My poem ” IN MY DREAMS” reviewed by eminent reviewer Prof Dr Nirakar Dash Department Of English of Assam University.
Humbled & Honoured.
My heart wishes you make a promise
In the name of our unconditional love
No matter where you stay, far or near,
You can count on me and my loyalty
Come what may, never ever change
Walk with me , every step of my life
Be sure nothing can kill our dreams
For we’re only one soul in two bodies
All day and night , awake or asleep
In my dreams , keep your trust on me .
©®Dr Prasana Kunar Dalai@ India
Date. Mon 05 Aug 2024.
This poem is almost a letter addressed to the lady love in a direct way — without any convolution.The poet — their relationship being sans selfishness and hinging upon no condition –wishes her to make an unfailing promise for the fulfillment of love.True love defies all boundaries.The poet says,”no matter where you stay,far or near”.The lover is so unflinching that he tells her to repose faith on him which will never fail.They being one soul in two bodies– meaning thereby transcendence of of all carnal desires –can never ever be separated,both here and hereafter.In the conclusion of the letter,he draws her attention to the fact that she is on his mind twenty -four seven and hence there is no question of betrayal.Motivelessness in love here lends to the poem a spiritual dimension.Smashing poem Prasanna Sir.Congtulations and regards.