My poem LET ME HOLD reviewed by eminent reviewer retired prof Dr Nirakar Dash Department of English of Assam Government. Humbled & grateful..

My poem LET ME HOLD reviewed by eminent reviewer retired Prof Dr Nirakar Dash of Department of English ,Assam Government .

Humbled and Honoured.


You will come and meet me somewhere
Give me dreams by asking questions
Otherwise I keep doing useless things
I do always have to pass by your side
Tell me that you will remain the same
I am waiting all time chanting your name
I find my peace, pain and love in you
Let me hold it so tight lest it should slip
Time is flying by and we’re so helpless
You’re my passion I always cherish high.

©️®️Dr Prasana Kumar Dalai@India
Date 13 Wednesday November 2024.


The poet’s beloved is the only person who means a lot to him, and all else in this world are meaningless.She lends significance to his existence, and when not by his side, the whole world appears dull.The poet’s direct invitation to meet him at any place she likes speaks volumes of the freedom of love they enjoy.As her questions makes him revel in reverie,he expects more and more of it from her.By questioning him,as her wont,it is meant that she is very inquisitive and eager about him, indicating her desire for closeness . Likewise the poet’s desire for proximity is pronounced in the line,”I do always have to pass by your side”; but a little doubt creeps in when he says:”Tell me that you will remain the same always “. The very remembrance of her gives him peace and even the pain she brings turns into pleasure, indicating the alchemy of love.The statement:”Let me hold it tight” is his own expertise of objectifying a subjective feeling.Toward the end, the universal feeling of time consciousness grips him.”The subtle theif of youth”,as put by Shakespeare ,fly by making him grow in age day by day.Although Time can’t be hold, the poet wishes that both of them should stand still in their love. Very smashing creation,Dr Prasanna Sir.Congratulations and regards.

Prof Dr Nirakar Dash@ India.

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About the Author: Dr. Prasanna Kumar Dalai

A Famous English Poet From India

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