Collaboration #152

Collaboration #152 Written by
Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai. India and Kristy Raines United States of America 🙏🙏💖


It’s hard to explain
Why the past doesn’t stop
Why it doesn’t pass away
Everything is here
Still my eyes searching more
What happened to me
I don’t get to you on time
That is not the only face
In this whole world
If she is far away
Why doesn’t she leave my heart
This impalpable pain
My past memories never let me live.

©®Dr.Prasana Kumar Dalai@India
Date.05 08. 2023.

She responds to the one whose heart she holds….


It is not so hard to explain why the pain doesn’t stop when it comes to the past
True, everything you need is there
but your eyes looked further, with curiosity
You changed and you fell in love
I am not the only face, but I am the face you found; The face that loves you for you
Distance made it even harder because my picture hangs on your heart, yet our lives remain apart.
The longing for something never had is the hardest to get over.. And it is hard on me also
Two choices are yours and these are the two
Stay painfully in the past or walk forward towards the one who waits for you….

Take a chance!

©®Kristy Raines@USA
August 5, 2023

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