Epistolary poem #175 Presented and written by
Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai of India and Kristy Raines of
The United States of America


No desire is left there in my world
Your unwanted complains taunt me
Age has passed but staying awake
Walked paths though feet seem still
Life remains but breath has paused
Valiant time has shown its spectrum
I ‘ve pain and agony caused by you
Every breath of mine is in your name
Still why should I be upset with you
You’re the true replica of my heart
From whom should I keep distance
Volumes eyes speak & I’m not there .

©®Dr Prasana Kumar Dalai @India.
Date.Satuarday,02 Dec 2023.

She prays and makes a decision…


I knock at the door of the home we once shared,
remembering the last words spoken to each other
Time passed and nothing changed from day to day
We walked the same path, yet we got nowhere
Alive but not living became our life together
Little did you know that I felt the same
I started walking my own path without you
for the sake of finding happiness again
and hoping that you would find your smile
That never happened because you were my joy
and I hear that you are now missing me too
How could we be happy without each other?
The true replica of my heart…
So, here I stand at the door of our home, anticipating.

The question is, “Will you smile when you open it”?


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