Only Words

My poem “ONLY WORDS KNOW ” honourable reviewed by Prof Dr Nirakar Dash & critical review by honourable Raj Kishor Pattnaik.
Humbled & Honoured.


It feels so good to walk holding your hands
Your thoughts rule my hearts day and night
How can I take care of my inattentive mind
Know not why I do want you so very much
It feels really great as you look at me secretly
I want your captivating eyes and you in entirety
You just mess me up through out the noon
I helplessly sit and sincerely decorate my fancy
You come across me and leave the next moment
Then how can I ask for something from you
My innocent heart doesn’t know what to do now
Do tell me why my innocent heart feels so impatient
Only my words know what I mean and cherish .

©®Dr Prasana Kumar Dalai@ Inda
Date. Mon, 15 July 2024.


The poem “Only Words Know”gives vent to the poet’s ardent desire to keep company with his beloved and his utter inability to lay bare his thoughts to her.”Walking holding hands with her”is a mere imagination:he has never done so in real life.His passionate wish to have her near him causes a lot of distractions over which he has no control.Doubts and restlessness spoil his peace of mind.The visualisation of her furtive glances is quite exhilarating.”Noon”,here standing for the prime time for enjoyment, has been futile due her indifference.The statement,”I want your captivating eyes and you in entirety” is expressive of an innocent obstinacy to poses her; whereas, to the contrary,she runs into him occasionally and leaves him hastily, giving no room for communication.Lack of adequate rapport leads the poet to indulge in hyper fancy.The word “innocent” stands in striking contrast to her cruel and standoffish disposition.The poet’s feelings and desires remain completely private, which he can neither share nor others can see through.Congratulations Prasanna Sir for such a wonderful poem.Regards.


**Critical Review of “ONLY WORDS KNOW!” by Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai**

Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai’s poem “ONLY WORDS KNOW!” is a poignant exploration of love, longing, and the ineffable emotions that accompany deep affection. Through his evocative language and vivid imagery, Dalai captures the essence of a heart besieged by the complexities of romantic desire. This review aims to delve into the thematic elements, stylistic devices, and emotional resonance of the poem.

### Thematic Exploration

The central theme of “ONLY WORDS KNOW!” revolves around the intense emotions experienced in the throes of love. The speaker expresses a deep connection with the beloved, conveyed through the intimate act of holding hands. This simple gesture signifies a profound bond and the comfort derived from physical proximity. The repetition of the phrase “It feels so good” emphasizes the joy and fulfillment the speaker experiences, setting the tone for the rest of the poem.

The poem delves into the dichotomy of presence and absence. The beloved’s intermittent presence, described as looking “secretly” and leaving “the next moment,” creates a tension between the fleeting joy of connection and the subsequent longing. This theme is further emphasized by the speaker’s acknowledgment of their “inattentive mind,” suggesting a preoccupation with thoughts of the beloved that disrupts their daily life.

### Stylistic Devices

Dalai employs several stylistic devices to enhance the poem’s emotional impact. The use of rhetorical questions, such as “How can I take care of my inattentive mind” and “Then how can I ask for something from you,” invites readers to empathize with the speaker’s inner turmoil. These questions also underscore the speaker’s vulnerability and uncertainty, heightening the emotional intensity of the poem.

Imagery plays a crucial role in conveying the speaker’s emotions. Phrases like “Your thoughts rule my hearts day and night” and “I helplessly sit and sincerely decorate my fancy” evoke vivid pictures of a heart and mind dominated by love. The image of “decorating my fancy” suggests the speaker’s attempt to create a mental space filled with dreams and fantasies about the beloved, further illustrating the depth of their infatuation.

The poem’s structure, with its short, declarative sentences and frequent line breaks, mirrors the speaker’s fragmented thoughts and emotional instability. This fragmentation reflects the nature of longing—disjointed, intense, and pervasive. Additionally, the poem’s rhythm, created through the use of enjambment, propels readers forward, mimicking the speaker’s restless energy and impatience.

### Emotional Resonance

The emotional resonance of “ONLY WORDS KNOW!” lies in its ability to articulate the universal experience of unfulfilled desire. The speaker’s candid expression of helplessness—”My innocent heart doesn’t know what to do now”—strikes a chord with anyone who has experienced the pangs of unrequited love. The repetition of the word “innocent” highlights the purity and sincerity of the speaker’s emotions, contrasting with the complexities of their situation.

The final line, “Only my words know what I mean and cherish,” serves as a poignant conclusion. It suggests that despite the speaker’s inability to fully articulate their feelings to the beloved, their words carry the weight of their emotions. This line encapsulates the power of poetry to convey what is often left unspoken in human interactions, emphasizing the significance of language in expressing love.

### Symbolism and Interpretation

Symbolism is subtly woven throughout the poem, enriching its layers of meaning. The act of holding hands symbolizes not just physical closeness but also emotional intimacy and mutual understanding. The beloved’s “captivating eyes” represent the allure and mystery that keep the speaker entranced, while the act of looking “secretly” suggests a hidden or unacknowledged affection.

The speaker’s “fancy” symbolizes their dreams and aspirations regarding the relationship, which they “decorate” with hope and imagination. This act of decoration signifies the effort to maintain a semblance of happiness and anticipation despite the beloved’s fleeting presence.

### Conclusion

In “ONLY WORDS KNOW!”, Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai masterfully captures the complexities of love and longing through evocative imagery, poignant questions, and a rhythmic structure that mirrors the speaker’s emotional state. The poem’s exploration of the tension between presence and absence, coupled with its candid expression of vulnerability, creates a powerful emotional impact.

The poem resonates with readers by articulating the universal experience of unfulfilled desire and the solace found in the act of writing. By concluding that “Only my words know what I mean and cherish,” Dalai underscores the transformative power of language to convey the depths of human emotion. This piece stands as a testament to the poet’s ability to translate the intricacies of the heart into words, offering a profound and relatable exploration of love’s many facets.

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About the Author: Dr. Prasanna Kumar Dalai

A Famous English Poet From India

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