Review On ALONE

My poem”ALONE ” reviewed by honorable reviewer Prof Dr Nirakar Dash Department of English of Assam University.
Humbled & Honoured.


I wonder why we didn’t meet earlier
And hearts didn’t burn being lonely
We did meet to be better and complete
Our wishes were never cherished
And lives couldn’t reach their target
I have found a reason to live for you
I feel like a traveller bidding goodbye
In the happy morning when I was alive
I couldn’t become the path to travel
Upon death mission was accomplished.

©®Dr Prasana Kumar Dalai@India
Date. Thu, 27 Aug 2024.


The poem “Alone” by Dr Prasanna Kumar Dalai, is a harmonious combination of seeking love and spiritual philosophy.The poem open with questions as to why ,they –both the poet and his desired beloved –did not start love earlier.Love and its occasional blows due either to temporary separation or absence, is veritably welcome by the poet in the poem.Tagore said,”Tears and smiles make the music of life”. Similarly, love, not being a rose without thorns,is an experience both sweet and bitter that add to it’s enjoyment.The poet pines for the bygone days when they could have capitalized on opportunities available.He assumes that they have failed to cherish love upto expectations and hence couldn’t reach it’s fulfillment.He, corroborating his previous statements, equalises his love to that of a traveller’s, bidding farewell to the copassanger at the end of the journey.The poem turns spiritual towards the end ,affirming a kind of perfection in love.Budhha said,”The path is the goal”In saying, I could not become the path to the travel ” he conveys the message that his efforts were not upto the mark,but nevertheless the wish was there.”The path is the goal” implies that the goal is immaterial if the efforts are right.Here , simply wishing to make love better and complete,is a strong mental action, which is tantamount to goal from Budhha’s perspective.It is a fulfilling reward that he had a good reason to live for her despite his lackadaisical approach.The words such as “alive” and “death” are not a bit confounding in that a person can not write if he is not above ground.The aforesaid words are “willing suspension of disbelief” adroitly employed by the poet for better effects.The closing line”Upon death mission was accomplished ” is a biblical reference indicating personal love leading to universal level as professed by Christ.Whether alive or not, the goal is reached though not well taken care of all along.This poem by the branded love poet Dr Prasanna Kumar Dalai, has taken it to a tremendously greater height.Congtulations Sir on composing such a unique poem.My regards.

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About the Author: Dr. Prasanna Kumar Dalai

A Famous English Poet From India

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