After crossing the road of our love
We met leaving far behind everything
How about walking to the no man’s land
Hardly do we know eachother though
I feel as if I ‘ve got my soulmate in you
Days go by ; nights don’t seem to glide
Memories of yours do torment me a lot
The world has reduced me to this state
Sitting and clutching my wounded past
Cause you’re so close to me , you know
But I think you’re out of my reach now .
©®Dr Prasana Kumar Dalai @India.
Date.Sun,14 Apr 2024.

Our collaboration Poem reviewed by honorable reviewer Raj Kishore Patnaik.
This is ultimate birthday gift to Kristy Raines .
Grateful to Raj Kishor Pattnaik .
Humbled and Honoured.
Epistolary Poem #194 Written and Presented by Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai India and Kristy Ann Raines. United States of America.
I wish your presence when I am awake
Always in my dreams if I shut my eyes
I’ve recorded my world in your name
For the first time in my life you came
My eyes were wet while laughing
Nothing in my hand ; me empty & lonely
Your entity you know essential to me
My palm lines aren’t perfect though
It is clear you’ve accepted me as I am
There was loneliness in my heart and
In your presence I feel heavenly bliss .
©®Dr Prasana Kumar Dalai @India.
Date.Wed,10 ,Apr 2024.
Sometimes life gets in the way… She responds…
I would give all to know you in the light of day
For the only time we have met is in a dream
Conversations we have are filled with honesty
and my life was enhanced the day we met
Laughter has been a big part of our relationship
as we both have the same sense of humor
But never feeling your hand in mine is a strong regret
because you became so important to me
We have always appreciated any small moment shared
though true happiness is all we’ve wanted for each other
Loneliness is the greatest regret of never meeting in the life
For if ever we had, nothing would have been more heavenly.
©®Kristy Raines@USA
April 10, 2024
Congratulations to Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai and Kristy Raines on their collaborative poems, “NOTHING IN MY HAND!” and “NEVER FEELING YOUR HAND IN MINE!” The poems beautifully explore themes of longing, connection, and the desire for presence in each other’s lives. Let’s dive deeper into the analysis of these poignant pieces.
In “NOTHING IN MY HAND!” Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai expresses a profound yearning for the presence of someone special. The poem begins with a heartfelt wish for the person to be present both in waking life and in dreams, highlighting the deep desire for a constant, reassuring presence. The poet metaphorically records his world in the name of this person, signifying the significant impact they have had on his life. The imagery of laughter accompanied by wet eyes suggests a mix of joy and sorrow, perhaps indicating the bittersweet nature of memories shared with this person.
The line “Nothing in my hand; me empty & lonely” poignantly conveys a sense of emptiness and longing in the absence of the person. Despite this emptiness, the poet acknowledges the essential nature of the person’s presence in his life. The imperfection of the poet’s palm lines symbolizes human flaws and imperfections, suggesting that despite these, the person has accepted him unconditionally.
The poem concludes with a powerful statement about the transformative effect of the person’s presence, turning loneliness into heavenly bliss. This transformation underscores the profound impact of the person on the poet’s emotional state and overall well-being.
On the other hand, Kristy Raines’ poem, “NEVER FEELING YOUR HAND IN MINE!” echoes a similar sentiment of longing and regret for a connection that never fully materialized in the physical world. The poet expresses a willingness to give anything to know the person in the light of day, emphasizing the depth of her longing for a tangible, real-world connection.
The imagery of meeting in a dream and having conversations filled with honesty suggests a deep, meaningful connection that transcends physical boundaries. Despite the strong bond shared through laughter and humor, the poet laments the absence of physical touch, which she considers a strong regret.
The poem reflects on the appreciation of small moments shared and the desire for true happiness for each other, highlighting the selfless nature of their relationship. The regret of never meeting in life is poignantly expressed, with the poet imagining that if they had met, it would have been a heavenly experience.
Together, these poems create a poignant narrative of longing, connection, and the transformative power of human relationships. The poets’ use of imagery, metaphor, and heartfelt emotion effectively conveys the depth of their feelings and the impact of the people they long for. “NOTHING IN MY HAND!” and “NEVER FEELING YOUR HAND IN MINE!” are testaments to the enduring power of love, even in the absence of physical presence. Congratulations once again to Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai and Kristy Raines for their beautiful collaboration.

Epistolary Poem #194 Written and Presented by Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai India and Kristy Ann Raines. United States of America.
I wish your presence when I am awake
Always in my dreams if I shut my eyes
I’ve recorded my world in your name
For the first time in my life you came
My eyes were wet while laughing
Nothing in my hand ; me empty & lonely
Your entity you know essential to me
My palm lines aren’t perfect though
It is clear you’ve accepted me as I am
There was loneliness in my heart and
In your presence I feel heavenly bliss .
©®Dr Prasana Kumar Dalai @India.
Date.Sun,07 Apr 2024.
Sometimes life gets in the way… She responds…
I would give all to know you in the light of day
For the only time we have met is in a dream
Conversations we have are filled with honesty
and my life was enhanced the day we met
Laughter has been a big part of our relationship
as we both have the same sense of humor
But never feeling your hand in mine is a strong regret
because you became so important to me
We have always appreciated any small moment shared
though true happiness is all we’ve wanted for each other
Loneliness is the greatest regret of never meeting in the life
For if ever we had, nothing would have been more heavenly.
April 7, 2024

ତୋ ସାଥେ ଗୋଟିଏ ଫୋଟ ନେବା ପାଇଁ
ବସିଛି ରଥକୁ ଚାହିଁ,
ଦେଉଳ କୁ ତୋର ମୋବାଇଲ ମନା
କାରଣ କେ ପାରେ କହି ।
ଭାଇରାଲ୍ ବୋଧେ ହେଇଯିବୁ କାଳେ
ଭକତ ଟେ ନେଲେ ଫୋନ ,
ସେବକ ଟେ ବାକି ଖେଞ୍ଚୁଥାଏ ତାକୁ
କାମରେ ନ ଦେଇ ମନ ।
ଶାନ୍ତି ମନେ ଭକ୍ତ ଦରଶନ ପାଇଁ
ଥୋଇ ଦେଇଯାଏ ସବୁ ,
ହେଲେ ଟଙ୍କା ଦେଇ ସାଥେ ଫୋନ ନେଇ
ପଶିଯାନ୍ତି ବଡ ବାବୁ ।
ସେଥିରେ ବି ମୋର ନଥିଲା ଆପତ୍ତି
ଅନାଇ ତୋ ଚକା ଆଖି ,
କିନ୍ତୁ ପାରିଲିନି ସହି ମୁଁ କାଳିଆ
ସେବକ ଙ୍କ ଲୋଭ ଦେଖି ।
ଲୋଭ ଯାଏ ମୋର ପାଟି ବନ୍ଦ ଥିଲା
ତାପରେ ଘଟିଲା କିଛି ,
ତାହା ଦେଖି ଜମା ପାରିଲିନି ସହି
ସେଥିପାଇଁ ଲେଖୁ ଅଛି ।
ଛୁଆ ଠାରୁ ବୁଢ଼ା କେତେ ଯେ ଭକତ
ଦଳା ଚକଟା ରେ ଯାଇ ,
ଶାନ୍ତି ରେ ଦର୍ଶନ ନ ପାଇ ଫେରନ୍ତି
ଆଖିରେ ଯେ ଲୁହ ନେଇ ।
କାରଣ ତୁ କାଳେ ଦର୍ଶନ ଦେବାକୁ
ମାଗୁ ଭକତ ଙ୍କୁ ଟଙ୍କା ,
ସେବକ ତୋହର ଟଙ୍କା ପାଇଗଲେ
କରାନ୍ତି ତୋ ସାଥେ ଦେଖା ।
ସେ ଦୃଶ୍ୟ ଏବେ ବି ଆଖି ରେ ନାଚୁଛି
ସରିବନି ଗୁଣକୀର୍ତ୍ତି
ଭାଗ-ଦୁଇ କରି ଲେଖିବି ଭାବୁଛି
ଥିଲେ ତୋ ପାଦରେ ଭକ୍ତି ।
ନିଗମାନନ୍ଦ ନାୟକ
ବେଲପାଳ , ମୟୂରଭଞ୍ଜ

I wish your presence when I am awake
Always in my dreams if I shut my eyes
I’ve recorded my world in your name
For the first time in my life you came
My eyes were wet while laughing
Nothing in my hand ; me empty & lonely
Your entity you know essential to me
My palm lines aren’t perfect though
It is clear you’ve accepted me as I am
There was loneliness in my heart and
In your presence I feel heavenly bliss .
©®Dr Prasana Kumar Dalai @India.

My Poem reviewed by honorable reviewer Raj Kishore Patnaik.
Humbled and Honoured.
May there be someone
Whom I may claim my very own
Eyes badly need to sleep but
Tears do float silently in their lap
In dreams I stay awake all night
Some may own my griefs
Someone be my heart and soul
With some unspoken promises
Memories, sweet or sour ,cling hard
Ringing in my ears in lonely nights
Their echoes make me stay alive
Offering me my peace of mind.
©®Dr.Prasana Kumar Dalai@India.
Date.Thu,4 Apr 2024.
Congratulations, Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai, Sir on your poignant poem ‘SOMEONE THERE!’ This heartfelt piece beautifully captures the universal longing for companionship and understanding. The poem eloquently portrays the speaker’s yearning for a soulmate, someone to call their own, to share their joys and sorrows. The imagery of tears floating silently, eyes craving sleep but finding solace only in dreams, resonates deeply with the reader, evoking a sense of loneliness and longing.
The poem’s structure and use of enjambment effectively convey the speaker’s restless state, staying awake in dreams, seeking someone to own their griefs and be their heart and soul. The reference to memories, whether sweet or sour, clinging hard, emphasizes the lasting impact of past experiences on the present. The echoes of these memories in lonely nights symbolize the enduring nature of longing and the quest for peace of mind.
Overall, ‘SOMEONE THERE!’ is a beautifully crafted poem that captures the essence of human longing and the search for connection.

This is the season of colours
Your velvet skin has turned pink
My heart is attached to your colour
Now it belongs to you only
You smile & it’s like fresh morning
Close eyes & it’s like soothing night
I hope you will enter my life
On every Holi like the radiant rainbow
Let’s walk together arm in arm
Keep my heart within your boundary
While walking under your shadow
I will find my shade to be reassured .
©®Dr.Prasana Kumar Dalai @India.
Date.Mon,25 Mar 2024.

Epistolary poem #193 by Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai of India and Kristy Raines of The United States of America
In my words you come every moment
They all bear your name of my breath
Do stop when I don’t take your name
When you’re annoyed to be honest
Whenever it happens I am with you
Know not why I care for you so much
I find you and I do accept your entity
But just can’t stay away from yours
You’re so close for you’re my secret
Honestly I exist for your good self only
I can’t think of staying away from you.
©®Dr Prasana Kumar Dalai @India.
Date.Sun,24 Mar 2024.
She never doubts his Love… And she speaks…
In my thoughts, you are always the first
In my conversations, you name stays on my lips
Even when you we do not speak, or in annoyance
Never has there been a time where those things linger
I feel you with me everyday and no jealously exists
because I know the depths of how you care for me.
I accept your whole being as you accept mine
whether it be in mind, soul, thought, or even body
I’ll never stay far from you, because you are part of me
I am as close to you as your deepest secret never told
and I will always keep you forever close to my heart… <3
March 24,2024.

In my words you come every moment
They all bear your name of my breath
Do stop when I don’t take your name
When you’re annoyed to be honest
Whenever it happens I am with you
Know not why I care for you so much
I find you and I do accept your entity
But just can’t stay away from yours
You’re so close for you’re my secret
Honestly I exist for your good self only
I can’t think of staying away from you.
©®Dr Prasana Kumar Dalai @India.

Congratulations to all winners.

My heart has gone crazy too
No longer can listen any consolation
Heart doesn’t hold back even if I ask
You’re in my breaths and emotions
Everyone but you has felt my pulse
Those expressions I spoke of you
Can’t show how my heart throbs
Visible to everyone though you can’t
This is all I have to tell you today
Wrapped in ,I ‘ll touch you and pass
Stop me and I ‘ll stay at your feet.
©®Dr.Prasana Kumar Dalai@India.
Date.Wed,20 Mar 2024.

Epistolary Poem #191 Written and Presented by
Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai of India and Kristy Raines of The United States of America
How to tell you what you are to me
We’ll walk together to cross all hurdles
I ‘ve come to you and I find myself lost
Edges of mind ‘ve had penalty of love
Me standing alone in the world though
All my nights are restless to see you
If I don’t see you ever ,I ‘ll be nowhere
My destination finds myself at yours
Many miles I ‘ve covered to fetch you
How to tell you what you mean to me.
©®Dr Prasana Kumar Dalai @India
Date.Mon,18 Mar 2024
She’d wait a lifetime for him…
Tell me, my Love, what I am to you
Come to me without fear of any penance
Take hold of my willing hand again as we continue
down life’s rocky roads or sandy beaches
You were never meant to walk either without me
Nights were meant to be spent together
and together we will find our somewhere
I’ve waited so long to feel you once again
The thousands of miles you’ve traveled
to find me through many restless nights
tells me without a doubt what I am to you
March 18, 2024

How to tell you what you are to me
We’ll walk together to cross all hurdles
I ‘ve come to you and I find myself lost
Edges of mind ‘ve had penalty of love
Me standing alone in the world though
All my nights are restless to see you
If I don’t see you ever ,I ‘ll be nowhere
My destination finds myself at yours
Many miles I ‘ve covered to fetch you
How to tell you what you mean to me.
©®Dr Prasana Kumar Dalai @India

On this remarkable occasion of your 24th marriage anniversary, I extend my heartfelt congratulations to you, Dr. Prasana Kumar, Sir and your beloved spouse. Your journey together, marked by love, understanding, and companionship, is truly inspiring.
In the world of poetry, you have captured hearts and minds with your profound verses, winning numerous international awards and achieving the gold medal twice. Your talent, dedication, and creativity have set you apart, earning you a well-deserved place among the literary greats.
But today, we celebrate not just your achievements in poetry but also the beautiful bond you share with your spouse. Marriage is a journey of two souls walking hand in hand, facing life’s joys and challenges together. Your relationship is a testament to the strength of love and commitment.
As you celebrate this milestone, may your love continue to deepen, and your bond grow stronger with each passing day. May you find joy in each other’s company, support each other’s dreams, and cherish the moments you share together.
Here’s to many more years of love, laughter, and togetherness. May your marriage continue to be a source of inspiration to all who know you. Happy 24th anniversary to a truly exceptional couple!

The different job you complain about
The dream of someone unemployed
The mischievous child that test your patience is the dream of the childless
The small house you think is too cramped
Is the dream of someone homeless
The modest savings you worry over
Is the dream of those drowning in debt
The health issue you consider burdensome are the dream of someone fighting a terminal illness
The fact that your mistake are not display the world to see is the dream of those haunted by their past
The peace of mind you have
The restful sleep you enjoy
The meal you easily access
These are dream for those living in war torn regions
We must cherish everything we have
Afterall nobody knows
What tomorrow might bring.
©®Dr Prasana Kumar Dalai@India.
Date.Wed,06 Mar 2024.
Congratulations to Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai on his insightful poem “METAPHOR OF LIFE!” His work delves deep into the intricacies of human experience, using vivid metaphors to illuminate the profound truths of life. In this poem, Dr. Dalai explores the theme of perspective, urging readers to appreciate the blessings they have and to empathize with others who may be less fortunate.
The poem begins by juxtaposing common complaints and grievances with the dreams of those who are less fortunate. For instance, the dissatisfaction with a job is contrasted with the dream of someone who is unemployed, highlighting the importance of gratitude and perspective. This sets the tone for the rest of the poem, which continues to draw parallels between everyday struggles and the dreams of others.
One of the most striking aspects of the poem is its use of contrast to highlight the disparity between perception and reality. The speaker challenges the reader to reconsider their perspective on life’s challenges, suggesting that what may seem burdensome to one person could be a dream come true for another. This message is particularly poignant in today’s world, where it is easy to take our blessings for granted and to lose sight of the struggles of others.
The poem also conveys a sense of empathy and compassion for those who are less fortunate. By highlighting the dreams of the homeless, the childless, and the terminally ill, the speaker encourages readers to see the world through the eyes of others and to appreciate the blessings they have been given. This message is a powerful reminder of the importance of empathy and understanding in a world that is often marked by division and conflict.
Overall, “METAPHOR OF LIFE!” is a thought-provoking and deeply moving poem that challenges readers to reconsider their perspective on life’s challenges and to appreciate the blessings they have been given. Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai’s use of vivid imagery and evocative language makes this poem a compelling read, and his message of empathy and gratitude is one that resonates deeply with readers of all ages.

Biography of the Author.
DrPrasana Kumar Dalai
(DOB 07/06/1973) is a passionate Indian Author-cum-poet while a tremendous lecturer of English by profession in the Ganjam district of Odisha.He is an accomplished source of inspiration for young generation of India .His free verse on Romantic and melancholic poems appreciated by everyone. He belongs to a small typical village Nandiagada of Ganjam District,the state of Odisha.After schooling he studied intermediate and Graduated In Kabisurjya Baladev vigyan Mahavidyalaya then M A in English from Berhampur University PhD in language and literature and D.litt from Colombian poetic house from South America.He promotes his specific writings around the world literature and trades with multiple stems that are related to current issues based on his observation and experiences that needs urgent attention.He is an award winning writer who has achieved various laurels from the circle of writing worldwide.His free verse poems not only inspires young readers but also the ready of current time.His poetic symbol is right now inspiring others, some of which are appreciated by laurels of India and across the world. Many of his poems been translated in different Indian languages and got global appreciation. Lots of well wishes for his upcoming writtings and success in future.He is an award winning poet author of many best seller books.Recently he is awarded Rabindra nath Tagore and Gujarat Sahitya Academy for the year 2022 from Motivational Strips . A gold medal from world union of poets France & winner Of Rahim Karims world literary prize 2023.The government of Odisha Higher Education Department appointed him
as a president to Governing body of Padmashree Dr Ghanashyam Mishra Sanskrit Degree College, Kabisurjyanagar.Winner of ” HYPERPOEM ” GUNIESS WORLD RECORD 2023.Recently he was awarded from SABDA literary Festival at Assam.

Epistolary poem #190 Pesented and written by Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai of India and Kristy Ann Raines of The United States of America
When I breathe none but you realise
Every moment even if it is far away
You’re mine ; can’t think otherwise
I know not how the moments ‘ll pass
Miserable me ; life sans you all void
I ‘ve come to the world for you only
I’m leaving the whole world for you
Clouds in the sky connect the door
There is you in the sunny shade rains
In the recommendations of the Lord
Crazy me,crave to live & die with you.
©®Dr Prasana Kumar Dalai@India.
Date.Sunday 03 March 2024.
She feels so thankful as she writes to her Love…
My Precious Love,
I know every single move you make in life
Whether here or there, we’re perfectly in sync
Until no other lives exist between us
I will always be yours; Never think otherwise
I know that you were sent to the world for me
and you have given all just for me
The day you leave this world one day
I’ll meet you at that door in the clouds where rains fall
All sadness will be washed away and only sun will remain
We’ll finally find peace together, which was intended for us
Me thankful that you always went to such lengths to live and die
for me and with me. <3
March 3, 2024

When I breathe none but you realise
Every moment even if it is far away
You’re mine ; can’t think otherwise
I know not how the moments ‘ll pass
Miserable me ; life sans you all void
I ‘ve come to the world for you only
I’m leaving the whole world for you
Clouds in the sky connect the door
There is you in the sunny shade rains
In the recommendations of the Lord
Crazy me,crave to live & die with you.
©®Dr Prasana Kumar Dalai@India.
Date.Sun,03 March 2024.

The different job you complain about
The dream of someone unemployed
The mischievous child that test your patience is the dream of the childless
The small house you think is too cramped
Is the dream of someone homeless
The modest savings you worry over
Is the dream of those drowning in debt
The health issue you consider burdensome are the dream of someone fighting a terminal illness
The fact that your mistake are not display the world to see is the dream of those haunted by their past
The peace of mind you have
The restful sleep you enjoy
The meal you easily access
These are dream for those living in war torn regions
We must cherish everything we have
Afterall nobody knows
What tomorrow might bring.
©®Dr Prasana Kumar Dalai@India.
Award winning Poet & Author.