Collaboration 119 Written By: DrPrasana Kumar of India and
Kristy Raines of The United States of America
My heart belongs to you
I must go where you may lead
If love is red I am colour blind
I may not see the things
That you might see
And I may do just what I should do
I am looking through the eyes of love
And can see so much
The other eyes don’t find
Still the sparkle in your eyes
Makes me realize one and all..
©® Dr.Prasana Kumar Dalai@ India
She responds in awe…
I know that your heart will always belong to me
Wherever we go makes not differnce to me
as long as we are always walking together.
Love has many colors and are not always red
But my love for you will always be crimson
I will never stop you from doing what you should
because those things are what make you who you are
But as long as you always look at me through love’s eyes
you will see the many things that others do not see in me
The sparkle in my eyes for you makes me realize many things
But what it shows me most, are the manycolors that I don’t see
in myself, and the many colors I never saw in you until now…
June 1, 2023