
God is peace
God is bliss
Do kirtan daily in timely

God is light
God is right
Pray morning and evening Daily

God is knowledge
God is courage
Realise him freely

God is love
God is truth
He act as power fully

He dewells in our heart
Worship him Daily….

God created all
In whole world
So do “pranam ” properly

Astrologer –
Sj. Jagannath Das

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Nearly and Potentially

I harbor certain ideas that I wouldn’t dare to express.

There are some words that I just cannot write because doing so makes them too real.

They are now stored inside of me.

Include Nearly and Potentially

Emotions and thoughts are in flux.

They are the parts of myself that I will never be able to forgive.

They would destroy my entire universe if I spoke them.

They wouldn’t give me the same look they used to.

If they were even able to get themselves to look at me.

I had lost my bearings.

All of my efforts would be for nothing.

Ironically, nothing but dirt was left behind.

If they don’t come out, they are only almost.


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I hope everything is going well for you

I hope you’re having a good time.

I hope you enjoy your new appearance.

I hope it’s working for you.

I’m sure your ego has always been your true best buddy.

I hope you’ve surrounded yourself with individuals that support you and can fake chuckle.

When it gets silent, I pray you don’t realize how alone you are.

I hope you don’t recall anything that happened.

Happened, but people speak about it Enough for me to know you do.


And that everything you’ve done to persuade yourself that you don’t.

You believed you could start afresh,

Mistakes, on the other hand, have a way of clinging to you like dampness in the air.

Do you have problems breathing lately?

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I would like to say,

If the chance arises.

I’d repeat the process.

Not worth the effort.

It wasn’t worth it for you.

If I could turn the clock back

And you are Eternal Sunshine in my mind,

Without a doubt, I would carry it out.

It’s harder to erase you than you might imagine.

It would be a lie, though.

Your presence is felt everywhere.

Every technology device and social media network I own,

I would use only my hands to scour my brain clean.

will demonstrate our recollections to me.

Every time I believe I have removed every image,

I discover one I missed.

If only I could slither inside my skull.

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Full of hope

The yellow glow is you. to my quickening mind.

You may read them when they calm down.

Similar to fridge magnets,

Arranging bright letters in a manner reminiscent of childhood’s simplicity and ease.

Using cautious hands,

You say “hope” To some,

My ideas were written in hieroglyphics.

Not worth the effort to understand.

I’ve been moving at full speed for a very long time.

And the path I’m on is exhausting.

When night falls, there are no streetlights.

I pose a threat to society.

I terrify the people walking by.

They are aware of events.

If they approach too closely

You cause me to lag enough to once more appreciate the surroundings.

Yes, who knew?

The sun will always shine, and the grass was green on all sides.

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How To Be Strong

He compliments my posture and inquires as to how I achieved it.

Was it something my parents pounded into me?

I took writing courses, right?

How about study?

I am aware that he believes this to be a simple inquiry.

With an easy resolution.

He is not ready for the reality.

He is unwilling to learn

That I experienced early puberty and used to slump in my seat to conceal it my rapid growth.

He doesn’t want to know that I used to try to make myself as invisible to someone

Who could always locate me as possible by collapsing my frame as much as possible.

He is unwilling to hear.

Describing the steps I took to train my shoulders to expand up and sit at their actual breadth.

He doesn’t want to be told that developing a spine is uncomfortable.

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Mirror Technique

The mother

And I aim for the concealed space

I have come this far.

Over one table

A mirror appears in my mother.

She says, “Aim here with a pool stick.”

I haven’t come that far in my life yet.

When the cue ball drops,

You are expected to know where all of the best players are.

Top players are aware of this,

You ought to be conscious of the cue ball’s landing place.

She claims, “Here, aim.

I haven’t gotten to that point in my life yet.”

My mother takes a pool stick and transforms into a mirror.

Over one table

Now that I’ve come this far,

I try to aim for the invisible spot.

The mother.

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Don’t push your kids to work hard

Do not inquire of your kids.

To aim towards remarkable lives.

While such effort may appear praiseworthy,

But that is the dumb way.

Instead, assist them in discovering the marvel.

And the wonder of daily living.

Show them how much fun tasting is.

Apples, pears, and tomatoes teach them to cry

When people and pets pass away.

Show them the limitless joy

In a hand’s contact.

And bring the commonplace to life for them.

The exceptional will handle itself.

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Bless me, Baby

Tonight, I donned my black gown.

You are my diamond and my perfume,

And after smelling like you,

I painted my lips crimson and adored my body.

Oh boy! but you dump me on the road,

Causing me to realize that you were mistaken.

You are the lucifer of my misery.

I thank you at night.

Bless me with each touch you give me

My passion with a kiss

I’ll lose blood for you.

Don’t make me run through the woods in utter despair just to see your grin.

Observing your wet eyes

Don’t fool or play tonight; simply say, “Bless me, baby.”

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Secrets of Time

Secrets of Time

I knew a junior.

With torn clothing

And cheerful eyes

I inquired about how

She discovered hope.

In an imperfect world

Love, she spoke

Lifelong love for her

I’ll die after she does.

On every vista

Through all of time

Her hands were lovely.

A map from her past

And dreams she had.

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Turns of Time

Time is running out.

Child kicking dragged me into

Chilly planet

A near-abortion

You sent that chick.

It’s almost over.

Fuck The sensation is present for me.

Largest heart

I have to admit it

Angels are present and keeping watch.

They are vigilant. Dark valley

See me leave

All time is over.

The angels scream.

So it turned out

Finally, it’s my turn.

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The canyon of

Excessive grins, and

Minor chemical imbalances

To be amended gradually

That showed up as a precipice. that you will trip and fall

Into digital images of moments

Of the things you miss and the things that don’t really affect you.

Tone and venues for creativity

I put on a pair of jeans.

Two substantial jugs

Almost completely vacant,

But in various levels anticipating the next stage of “life”

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Love is an Amazing Feeling

You protected me when

When I tried to push you away,

You were always there to pull me back.

You cherish me enough.

That I learned to love myself from you,

My better half is you.

The person I receive a call at home.

I have no idea when or how it occurs:

To fall in love with someone.

Perhaps it’s in the summertime breeze.

Perhaps the first snowfall;

Perhaps love is concealed there.

The journal’s pages can be just above your head.

Higher lip perhaps, just perhaps

Love is universal.

That which we are in every location,

Falling in love is an action

Simply the action of observing it.

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I love rain, and I am a peacock.

The possibility of rain intrigues me.

a happy shower that might come.

Raindrops pelting against the roof can be heard.

I want it to conceal my tears as well.

Because I see it attempting to do so.

I adore rain and am a peacock.

I exaggerate how happy I am.

I think I will pass away.

As it touches me, I touch the rain.

Fearing that others will witness my suffering,

The lies have made me cry.

I adore rain and am a peacock.

To be clear, I’m not

Perfect Nobody, I assert

My ideal world would embrace my imperfections.

I make efforts to be charitable and joyful.

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Newly Join Soldier

Newly enlisted soldier

Being an initial soldier.

I’m not as brave as you may assume.

Getting older

But you’d be in error.

Indeed, it was thrilling.

At a time when the government was inviting.

The possibility of valiantly fighting.

But they were mistaken.

The surroundings were muddy.

The confessions were bloody.

We believed our positions to be strong.

However, we erred.

The last couple rounds did tremble.

He believed we had prevailed.

He was in error.

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Truths Or Lies?

Oh, Lie !

Tell me why mirrors don’t reflect you;

It’s ironic that you are the truth.

Just a sigh.

Every time I invent you !

Each time I take a breath from you, I feel high;

You force me to run away from the truths;

You enable me to survive in an adverse world !

A practical glue fix my damaged components;

Becoming more enticing

Because I don’t want to be split apart !

Believing that you are an incense;

I know in my heart that you smell bad;

I have to become friends with you

Because you are the brutal truth !

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Identify Haters

The tasks I put off

So that I won’t forget, I bold them.

It might not be writer’s blog.

I’m loving to reach readers.

I need to access the whole truth for it to be really good.

A gazer I scroll through the bold, passing past doors that are slammed.

I run into former coworkers.

But most importantly,

I now understand all they have taught me,

Including the importance of keeping my secrets.

Some will continue to be as courageous as they can,

While others will eventually glimpse the light and,

Boy, will they shine and smell of fire.

Viewing the bold as you scroll.

You’re not ready for a killer poem yet,

So I’ll let them alone for the time being.

Perhaps I’m not ready to identify my haters yet.

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Contains a Memory

The beach side sunset of Golden Sea Beach

And the colorful rainbow Peach

The rain’s gentle cares.

The emotional lonely feeling.

Each has memories in it.

I regret the opportunities I’ve lost.

I have missed those boats returning inside of the Sea.

The gems I’ve discovered.

Finding something new near the waves sound.

Everyone has memories.

They shoot those moments with their smartphones and cameras.

They making the site more joyful and alive.

The transformative shift.

The source of illumination for my soul.

The scenery that gave me completeness.

Each and every moments of things has a memory.

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Life’s Forest

Every person in the forest of life is a hunter.

Pursuing love and aspirations with all of my eyes.

Of famine moving swiftly

Their heartbeats sound like thunder.

Everyone wants to be the winner,

Which leaves me wondering.

What if we take a moment to slow down?

Just take in the trip.

How about if we move contentedly with pride,

For enduring despite all the hardships we cried.


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How do I fall in love with you?

How do I fall in love with you?

To be a lover makes me nervous.

I might get lost in your beautiful smiley face.

In your deepest selfishness heart,

I might stay in your small world.

I might drown.

How can I love you?

To fall in love makes me nervous.

As a result of your absence,

I might break !

When you’re silent, it sounds strident.

I might quake !

Oh my love, in the silence of your passing.

I might nod off. A never-ending nap !

How do you love me?

To fall in love does not makes you nervous ?

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Who Are You ?

You don’t look your age,

Neither your clothing size.

You are not your name,

Nor are you a weight.

Likewise, the hue of your hair.

Alternatively, your cheeks’ dimples

All the books you read and all the words

You speak make up who you are.

When you realise you’re alone,

You become the music you sing out loud.

You are the places you have visited,

likewise the place you call home.

You’re made of such beautiful things,

But it appears that you overlooked,

The moment you decided to identify yourself,

By everything you are not.

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With You

How can I feel at easy with you?

Pretending everything is fine.

It will close a door within a screen.

Additional doors are also there.

Something approaches the front here.

If I will genuine, my tears would dry up.

I ran away from suffering out of denial, and now I’m in chains.

I’m not attached to myself.

A chance to get it going and open all the doors.

But when you do, a brand-new world emerges.

Bring the songs, bring the tears because joy and serenity are yours because I’m hurrying to the centre.

A song, a movie, and some alone time.

A glimpse of the damaged Let’s not act like it’s easy job.

I’m starting to remember that my heart is capable of breathing, laughing, and singing.

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In order for someone to feel me,

How gentle must I be?

So how pure is my skin?

To be considered “natural,” roots must be.

It doesn’t affect my health.

I drink only clean water.

How much more sinful would it be for me

To ask you to taint me, though?

Appreciate exploring sensation.

My preference is never to stay at room temperature.

Just take in a show or some sunshine

But I’m hoping that even if you remain long enough to see if I’m genuine or not,

You’ll still find me to be a treat.

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Past Memories

Past Memories

My mind is steadfastly pointing to you like the compass.

Despite my happiness.

You have become the representation of the things

Long for and the muse of my literal dreams.

Or is it only the wish

Of my soul and heart?

I have created a mental image of you.

Continues to appear, haunting my dreams.

Grim inspiration knocks at my door yet again,

With moments of true joy,

Leaving me wanting more.

More of something that is not a part of the waking world.

Helping me to find these lovely words,

Desperation and admiration.

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Trust Issue

Trust Issue

A gloomy dump, and my thoughts

You’ve hit rock bottom,

The mosquitoes in Delhi said,

Repeating my worst fear

As my bed soaked with perspiration.

Worst night of my life,

Reality sliced me like butter.

Dawn has just opened my eyes to belief.

She introduced us.

My mentor, my philosopher, always by my side.

Helped me get over my sadness,

Inspired me to work hard,

And helped me turn a new leaf.

I was born again, and the power came on.

I’m enjoying the most wonderful morning of my life.


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