Epistolary Poem #179 By Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai of India and Kristy Raines of The United States of America
One evening on the road of dreams
Fetching my lost memories I walked
After covering a distance very long
When I reached a deserted place
I saw her sitting by herself in a corner
Silently lighting divine evening lamp
Quite angelic with a sweet fragrance
She looked at me with thoughtful eyes
Like she knew me million years before
I felt as if she were a familiar face
Unluckily I just skipped her name
As the flame of the lamp still burning
Something illuminated my mind instantly
A strange excitement filled my being.
©® Dr.Prasana Kumar Dalai.@India.
Date.Tuesday,02 Jan 2024.
She has known him all of her life…
One night many years ago, I dreamt of you
But, I did not know your name
You would appear in my dreams now and then
I one day met someone whose words were familiar
though I had never met him before
Then I remembered the face in my dream..
Your shadow brought back a life I lived in another time
How could I know you without ever speaking to you;
never looking in your eyes, or touching your hand?
I met you in a dream, quietly lighting a lamp in a corner
Your presence made me smile and I recognized you
For the first time, I knew who you were… I loved You
We have shared many lives together and I suddenly
felt the same excitement that you share with me now.
Yes… One night, many years ago, we met and continue to, over and over again… <3
January 02 2024.
Our collaboration reviewed by Honorable reviewer
Prof .Dr Nirakar Dash of ASAM UNIVERSITY.
Humbled and Honoured.
Dr.Prasana Kumar Dalai.: Very nice epistolary poems composed by Dr Prasanna Kumar Dalai and Kristie Raines of U S A . Both the poems express how they reminisce the past.The beginning two lines of the first poem by Dr Prasanna Dalai are strikingly catchy in that they are transcreation of a song written in his own mother tounge which can be well captured by the inhabitants of his native place.Of course this transcreation does not inhibit other readers to comprehend the import of the lines.The lass sitting at a deserted place may point out her downbeat mind who is bereft of her partner since long.One may divine that the divine evening “lamp” is advertising a love that is incorporeal.But this incorporeality has been refuted in the reply poem by Kristie Raine’s words:”How could I know you without ever speaking to you; never looking in your eyes or touching your hand?”Although the very statement and the title “Her Thoughtful Eyes”zero in on the sincerity on her part, the love under discussion seem hazy.But the abstract love conjured up in the dream instantly metamorphoses into something as concrete as sexual shudder.The word “strange” perhaps means Freudian slip here.Exactly the same feeling of the subconscious is reflected in the response poem when Kristie Raines says,”For the first time I knew who you were…”In Raines the dream factor being less dominant than that of Dr Dalal, the poem showcase more familiarity with the lover.In the line “I live in another time” she weeps for the lost love and is hopeful enough to rekindle it in future.Reply is voiced in clear cut way by Raines.There is no beating around the bush.Both conclude their poems with the same simultaneous feeling of excitement.The last line of Raine is a sure shot consolation that she continued to make love in the past and will definitely do so till infinity.Kudos to both the poets for composing such beautiful duet.Regards.