Reviewer Prof Dr Nirakar Dash

My poem reviewed by honorable reviewer Prof Dr Nirakar Dash of Assam University . Department of English.
Humbled and Honoured.


Someday somewhere we will meet
We’re on the same boat in same state
I cannot do a moment without you
My heart gets frozen at your thoughts
Drops of tear roll non-stop on cheeks
Know not what I’m being punished for
Wounds are deep, life seems on hold
Journey of this pain shall come to halt
When sun rays will outdo ugly darkness
My heaven starts and ends with you
And destination is where my quest ends .

©®Dr Prasana Kumar Dalai @ India.
Date.Tue,14 May 2024.

“I am being punished” by the putative poet Dr Prasanna Ku Dalai, is a poem venting pain and agony the poet lover passes through for the sake of his love which is not yet fulfilled. Although both are far away from each other at present, they will surely meet each other “someday somewhere”Almost impossible on his part to”do a moment without ” her, still he makes do.Such adjustment, be it mental or physical, cause s excruciating pain for him. Thus the poet expresses his sorrows:”My heart gets frozen at her thoughts/Drops of tears roll non-stop on cheeks” Her very thought drowns him in depression because of the present distance between the two and,as indicated in the first line of the poem, their meeting each other seems dim in near future. The line,”know not what I am being punished for” raises the existential question as regards why good and harmless people suffer and malevolent people wallow in joy.The world seems devoid of poetic justice.The poet is wounded so much so that his life has come almost to a standstill. Towards the end of the poem the readers notice that he has overcome his blues and is upbeat. Quite optimistic,he says,”journey of this pain shall come to halt/when sun rays will outdo ugly darkness”The closing two lines are captivating in which he equalises his beloved to his heaven after getting whom he will attain a state of Budhistic Nirvana when he will experience cessation of all “quests” or desires. Congratulations Prasanna Sir for such a great poem.

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About the Author: Dr. Prasanna Kumar Dalai

A Famous English Poet From India

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