Our epistolary collaboration no # 224

Epistolary Poem #224 Presented by Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai and
Kristy Raines of The United States of America


We will flow in the air, cloud and rain
As you’re my rain and I’m your cloud
If I’m not yours, I won’t be anyone else’s
Know not why the world is jealous of us
It’s not mark of blemish but kohl of love
An illness in accordance to this world
But the ones in love know it as divinity
The twist of love and life has brought us
I’m deep darkness and you’re my dawn
A lost traveller, I’m yours and you’re mine
It may be infatuation if love is one-sided
But ours is love for each other, isn’t it ?

©️®️Dr Prasana Kumar Dalai @ India
Date 31 October 2024

She never doubts his love…


You are the cloud that holds me like the rain
Together we float through life together
There will never be anyone else in my arms
for it is only your embrace that fits in mine
I fear not by what some see in me as blemished
For those in love see only the divinity
of my kohled eyes as I look into yours
The twists and turns of our lives together
have stood the test of time and still remains
You will always be my light in the darkness
and the heat that warms me on a sunny day
Yes… The line of infatuation was crossed long ago
Leaving only a line of love between you and I…

©️®️KristyRaines@USA — with Kristy Raines.

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