Epistolary Poem #194 Written and Presented by Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai India and Kristy Ann Raines. United States of America.
I wish your presence when I am awake
Always in my dreams if I shut my eyes
I’ve recorded my world in your name
For the first time in my life you came
My eyes were wet while laughing
Nothing in my hand ; me empty & lonely
Your entity you know essential to me
My palm lines aren’t perfect though
It is clear you’ve accepted me as I am
There was loneliness in my heart and
In your presence I feel heavenly bliss .
©®Dr Prasana Kumar Dalai @India.
Date.Sun,07 Apr 2024.
Sometimes life gets in the way… She responds…
I would give all to know you in the light of day
For the only time we have met is in a dream
Conversations we have are filled with honesty
and my life was enhanced the day we met
Laughter has been a big part of our relationship
as we both have the same sense of humor
But never feeling your hand in mine is a strong regret
because you became so important to me
We have always appreciated any small moment shared
though true happiness is all we’ve wanted for each other
Loneliness is the greatest regret of never meeting in the life
For if ever we had, nothing would have been more heavenly.
April 7, 2024