Collaboration #125

Collaboration # 125 Written by DrPrasana Kumare of India and Kristy Raines of The United States of America


My heart is pining ; listen to my throbs
Let me count our precious heartbeats
From every part of my life I ‘ve lived
I ‘ve chosen some priceless moments
That I love and I want to live with you
All the moves I vow to make with you
No matter what the consequences be
Will walk by you to get myself tangled
These moments shall not come again
Treasure & not let them just pass by.

©®Dr.Prasana Kumar Dalai@India.
Date Sun,11 Jun 2023.

She responds as she remembers those memories…


I listen to the throbs of your heartbeat
Could ours beat any faster than when together?
You have always lived life to the very fullest
Many of the best memories are of us
laughing and talking of the future as we
watched the shooting stars under a Summer sky
I have dreamt of a beautiful life with you
listening intently while you recite poems to me
Every step I take will be in your footsteps
and I will always follow you without remorse.
So let us savor what we have while we can
I’ll am not afraid to take a chance with you
as we entangle ourselves in a life together.
Take my hand…

June 11, 2023

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