Epistolary Poem #181 By Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai of India and Kristy Raines of The United States of America
To the fairy land wearing the twilight
I shall go today as the moon smiles
On green earth with candid blooms
I shall be looking at the moon light
When vines bloom with diamond buds
As a golden bird does bring ecstasy
In a boat made of floating clouds
Drifting along the breast of the sky
Hope never burns ; lotus never cries
Life on the earth is scarcely a dream
Sheer separation of two hearts it is ;
A mere disillusionment of rosy dreams .
©®Dr.Prasana Kumar Dalai.@ India.
Date.Monday,08 Jan 2024.
Her dream is where she finds him…
I lay among the blooms in a lush green glen waiting for you
under a blanket of starlight and a smiling moon
The diamond buds bloom beneath the sheer blossoms
As a golden bird sings to you the sweetest song of love
Floating on a silver cloud above me, I call to you
and you swoop down to great me in this sky of blue
You take me where only hope remains and the petals
of the beautiful bloom of the lotus never closes
Life on earth holds little magic for you and I
as the separation of our two hearts continues
to seek only disillusionment through rosy dreams.
January 8, 2024