Collaboration #136

Collaboration 136 By:
Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai and
Kristy Raines


Looking at the world through your eyes
Everything looks pretty
Everything that passed seems to close to you
Like the pictures of yours stick to my heart
Like moon clings to the stars
Or, you will never get rid of me
Me and my shadow
We are closer than hearts that stick in a soul
When your dreams fall apart
When each passing day
And life gets more exciting
And love is either in your heart
Or in its way.

©Dr.Prasana Kumar Dalai@India.

She smiles as she responds…


I love that you notice how I look at things
You now see them as well..Not like before
There is a new gentleness about you
The closeness we have, is genuine
When you show love, you receive love
Like the pictures you save of me in your heart
or when the Moon sticks to the Stars above
Our hearts, no doubt, stick to the same soul
We are closer than your breath on my skin
When life changes, it will not change our love
For whether life is exciting or my dreams fall apart
I know that you will be right there still close to my heart
picking up any pieces…. Because your love will always live there

Never leave …<3

July 5,, 2023

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