Epistolary Poems #205 by Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai of India
and Kristy Raines of The United States
Me trying to find someone for my road
To keep memory in your heart forever
I earnestly wish to have you by my side
Glide ahead in joyous stream of this life
Keep chanting & smiling like a free bird
Never let any grim thought tickle you
The road ahead is calling you aloud
Don’t ever look back and let’s proceed
This sombre night ‘ll pass as time ticks
Don’t let your hand slip away from mine
Call me back if you feel like losing again .
©®Dr Prasana Kumar Dalai@India.
Date. Sun, 16 june 2024.
She could never live life without him…
I spent most of my life searching for you
The one who would always fill my heart
I would be thrilled to have you by my side
I long to live a happy and joyous life with you
without this dimness of sorrow or loneliness
I have heard the road ahead calling me
It is clear that the voice that calls is yours
I’ll run this race with you and never look back
and these nights of darkness will be behind us
Not ever will I let my hand slip from yours
For time in this life is ticking away
and I don’t want to lose the one
I was meant to walk this life with
Happiness awaits us ahead…
©®Kristy Raines@USA