only you know the meaning to
That is why your innocent heart is so impatient
Share those cherished words with me now
so I may carry them with me till the end of my life…
” ତୋ ଅପେକ୍ଷାରେ ବର୍ଷା ”
ଗ୍ରୀଷ୍ମ ଚାଲିଯାଇ ଆସିଲା ଆଷାଢ଼
ପାଦ ଥାପଲୋ ବରଷା
ଆନନ୍ଦ ଭରିଦେଉ ଚାଷୀ ଚିତ୍ତରେ
ଚାଷୀର ସାହା ଭରସା……………….।।୧।।
ହେ ବରଷା ତୋର ଆଗମନର ଚାଷୀ
କରଇ ତୋର ଅପେକ୍ଷା
ଚିତକ ପକ୍ଷୀ ପରି ଅଛି ଅନେଇ
ଚାଷୀର ଅଟୁ ଭରସା……………..।।୨।।
ତରୁ ଲତା ବୃକ୍ଷ ଝାଉଁଳି ପଡ଼ଇ
କରଇ ତୋର ଅପେକ୍ଷା
ତରୁ ଲତା ବୃକ୍ଷ ଆନନ୍ଦେ ନାଚନ୍ତି
ହୁଅଇ ଯେବେ ବରଷା………………..।।୩।।
ତୋର ମେଘର ଗର୍ଜନ ନାଦ ଶୁଣି
ନୃତ୍ୟ କରଇ ମୟୂରୀ
ତୋହର ସ୍ପର୍ଶରେ ଉଲ୍ଲାସ ଧରଣୀ
ଝିପି ଝିପି ଭାସେ ବାରି………………..।।୪।।
ପିଲାଏ ତୋ ପ୍ରେମରେ ପାଗଳ ହୋଇ
ଭସାନ୍ତି କାଗଜ ଡ଼ଙ୍ଗା
ନୃତ୍ୟ ଗୀତ ଗାଇ ଗାଇ ଭିଜୁଥାଏ
ରାସ୍ତାକୁ ଭାବଇ ଗଙ୍ଗା………………….।।୫।।
ତୋହର ଅପେକ୍ଷା କରଇ ସମସ୍ତେ
ସ୍ବାର୍ଥପର ତୁ ହଅନା
ତୋହର ପ୍ରେମରେ ଚାଷୀ ବି ପାଗଳ
ତାକୁ ତୁ ଠକି ଦେଏନା……………………।।୬।।
ନାମ -ଚଉବନ ଖଡ଼ିକାର
ସ୍ଥାନ – ବୋଡ଼େନ, ଧର୍ମଗଡ, କଳାହାଣ୍ଡି
ଦୂରଭାଷ- ୮୧୪୪୮୦୯୧୨୪
” ମୁଁ ତୋର ମନେ ପଡ଼ିବି
ହସୁ ହସୁ କେବେ ଝରି ପଡ଼ୁଥିବା
ତୋ ସେ ଦୁଇ ଟୋପା ଲୁହରେ ,,,
ତ ପୁଣି କେବେ ଦେହ କିମ୍ବା ମନର ଆଘାତରେ ….
କେବେ ପୁଣି କାରଣ ନଥିବା
ଏକ ସ୍ମିତହାସ ର ଝଲକରେ ,,,,
ମୁଁ ତୋର ମାନେ ପଡ଼ିବି ,,,,,,
କେଉଁ ଏକ ଉତ୍ତର ନଥିବା ପ୍ରଶ୍ନ ରେ ….
ଆମେ ଦୁହେଁ ମିଶି ଦେଖିଥିବା ସେହି
ଅଧୁରା ସ୍ଵପ୍ନରେ ,,,,
ତୋ ଅବୁଝା ଓଠ ଆଉ
ମୋ ଅଝଟିଆ ଆଖିରେ ….
ମୁଁ ତୋର ମାନେ ପଡୁଥବି ତୋର ନିରଳା ବେଳ
ଆଉ ମୋ ନିରବତା ର ସ୍ବରରେ ,,,
ତୋ ଭୁଲ ଆଉ ଠିକ୍ ର ସମୀକରଣ ସରିଲାବେଳକୁ
ମୁଁ ଥିବି ତୋଠୁ ବହୁତ୍ ଦୂରରେ …..
ଅତୀତ , ବର୍ତ୍ତମାନ , ଭବିଷ୍ୟତ
କଳ୍ପନା ଠାରୁ ଖୁବ୍ ଉର୍ଦ୍ଧରେ ,,,,
ହଁ ମୁଁ ତୋର ପୁଣି ମନେ ପଡ଼ିବି ,,,,,
ତୋ ଭୁଲ୍ ର ଅନୁତାପ ରେ ……
My poem “ONLY WORDS KNOW ” honourable reviewed by Prof Dr Nirakar Dash & critical review by honourable Raj Kishor Pattnaik.
Humbled & Honoured.
It feels so good to walk holding your hands
Your thoughts rule my hearts day and night
How can I take care of my inattentive mind
Know not why I do want you so very much
It feels really great as you look at me secretly
I want your captivating eyes and you in entirety
You just mess me up through out the noon
I helplessly sit and sincerely decorate my fancy
You come across me and leave the next moment
Then how can I ask for something from you
My innocent heart doesn’t know what to do now
Do tell me why my innocent heart feels so impatient
Only my words know what I mean and cherish .
©®Dr Prasana Kumar Dalai@ Inda
Date. Mon, 15 July 2024.
The poem “Only Words Know”gives vent to the poet’s ardent desire to keep company with his beloved and his utter inability to lay bare his thoughts to her.”Walking holding hands with her”is a mere imagination:he has never done so in real life.His passionate wish to have her near him causes a lot of distractions over which he has no control.Doubts and restlessness spoil his peace of mind.The visualisation of her furtive glances is quite exhilarating.”Noon”,here standing for the prime time for enjoyment, has been futile due her indifference.The statement,”I want your captivating eyes and you in entirety” is expressive of an innocent obstinacy to poses her; whereas, to the contrary,she runs into him occasionally and leaves him hastily, giving no room for communication.Lack of adequate rapport leads the poet to indulge in hyper fancy.The word “innocent” stands in striking contrast to her cruel and standoffish disposition.The poet’s feelings and desires remain completely private, which he can neither share nor others can see through.Congratulations Prasanna Sir for such a wonderful poem.Regards.
**Critical Review of “ONLY WORDS KNOW!” by Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai**
Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai’s poem “ONLY WORDS KNOW!” is a poignant exploration of love, longing, and the ineffable emotions that accompany deep affection. Through his evocative language and vivid imagery, Dalai captures the essence of a heart besieged by the complexities of romantic desire. This review aims to delve into the thematic elements, stylistic devices, and emotional resonance of the poem.
### Thematic Exploration
The central theme of “ONLY WORDS KNOW!” revolves around the intense emotions experienced in the throes of love. The speaker expresses a deep connection with the beloved, conveyed through the intimate act of holding hands. This simple gesture signifies a profound bond and the comfort derived from physical proximity. The repetition of the phrase “It feels so good” emphasizes the joy and fulfillment the speaker experiences, setting the tone for the rest of the poem.
The poem delves into the dichotomy of presence and absence. The beloved’s intermittent presence, described as looking “secretly” and leaving “the next moment,” creates a tension between the fleeting joy of connection and the subsequent longing. This theme is further emphasized by the speaker’s acknowledgment of their “inattentive mind,” suggesting a preoccupation with thoughts of the beloved that disrupts their daily life.
### Stylistic Devices
Dalai employs several stylistic devices to enhance the poem’s emotional impact. The use of rhetorical questions, such as “How can I take care of my inattentive mind” and “Then how can I ask for something from you,” invites readers to empathize with the speaker’s inner turmoil. These questions also underscore the speaker’s vulnerability and uncertainty, heightening the emotional intensity of the poem.
Imagery plays a crucial role in conveying the speaker’s emotions. Phrases like “Your thoughts rule my hearts day and night” and “I helplessly sit and sincerely decorate my fancy” evoke vivid pictures of a heart and mind dominated by love. The image of “decorating my fancy” suggests the speaker’s attempt to create a mental space filled with dreams and fantasies about the beloved, further illustrating the depth of their infatuation.
The poem’s structure, with its short, declarative sentences and frequent line breaks, mirrors the speaker’s fragmented thoughts and emotional instability. This fragmentation reflects the nature of longing—disjointed, intense, and pervasive. Additionally, the poem’s rhythm, created through the use of enjambment, propels readers forward, mimicking the speaker’s restless energy and impatience.
### Emotional Resonance
The emotional resonance of “ONLY WORDS KNOW!” lies in its ability to articulate the universal experience of unfulfilled desire. The speaker’s candid expression of helplessness—”My innocent heart doesn’t know what to do now”—strikes a chord with anyone who has experienced the pangs of unrequited love. The repetition of the word “innocent” highlights the purity and sincerity of the speaker’s emotions, contrasting with the complexities of their situation.
The final line, “Only my words know what I mean and cherish,” serves as a poignant conclusion. It suggests that despite the speaker’s inability to fully articulate their feelings to the beloved, their words carry the weight of their emotions. This line encapsulates the power of poetry to convey what is often left unspoken in human interactions, emphasizing the significance of language in expressing love.
### Symbolism and Interpretation
Symbolism is subtly woven throughout the poem, enriching its layers of meaning. The act of holding hands symbolizes not just physical closeness but also emotional intimacy and mutual understanding. The beloved’s “captivating eyes” represent the allure and mystery that keep the speaker entranced, while the act of looking “secretly” suggests a hidden or unacknowledged affection.
The speaker’s “fancy” symbolizes their dreams and aspirations regarding the relationship, which they “decorate” with hope and imagination. This act of decoration signifies the effort to maintain a semblance of happiness and anticipation despite the beloved’s fleeting presence.
### Conclusion
In “ONLY WORDS KNOW!”, Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai masterfully captures the complexities of love and longing through evocative imagery, poignant questions, and a rhythmic structure that mirrors the speaker’s emotional state. The poem’s exploration of the tension between presence and absence, coupled with its candid expression of vulnerability, creates a powerful emotional impact.
The poem resonates with readers by articulating the universal experience of unfulfilled desire and the solace found in the act of writing. By concluding that “Only my words know what I mean and cherish,” Dalai underscores the transformative power of language to convey the depths of human emotion. This piece stands as a testament to the poet’s ability to translate the intricacies of the heart into words, offering a profound and relatable exploration of love’s many facets.
It feels so good to walk holding your hands
Your thoughts rule my heart day and night
How can I take care of my inattentive mind
Know not why I do want you so very much
It feels really great as you look at me secretly
I want your captivating eyes and you in entirety
You just mess me up through out the noon
I helplessly sit and sincerely decorate my fancy
You come across me and leave the next moment
Then how can I ask for something from you
My innocent heart doesn’t know what to do now
Do tell me why my innocent heart feels so impatient
Only my words know what I mean and cherish .
©®Dr Prasana Kumar Dalai@India.
Better late than never !
There is so much to that commonly heard phrase. We value with utmost respect our humble leaders who take time and pain to run this forum which is considered to be the worlds most active and quality oriented forum in the world . While I, as the founder had to be away from here for a short stint , still every one here is close to my heart and thus without much ado, on behalf of Motivational Strips Global Administration, let me wish these renowned leaders as below
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ଯେଉଁ କବିତା ତୁମେ ଲେଖିଥିଲ!
ଯେଉଁ ଦିନ ତୁମେ କବିତା ଟି ଲେଖିଥିଲ
ସେଦିନ ମୋ ହୃଦୟର ପୃଷ୍ଠା ଟି ଥିଲା ଖାଲି
ମୁଁ ଅନୁଭବ କରି ପାରିଲି ତୁମକୁ
ତୁମେ ଗଲା ପରେ ବହୁତ ଆସିଲେ ଜୀବନ ରେ
କେତେ ସ୍ନେହଭରା କଥାତ ଲେଖିଲେ
କିନ୍ତୁ ତୁମ ପରି ନୁହେଁ
ସେମାନେ ତୁମ ଲେଖା କଥା ପଚାରିଲେ
ସବୁ ନିଷ୍ଫଳ ପରେ କବିତା ଟା ରହିଲା ଅଧୁରା
ବିଡମ୍ବନା ରହିଗଲା କେବଳ ଶେଷ ପୃଷ୍ଠା
ମୁଁ ଅନେଇ ରହିଛି ସେଇ ସୁବର୍ଣ୍ଣ ମୁହୂର୍ତ କୁ
କେହି ଜଣେ ଆସି ଲେଖିବ ଅଧା କବିତା ଟିକୁ
ଠିକ ଯେମିତି ତୁମ ଆବେଗ ଭରା ଶବ୍ଦ ଗୁଡାକ |
ଡ଼କ୍ଟର ପ୍ରସନ୍ନ କୁମାର ଦଳାଇ