Collaboration #159

Collaboration #159 by Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai India
and Kristy Raines United States of America.


My love has made you an enemy in a way
I’m not what I’m since I ‘ve fallen in love
Should I change my goal or hide myself
Should I forsake my life to be a monk
Truly speaking I ‘ve none but you in my mind
Should I catch hold of this dark night
Or inhale the coolness of the full moon
The light of day and night means the same
For only you ‘ve always been my inspiration
And I’m not the same since you’re gone.

©®Dr.Prasana Kumar Dalai @India.
Date.Mon,28 Aug 2023.

She gentle speaks to him…


I look at how much you have changed for the good
You may have felt comfortable in your mundane life
Being alone and safe in you sadness was your enemy
Love has changed you and taken nothing from you
Thoughts of you have also filled my mind
Does not the moon look more beautiful now
as we look at it in the dark of night together?
Give up nothing for me for I expect only love
Let me be your forever inspiration.
Love doesn’t take, it only enhances
I am with you always, even when we are not together. <3

August 28, 2023

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