My poem TRAVELER OF YOUR WORLD reviewed by honourable reviewer retired Prof Dr Nirakar Dash Department of English classroom Assam Government.
Humbled & Grateful.
I ‘ve left the world you used to live in
I ‘ve broken the mirror I see you in
I’m unlike any one in your home town
Am going far away from your street
I won’t ever look at your very lane
Once I was a traveller of your world
My limit was to reach you instantly
Once your ally, a nomad I am today
Untouched are flowers with your hues
Am upset with these dreams of yours
I just remained a part of your journey
Me a paper boat flow in your current
Enjoying moon light with your shadow
And winds touching and caressing you.
©️®️Dr Prasana Kumar Dalai@India.
Date .Tuesday 31 December 2024.
By Prof Dr Nirakar Dash Department Nirakar Dash@ India.
A jilted lover that the poet is,he, distancing himself from the world of the beloved, remaining away from the bylane leading to her house,has obliterated her from mind which is the mirror he saw her reflection in.Not a stalker, but being a close friend and lover,he would enjoy her proximity with impunity the moment he wished to.His love and pastime with her knew no limits. The word “nomad” is of crucial importance, for it mirrors his present state of mind.Flowers offered with her hand meant a lot, but flowers elsewhere without her touch seem somewhat nauseating. He is upset because the journey of love ended halfway without reaching its earthly destination.The line,”Me a paper boat flowing in your current” indicates the nadir of their relationship.But despite all bitterness, the most logical consolation is found in the last two lines: the moonlight and wind touching the beloved touches the poet too,thus causing a communion between the two as justified by John Done in his “The Flea”. Congratulations Dr Prasanna Sir on such an impressive poem.Grateful and regards!