Collaboration #167

Collaboration #167
By Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai India with Kristy Ann Raines United States of America.


Whether we both exist or not
Our love exists and will be there
As stars shine in the azurine sky
Our love ‘ll go on sparkling forever
Thoughts of losing you all scary
If ever I meet God, I will ask Him
I ‘ve no worldly pleasure but you
And I get all my wishes fulfilled
I find myself complete in your lap
My soul is dying to meet your soul
There is something between us
That always brings us together.

©®Dr Prasana Kumar Dalai @India.
Date. Sunday, 8 Oct 2023.

He will never lose her…


Whether I pass before you or not,
our love will forever exist…
Like a wave that moves onto a shore
and retreats back out into the ocean,
it always returns with a soulful rhythm,
as a heart that beats with great intention
It goes on forever and nothing can stop it
My soul is also waiting to meet yours
Never, do I want to be without you
Together, we fulfill each other completely
You are worth far more than any treasure
Comfort for me, is you lying in my lap
as I watch you fall asleep peacefully
Yes, There is something between us
It draws us back to the same place… Together <3

October 8, 2023

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