My poem ” I SEE THE ANGEL” reviewed by honorable Prof Dr Nirakar Dash Department of English of Assam University.
Humbled & Honoured.


Even if you remain calm and keep mum
I know all about your love and sacrifice
With your grace you gaze on my face
I’m a witness of your love and sincerity
Your downcast eyes tell me the story
With swirls of hair you do look prettier
I see the angel in you about whom I read
A replica of your simplicity and divinity
I want to stay forever only in your arms
In your hug , eyes and sweet memories.

©®Dr Prasana Kunar Dalai @ India
Date. Sun, 28 July 2024


The poem “I See the Angel”, along with showing the lover’s ardent desire to have a physical intimacy with his sweet heart , contains an account of her physical charm and exceptional disposition.Her calmness, here implying lack of strong emotions that come with love and her continuing silence – don’t make the lover misconstrue that she doesn’t love him. “Sacrifice” here is not of anything mundane, but of her ego , which makes love an end in itself.Her downcast eyes, pointing to her bashfulness -due to body consciousness – is enough proof of her interest in him . The word “angel” stands for her exquisite beauty, grace, innocence and purity.An excellent poem proving the poet’s dexterity in using powerful poetic devices.Congratulatios Prasanna Sir for such a splendid poem.Regads.

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About the Author: Dr. Prasanna Kumar Dalai

A Famous English Poet From India

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