Epistolary poem #178 By Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai of India and Kristy Raines of The United States of America


The wild emotions of mine fly away
Shedding all their faded feathers
Me so lonely now with none beside me
Deserted are the sands of time
Old emotions fade away like blooms
My soul does write desolate thoughts
Of my mind in odd and hidden tunes
My mind filled with an aroma unknown
Gentle breeze blows caressing quietly
All the hopes the sky and waves pour
I shape them into words to give you
Passionate are tunes and words I give.

©®Dr Prasana Kumar Dalai@India.
Date.Sunday,17 Dec 2023.

She still loves him after all these years…


Thoughts of you still capture my heart
like a net that traps the beautiful butterfly
Even if emotions seem to fade like wilting flowers
our love will bloom once again in the Spring
If ever you feel like I have left your side
think of the beautiful songs we have lived
and you will then remember the tune once more
When the ocean breeze gently touches your lips
and the aroma of love surrounds your thoughts
Know that I received your passionate words
as those waves rush over me on a distant shore

The sands of time will always stand still for us… <3

December 17, 2023

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