Collaboration #160!! By Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai of India
and Kristy Raines of The United States of America
I never ever imagined in my dreams
You gave me so much attention
In my dillema you consoled me
Standing by my side all my way
Even if I’m asleep or awake
You don’t look inside me
It’s your mercy I got from you
I learnt how to smile heartfully
My face can’t hide the happiness
I got after I found you in my realm.
©©Dr.Prasana Kumar Dalai@India.
She sheds a tear as she listens… Then she speaks…
When I first met you I could tell
that I was supposed to be here for you
To help you when you needed me,
to hold you when you needed consoling,
and to love you with no condition
No matter what is happening in our lives
whether good days or bad, that never changes
I only wanted to see you smile and mean it
To be happy, like when you hear a song
and remember something that made you sigh
The mercy did not come from me, but through me
You were finally able to open your heart completely
And Baby, your smile is so nice to see when you mean it <3
September 3, 2023