Collaboration #114
Presented by the King and Queen of Romantic Collaborations!
DrPrasana Kumar of India and Kristy Raines of The United States of America


I will never be the same
That is only love lost their meaning for me
We have lost all glories
It was just used to be
There is such an ache in my heart
Since we are apart
Though pain and mixed emotions a lot
That tiny smile may you hide
Right now I am drowning down deep inside
There is nothing glory beside
Love is never be the same
Behind your shadows of smile.

©®Dr.Prasana Kumar@India

Her lonely heart cries as she writes this letter..


We promised each other we would never give up
Your future was never meant to be without me
Glory is never lost, it can only be thrown away
And I will never settle for a life of Used to Be’s
My heart aches as I write this letter to you
You think my small smile is hiding unhappiness
But it is only because of my concern for you
And I will save you from drowning.. I always will
My love will never change for you no matter what
But life could never be the same without you
So, hold on to me and we will crawl out of this
hole together and our love will be even better.

I Promise… <3

May 25, 2023

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About the Author: Admin

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