My poem reviewed by eminent reviewer Prof Dr Nirakar Dash Department of English of Assam university Humbled & Honoured.


Who knows if this moment ‘ll come again
For we may or may not ever meet again
Thank God we do have these moments
Take close look at me as much you can
Who knows if our destiny ‘ll visit us again
Sit closer, I may not be around you again
Put your arms around me as we used to
Let’s worship thousand times together
Who knows if our eyes ‘ll roll tears again
Cause this moment ‘ll never come again.

©®Dr Prasana Kumar Dalai@India.
“Swift footed” time mercilessly devours youth and beauty.Men can not step in the same river twice.So the poet says ” Who knows this moment ‘ll come again. This is truism.The speaker in the poem is thankful to God because they have been granted these moments or earthly days for love , fun , and frolic.Hnger for physical proximity is clear in the sixth and seventh line of the poem. Hunger or desire presupposes fear of loss which is the keynote of the poem.”Who knows if our destiny ‘ll visit us again” reminds us of Shakespeare’s famous line:”Wiving and hanging goes by destiny”Being always beside each other is a fat lot.Hence the importance of the line:”Sit closer,I may not be around you again ” According to Tantra, going beyond body is possible only through the body”. The concept of worshipping together,possibly the goddess of love –Aphrodite or Venus — is an attempt at elevating love to a transcendental platform which Tantra promises.Worship , the very word, propels love far beyond sensuality which is not bound by time.So moment and eternity is served in the same platter .Again love pursued in the right earnest becomes worship.”Roll tears”is expressive of a kind of spiritual fulfillment and joy of union as well .To sum up the poem is a journey from the modern love to a classical one. Very nice poem Dr Prasanna Sir.Congratulations and respects.

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About the Author: Dr. Prasanna Kumar Dalai

A Famous English Poet From India

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