#Collaboration – 172

Collaboration 172 Presented by Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai of India and
Kristy Raines of The United States of America


Do tell me something of the moon
That glitters in the sky shading light
Oh Moon! Me the lover of your enigma
Today you look like a princess of oasis
Whose portrait gives spectacular spell
How throbbing would be in her touch
I feel like having her by me all my way
Bonding beyond births and deaths
If I earn some virtues in her company
Life ‘ll be filled with tremendous glory
You’re my end and the last destination
I can live and die for none but you.

©©Dr.Prasana Kumar Dalai @India.
Date.Sunday,12 Nov 2023.

She whispers to her Sun…


The Moon watches you from afar
and the stars around me sparkle for you
Oh Sun! I, the mystery you search for
that could not be found in anyone else
waits for you like a lost Princess in the desert
Can you feel my deep touch of passion?
It is a reminder that with every rebirth
I will return to you, over and over again
Know that no love will ever be as true
No words spoken will ever be as sweet
And, no life you search for will ever be as complete
For we were destined to live our lives together
in this life and into the next and thereafter
And only you hold the key to the door that
leads to my heart of eternal love for you.
Live and die with me… <3

November 12, 2023

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