Humbled and Honoured.
Dr.Prasana Kumar Dalai.: Epistolary poem #184 By Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai of India and
Kristy Ann Raines of The United States of America
You tread this way every day
I often meet you on your way
In silence, we speak together
Feelings said but a few unsaid
With a little shyness in your eyes
And cherubic smile on your lips
Some haughtiness in loving ire
The butterfly and flower can’t play
You must have penned those thoughts
Might have torn them apart many a time
You’re bashful in front of your friends
Things of two hearts remain unread.
©®Dr Prasana Kumar Dalai@India.
She breaks her silence with him…
We walk the same road every day
You walking one way and I another
We need rarely to ever speak when we pass
because we can read each other’s looks
What is never said speaks the loudest
We know what is there, and what is not
You poke at me and I play along
I get silent and make you wonder if I am mad
We play this wicked game but laugh under our breaths
But we do complement each other like the butterfly and flower
I have written these feelings down many times
Although, many times have I had to rewrite them
I need not brag to any friends but keep quiet
About things that two hearts left unread.
February,01 2024.
Dr.Prasana Kumar Dalai.: Congratulations to the esteemed poets, Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai and Kristy Ann Raines, on the creation of two captivating poems that delve into the intricacies of unspoken emotions and connections. Their collaborative effort has resulted in a poetic dialogue that transcends borders, blending the nuances of Indian and American perspectives seamlessly.
In “Things Remain Unread,” Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai crafts a poem that beautifully captures the subtleties of a daily encounter. The repetition of “You tread this way every day” sets the rhythm and emphasizes the routine nature of the interaction. The silence between the two characters becomes a language of its own, a shared dialogue of unspoken words. The poet skillfully weaves together images of shyness, a cherubic smile, and haughtiness in loving ire, creating a tapestry of emotions that remain unresolved.
The metaphor of the butterfly and flower unable to play signifies a poignant separation, hinting at the complexities of the relationship. Dr. Dalai suggests that the other person, likely a romantic interest, has penned thoughts but may have torn them apart out of bashfulness or uncertainty. The poet’s choice of words, such as “bashful” and “unread,” conveys a sense of vulnerability and unexpressed sentiments, resonating with readers on a deep emotional level.
Moving to Kristy Ann Raines’ response in “Things Two Hearts Left Unread,” the poem takes a different yet complementary tone. The repetition of “We walk the same road every day” echoes the familiarity of the setting but introduces a divergence, with each person walking in their own direction. This mirrors the individuality within the shared journey of life.