Collaboration #153

Collaborations #153 by Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai India and Kristy Raines United States of America 🙏💖


All your sweet talks torment me
Do give me your heart if it is false
I can’t forget those moments,
Sweet & sour, after making me fool
Don’t look away from me
My heart is a little upset today
Let dark clouds drench love’s destiny
And straighten your open tresses
Of hair with my fingers in cold nights
Let’s disappear in a different horizon
May both of us be burnt unseen
And no one be there to take care .

©®Dr.Prasana Kumar Dalai @India.
Date.Sun,06 Aug 2023.

Only she can steal his attention…


Let me torment you with my words
My heart has always been yours
Whether sweet or sour, you move me
Foolish is, if you let me walk out the door
If I look at you, would I be able to resist?
Let my tresses warm your hands as you run your fingers through them, where dark clouds have drenched love’s destiny on a cold night. Warm me with your gaze upon me
Take me to a remote place where our love can burn while the sun goes down over a blue ocean.
Just you and me… not caring if even the moon watches and blushing as you steal my love…

August 6, 2023

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