Epistolary Collaboration #210

Epistolary Poem #210 Written by Dr. Prasana Kumar of India and Kristy Raines of The United States of America


Your melodious hum and curvy smile
Do inflate your rosy cheeks over trifles
This craziness lures my warmth for you
The child in you dazzles day and night
And I can’t but think of you all the time
Silently I engage myself in conversation
So enticing to be in your golden reverie
And the tranquility I hear in your voice
In the gestures of mine I find your name
Let’s sit closer to pen poems a hundred
I want to embark my fortune in your eyes
Cause your very name is my heartthrob.

©©Dr Prasana Kunar Dalai@India.
Date. Thu, 25 July 2024.

She smiles as she replies to him…


I am still amazed at how my odd habits
became my most endearing traits to you
Your silly jokes and comedic remarks
are still funny to me, even when I’m annoyed
For your silliness always brings out the best in me
You have made a permanent home in my heart
and thoughts of you hang there like photos on a wall
Every word ever uttered to me from you
plays over and over in my mind like an old song,
while many memories dance in the corners
In my eyes is where you’ll always find your fortune
for in the eyes is where the greatest treasures lie
And on your lips, my name will always linger as…

“Your Heartthrob”


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About the Author: Dr. Prasanna Kumar Dalai

A Famous English Poet From India

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