My Poem HEARTLESS WORLD reviewed by eminent reviewer retired Prof Dr Nirakar Dash Department of English of Assam Government. Humbled & Grateful.

My poem ‘HEARTLESS WORLD’ reviewed by eminent reviewer retired Prof Dr Nirakar Dash Department of English Of Assam University.

Humbled & Grateful.


Heartless world and life a puppet show
How could it feel the pain of two hearts
The one who does love never breaks
Bears everything but doesn’t open lips
The eyes will be open even after death
Eyelids won’t be closed without seeing
I won’t go alone leaving you behind me
I take your picture in my eyes for ever
Love,immortal, doesn’t look for result
Neither life nor death is being seen
Perhaps you are not in my destiny
Why you decorated love in my heart
Why you shed tears living in my eyelids
You are smiling in my broken dreams
Walking with me ruinng all my feelings .

©️®️Dr Prasana Kumar Dalai @Indai
Date.30 Saturday November 2024.


Having been failed to have physical contact with the sweetheart, the poet indulges in philosophizing the idea of love like the famous poet Donne.Most probably some situations made it impossible for them to come together.In his opinion, the world is too callous to ” to feel the pain of two hearts”.But true love endures everything without grumbling.Even Ironeyes can not blind the poet’s sight to see her.So he can not die alone ,”leaving her behind”. Like an ophthalmologist examining the eyes to diagnose disease, he has observed lovesickness in her.She has gone through the blues like him.In his veiw, love is a process without culmination.Like that of the legendary Laila and Majnu, neither this topsy- turvy world nor even death, can separate them.They walk together in his dreams.Words like “dreams”,” ruining”etc indicate the fiasco of their love in this unfeeling world. Very beautiful poem Dr Prasanna Sir with the overaching theme that love is immortal and admits no defeat.Congratulations and regards.

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