The beach side sunset of Golden Sea Beach
And the colorful rainbow Peach
The rain’s gentle cares.
The emotional lonely feeling.
Each has memories in it.
I regret the opportunities I’ve lost.
I have missed those boats returning inside of the Sea.
The gems I’ve discovered.
Finding something new near the waves sound.
Everyone has memories.
They shoot those moments with their smartphones and cameras.
They making the site more joyful and alive.
The transformative shift.
The source of illumination for my soul.
The scenery that gave me completeness.
Each and every moments of things has a memory.
Every person in the forest of life is a hunter.
Pursuing love and aspirations with all of my eyes.
Of famine moving swiftly
Their heartbeats sound like thunder.
Everyone wants to be the winner,
Which leaves me wondering.
What if we take a moment to slow down?
Just take in the trip.
How about if we move contentedly with pride,
For enduring despite all the hardships we cried.
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How do I fall in love with you?
To be a lover makes me nervous.
I might get lost in your beautiful smiley face.
In your deepest selfishness heart,
I might stay in your small world.
I might drown.
How can I love you?
To fall in love makes me nervous.
As a result of your absence,
I might break !
When you’re silent, it sounds strident.
I might quake !
Oh my love, in the silence of your passing.
I might nod off. A never-ending nap !
How do you love me?
To fall in love does not makes you nervous ?
You don’t look your age,
Neither your clothing size.
You are not your name,
Nor are you a weight.
Likewise, the hue of your hair.
Alternatively, your cheeks’ dimples
All the books you read and all the words
You speak make up who you are.
When you realise you’re alone,
You become the music you sing out loud.
You are the places you have visited,
likewise the place you call home.
You’re made of such beautiful things,
But it appears that you overlooked,
The moment you decided to identify yourself,
By everything you are not.
How can I feel at easy with you?
Pretending everything is fine.
It will close a door within a screen.
Additional doors are also there.
Something approaches the front here.
If I will genuine, my tears would dry up.
I ran away from suffering out of denial, and now I’m in chains.
I’m not attached to myself.
A chance to get it going and open all the doors.
But when you do, a brand-new world emerges.
Bring the songs, bring the tears because joy and serenity are yours because I’m hurrying to the centre.
A song, a movie, and some alone time.
A glimpse of the damaged Let’s not act like it’s easy job.
I’m starting to remember that my heart is capable of breathing, laughing, and singing.
In order for someone to feel me,
How gentle must I be?
So how pure is my skin?
To be considered “natural,” roots must be.
It doesn’t affect my health.
I drink only clean water.
How much more sinful would it be for me
To ask you to taint me, though?
Appreciate exploring sensation.
My preference is never to stay at room temperature.
Just take in a show or some sunshine
But I’m hoping that even if you remain long enough to see if I’m genuine or not,
You’ll still find me to be a treat.
ସାଇତା ଅତୀତ କବିତା କିଛି
ଆଜି ଯେବେ ତାକୁ କାଢି ଦେଖୁଛି,
ସ୍ମିତ ହାସ ଓଠେ ଫୁଟଇ ଝରି
ସତେ କିଏ କହେ କାନେ ମୋହରି ।
କେତେ ଦିନ ଆଉ ପଡ଼ି ରହିବୁ
କାଗଜ କଲମେ ଦରଦ ଦେବୁ ,
ଓଡ଼ିଆ କବିତା ପଢୁଛି କିଏ
ତୁଚ୍ଛା ରେ ଲେଖୁ ତୁ ନିର୍ଲଜ ଟିଏ ।
ଛାଡ଼ିଦେ ଆଜିଠୁ କବିତା ଲେଖା
ଲେଖାକୁ ତୋହର ପଢୁ ତୁ ଏକା ,
ସତ ଚେଷ୍ଟା କଲେ କ’ଣ ପାଇବୁ
ଥକିଯାଇ ଶେଷେ ତୁହି ହାରିବୁ ।
ସରକାର ଠାରୁ ଜନତା ଯାଏ
ଧନ ପଛେ ପଡ଼ି ପାଗଳ ହୁଏ ,
ଚାକିରି ଟେ କଲେ ସମାଜେ ତୁହି
ରହିବେ ସଭିଏଁ ନିଜର ହୋଇ ।
ନିଗମାନନ୍ଦ ନାୟକ
ବେଲପାଳ, ମୟୂରଭଞ୍ଜ

My mind is steadfastly pointing to you like the compass.
Despite my happiness.
You have become the representation of the things
Long for and the muse of my literal dreams.
Or is it only the wish
Of my soul and heart?
I have created a mental image of you.
Continues to appear, haunting my dreams.
Grim inspiration knocks at my door yet again,
With moments of true joy,
Leaving me wanting more.
More of something that is not a part of the waking world.
Helping me to find these lovely words,
Desperation and admiration.

A gloomy dump, and my thoughts
You’ve hit rock bottom,
The mosquitoes in Delhi said,
Repeating my worst fear
As my bed soaked with perspiration.
Worst night of my life,
Reality sliced me like butter.
Dawn has just opened my eyes to belief.
She introduced us.
My mentor, my philosopher, always by my side.
Helped me get over my sadness,
Inspired me to work hard,
And helped me turn a new leaf.
I was born again, and the power came on.
I’m enjoying the most wonderful morning of my life.

We are two people from the planet Earth.
He was a wild hunter who was hopelessly
In love with my Savior however,
Soon The day of my death arrived.
The dance of the fires was the only constant.
I was burned into ashes and scattered
Throughout the skies by the hunter’s arrows.
A tale of a sapling wasted in love, inscribed in gold.
I am not flawless, I’m a person.
I also made errors. I’m prepared to admit
I don’t always get it perfect,
But I’m willing to commit to trying to
Get better every day, little by little.
Because I am not always the best,
But I may strive to be my best self.

If you have to
Do something special
In the event than
Fuck the ideas
Focus on your goal
And avoid the public’s
Whispering or any rumors
The only possible outcome is
So dissimilar
So wonderful
One would
Most likely recoil
Lacking interest With ease
A state of being
But for you
Your ingrained greed must go.
The sunset on the beach.
The velvet of the peach.
The caressing of the rain.
The pang of emotional pain.
Each holds a memory.
The opportunities that I’ve missed.
The lips I have kissed.
The treasures I have found.
The discovery of a new sound.
Every one holds a memory.
The change that transcends.
The meeting of new friends.
The light that illuminated my soul.
The gif that made me feel whole.
Holds a memory.
Written by – Paul Crocker
You are always put before me regardless of who you are.
Maybe I should use my loneliness as inspiration for art.
Instead than leaving scars behind.
Rather than filling my gap with anything in an effort to block out the hole in my heart.
Perhaps this explains why, despite how frequently it feeds,
I continue to have this disease-smelling primordial hunger.
I tried to convince myself that I enjoyed the taste of rusty passion.
My knees were being scraped by my teeth.
I used to believe that I enjoyed how risky being in love with you felt.
In addition, how many time you have there been.
How many times have I expressed my love for my illness?

You might not be aware of it, but
I am currently with you.
Moreover, after you depart this world,
Then, I agree with you.
I’m not sure what awaits us.
The other side.
It’s uncertain what happens next,
To me, even.
But our souls are connected,
Additionally, we have a
Relationship that
Never expires
We never die.
I’m powerless against you.
The way you smile, look, and stare
Your soul and heart enchanting
I desire to embrace you with my arms.
Look up at the stars
Hugging you tightly
I should leave as soon as the sun signals.
The sun was oblivious to this.
Because you’re with me, I wouldn’t let you leave.
Most people feel safe in between their love’s Arms.

Every time your name crosses my lips, my heart warms. It’s like a drug that I can’t stop taking. You give me this warmth, this comfort, and this love-filled shield.
I’m confident that everyone in the era notices how my face glows. How wonderful serenity covers me like a warm blanket. The stories I chose to share are with the beat of my heart.
It’s like reading the best poetry anthology when someone describes you. It’s similar like viewing a painting and realising what each hue means. Being able to tell your tale is like reminding others what a home is supposed to be. You are the subject of my favourite tale.
A tale I can share now early in the mornings and late at night, without getting bored. And no matter how many words I use to describe you, I will always come up with new ones.

Sometimes, family can be so difficult. Although you deeply love them, you are aware that this love is unhealthy for you. Even while you are aware of their capacity to harm and destroy you, you still find yourself falling in love with them.
You will continually pick up the broken pieces in this dynamic that you share, where you are aware that your family isn’t ideal, and you won’t know what to do with them. Sometimes, family can be so difficult. Because you always struggle with wanting to be independent but then needing to rely on them out of habit.
And to achieve this, you’ll do all in your power move out, enrol in school, cease making calls, etc.
Limit your family gatherings, limit your phone calls, and even relocate if necessary to achieve your goal of independence. But for whatever reason, nothingness will come next. the enormous hole. You are plagued by the missing puzzle piece like a bad dream.
No matter how far you travel, you will still feel the need to check in on them and see how they are doing, as well as the anxiety of missing out on events and milestone celebrations.
Sometimes, family can be so difficult. You realise that you must stop looking for their approval because you are aware of the necessity to unlearn all the harmful tendencies you have carried with you.
However, each time anything positive occurs in your life, each time you achieve a goal,They are the first individuals you want to inform about a new achievement. Family can be really challenging because you rarely hear “Well done” or “I’m proud of you” most of the time.

You’re Mine & I’m Never Letting You Go,
Because You’re My Special And Favorite Person,
Don’t Ever Tell Me “You’re Bad For Me”
Or “I Deserve Someone Better”
Because No One Can Make Me
Happy As You Do,
I Promise I Won’t Lie To You,
I Won’t Ever Make You Sad,
I Know I Fight With You,
I May Have acted Worse
But I Can Never Stop Caring Or Loving You
Because You’re Always Mine.
I don’t want anyone else; I just want you.
I don’t care about others; I know I can never have someone like you in my life.
If I have ever made you sad,
Please accept my sincere apologies.
I promise that I will never make you angry;
I will irritate you; but I will never make you cry.
That’s how much I value you.
I adore you a lot.
I like you so much.
I need you as like as Earth need Sun.
I love you as like as Horse love to Run.
I make you happy as the way Rains make Kishan.
I can die for you as the way Soldiers do for their Jahan.
Because I love you as the way no another one can do.

I rejoice in myself.
I’m proud of the conflicts I had with myself and prevailed in.
I take pride in the numerous occasions that I fake a smile while internally struggling.
I am grateful for the several occasions that I took care of myself while suffering from nighttime heartache.
I am proud of the times I stood up for what I believed in despite having a trembling voice.
When I cut off relationships that I knew weren’t healthy for me despite my heart’s attempts to persuade me otherwise, I applaud my courage.
I’m proud of all the times I managed to keep my tears in check because those people didn’t deserve to see that side of me.
I rejoice in having learned how to love myself and doing so correctly today.
यद्यपि महाभारतेऽपि काव्यात्मकत्वं विलसत्येव तथापि न तथा तत्र काव्यलक्षणं घटते यथा रामायणे । तत्र हि बहवो नायकाः, वस्तुनिर्देश एव प्रारम्भवाक्यं वीरो हि मुख्यो रसो जये शान्तो महाभारते । फलञ्चास्य धर्म एव । अत्र हि पूर्वभागे युधिष्ठिराभिषेकान्ता कथा वीररसप्रधाना, उत्तरभागं समावेश्य तु शान्तरसस्य प्राधान्यम् । रामायणेऽपि पूर्वकाण्डपर्यन्ता कथा वीररसप्रधाना उत्तरकाण्डं समावेश्य तु करुणरसस्य प्राधान्यम् ।
संस्कृतजगतः महाकाव्येषु महाभारतानन्तरं जाम्बवतीविनयं समुदेति । इदं उच्यते यत्, संस्कृतकाव्यस्य उदयस्तु प्रशान्तपावने तपोवनेऽजायत, किन्तु तस्य विकासो हि राज्ञां प्रासादेष्वेव समभवदुपरतञ्च तद्राजप्रासादानां विनाशेन सहैव इति। कथ्यते हि पाणिनेः उदयाय प्रद्योतस्य नन्दिवर्द्धनस्य, वररुचेरुदये प्रद्योतस्यैव नन्दिनः, पतञ्जलेरुदयाय शुङ्गस्य पुष्यमित्रस्य, भासस्योदये राजसिंहस्य, कालिदासस्योत्कर्षाय विक्रमस्य, अश्वघोषोदये कनिकस्य, भारवेरुत्कर्षाय पुलकेशिद्वितीयस्य विष्णुवर्द्धनस्य, भट्टरुत्कर्षाय श्रीधरनरेन्द्रस्य, बाणस्योदये हर्षवर्द्धनस्य, माघस्योदयाय भोजाख्यस्य कस्यचिद् गुर्जरेश्वरस्य, रत्नाकरस्यावस्थानेऽवन्तिवर्मणः काश्मीरकस्य, श्रीहर्षस्योदये जयचन्द्रस्य कान्यकुब्जेश्वरस्य, विह्लणस्योदये चालुक्यस्य विक्रमादित्यस्य, जगन्नाथोदयाय शाहजहानस्य भूमिका दरीदृश्यते। वस्तुतस्तु कवयो हि द्विविधोद्देश्यपूर्तये राज्ञ आश्रयन्ते स्म । प्रथमं तु तेषां राजाश्रयेणाजीविकासमस्या समाहिता भवति स्म । अपरञ्च, तत्र तेषां ग्रन्थपरीक्षका अपि सुलभा भवन्ति स्म । यथा स्मरति राजशेखरः “श्रूयते हि पाटलिपुत्रे शास्त्रकारपरीक्षा” इति। राजप्रासादाश्रिता अपि कवयो न केवलं राजप्रशस्तीरेव जानन्ति स्मार्पयतु तृणकुटीरेऽपि तेषां दृष्टिः शश्वदेव जागरिता भवति स्म । तत्र हि एकतः –
‘प्रासादवातायनसंश्रितानां नेत्रोत्सवं पुष्पपुराङ्गनानाम्।’
इत्युच्यते तथैवापरतः –
‘आरण्यकोपात्तफलप्रसूतिस्तम्बेन नीवार इवावशिष्टः।’ इत्यपि संस्मर्यते।
ते हि आदर्शमुपस्थापयितुं वाञ्छन्ति स्म । तेन हि नृपस्तु तत्साधनत्वेनैव ते वर्णयन्ति स्म । यदि तादृश आदर्शोऽन्यत्रापि सम्भवति चेत्तानपि ते गृह्णन्ति स्म एव । यथा मेघदूते हि सामान्यपक्षो नायकरूपेण वर्णितोऽस्ति । तथैव मृच्छकटिकं हि दरिद्रविप्रस्य चारुदत्तस्य जीवनवृत्तस्यैकदेश एव । तेन हि संस्कृतकाव्यमुच्चवर्गस्यैव जीवनदर्पण इति यदुच्यते तदसारमेव । यथा च –
लघुनि तृणकुटीरे क्षेत्रकोणे यवानां नवकलमपलालप्रस्तरे सोपधाने।
परिहरति सुषुप्तं हालिकाद्वन्द्वमारात्कुचकलशमहोष्माबद्धरेखस्तुषारः॥
प्रहरकमपनीय स्वं निदिद्रसितोच्चैः प्रतिपदमुपहूतः केनचिज्जागृहीति।
मुहुरविशदवर्णां निद्रया शून्यशून्यां दददपि गिरमन्तर्बुध्यते नो मनुष्यः।।
वासः खण्डमिदं प्रयच्छ यदि वा स्वाङ्के गृहाणार्भकं
रिक्तं भूतलमत्र नाथ भवतः पृष्ठे पलालोच्चयः।
दम्पत्योरिति जल्पितं निशि यदा चौरः प्रविष्टस्तदा
लब्धं कर्पटमन्यतस्तदुपरि क्षिप्त्वा रुदन्निर्गतः॥
संस्कृतकाव्ये पाण्डित्यप्रदर्शनापेक्षया रसबन्धस्यैवाध्यवसायो बहुधा प्रवर्तितो दृश्यते । यद्यपि कालिदासापरवर्तिनो हि कवयो ज्ञानगरिमाणमपि स्वकाव्यविषयत्वेन ग्रथ्नन्ति स्म, तथापि तत्रापि रसापेक्षा तु नैव कथमपि क्षीणा वोपेक्षिता दृश्यते । नैषधीयचरिते ज्ञानगरिमा सर्वातिशायित्वेनान्तर्लीनो दृश्यते, तथापि तत्र रसपेशलता सर्वत्र विलसत्येव । न केवलं काव्यसामान्य एवापितु शास्त्रकाव्येष्वपि येषां हि प्रधानमुद्देश्यं व्याकरणशिक्षणमेव भवति रसपेशलतापेक्षितैव दृश्यते ।
सामान्यतः शृङ्गारवीरकरुणशान्तेष्वन्यतम एव रसः काव्यस्याङ्गित्वेन स्वीकृतोऽन्ये तु अङ्गरूपमात्रमेव । तत्रापि महाकाव्ये प्रायो वीरो वा शान्त एव सम्मतः।
Very sad birthday
My birthday you came back
I hope you were a day without tomorrow
I was born to always suffer alone with great sadness and big disappointment
I never knew the happiness, I never knew love with my dear love
From a long time ago, the ship of my dreams crashed by the cruel winds of fate, and became ruins of hopes sank in the sea of despair and fell down on the land of sad disappointment
My birthday you came back
Look at me, very unfortunately, I’m now
Age is without spring, my spring died from a long time ago
I’m an old man, in a great torment, looking for love and who gives me it
I’m alone from a long time ago, living in a very sad cold loneliness, no family, no relatives, no friends, no wife no kids
I’m a very poor person, no money, nothing I have, I don’t have money to buy food or medicine
I’m a painfully stomach, a sick heart, a tired soul
I’m very sick, feeling big pain, suffering, very disappointed, very sad, my old face can’t smile
I lost hope and even faith, from a long time ago
I’m buried alive in the land of suffering, I am dead alive in the grave of big pains with great sadness, and my only salvation is death, and my only hope and dream and prayer are to die
My birthday you came back
You’re a very sad birthday
I hope that you are now a day without tomorrow
Fady Bouaz
All copyrights are reserved ©
Tuesday 19/7/2022
Thank God
Birthday is the beginning of a new life journey
As it is the end of a previous life journey
Between the beginning and the end
Our lives that are memories of our actions after we are gone
Through them, the others will remember us as good or bad
On this day many years ago, the day I was born
I don’t know if I should be happy
Or I should be sad that another year of my life is gone and I am getting older and older
I’m on the edge of my grave
But despite the suffering and the very difficult circumstances I lived through
I have never changed, and I have never done anything wrong
People will never remember me badly
And my legacy that will remain after me
My poems in which I expressed my good principles and my dreams for a better future for humanity
Perhaps my poetry will inspire others to live in love, peace, no racism, happiness, justice and equality
So I will say on my birthday
Thank God for what I am
Praise be to God, whom gave me patience so that I would not be change to a bad person
Praise be to God, whom inspired me what I wrote to be a good inspiration for man
Thank God I didn’t do what would make me ashamed over time
Thank God for everything
All copyrights are reserved ©
Monday 19/7/2021
ते तस्य कृते तत्र श्मशानस्य मध्ये विशालं मृदु च परितः वृक्षाणाम् अपेक्षया ऊर्ध्वतरं प्रतिमा निर्मितवन्तः।
अभिलेखितम् – “अस्माकं मित्रम्” अन्यत् च न किञ्चन ।
केषाञ्चन सः नगरं मत्तं आलस्यं मध्याह्नपर्यन्तं सिक्तं च आसीत् ।
एकः लम्बरिंग् बफूनः यः जीवने कदापि ऋजुरेखां न गतः।
तथापि सौम्यः दयालुः सः अस्मिन् श्रान्ते लघुनगरे प्रेम वर्षितवान्।
अधिकांशस्य कृते सः वीथिस्य मुख्यं वा स्थापनं वा आसीत् ।
कोणेषु बद्धः अस्मान् सर्वान् अभिवादयन् गच्छन्।
कदापि न उत्पीडयति, केवलं सर्वदा गुलाबी “नमस्कार”।
गोलगण्डानि चक्षुषी च नेत्राणि तस्य हस्ताक्षरं स्मितं – शान्तं टिप्पणी।
एकदा मया तं घोरं शीतं मसौदां प्रविशन् मधुशालाद्वारेषु डुलन्तं गानं श्रुतम् ।
वीथिस्थस्य पुरुषस्य मया न श्रुता वाणी – शक्तिशालिनी, स्तब्धा, दुःखी च ।
पुरुषाः सर्वे मौनम् उपविष्टाः रुदन्तः च आसन्।
सः कोणे हस्ते घड़ीं गृहीत्वा प्रतीक्षते स्म यत् षड्वादनस्य रेलयानं भ्रमति स्म ।
ततः सः कुम्भकारपर्वतम् आरुह्य जिनस्य पुटं गृहीत्वा रेलयानस्य उड्डयनं गृह्णाति स्म तथा वीटीवादनं करोति स्म ।
अवतीर्य आकांक्षागीतं गायन् एकः निर्भीकः पुरुषः – यः कदापि न गतः।
अन्तिमवारं मया तं दृष्टं सः काष्ठस्य एकः खण्डः आसीत् ।
कृशं च चीरेषु तरति। अद्यापि कोणे सङ्लग्नः महता प्रसन्नेन विस्मितः ।
अधुना चलन् मन्दतरं लम्बनं, भ्रमन् ।
तस्य च नेत्रैः अहं ज्ञातुं शक्नोमि स्म, सः दुःखितः आसीत्।
प्रातःकाले ते तं उद्यानपीठे पतितं दृष्टवन्तः ।
फलालैन कम्बल उपहार में आच्छादित ।
हस्ते एकं टिप्पणं कृत्वा, विदाई विदाई
। मया च कथितं यत् एतत् कथं पठितम्।
“बिदाय मम मित्राणि ।
कथं मया भवद्भ्यः सर्वेभ्यः आराधना कृता ।
सर्वेषु कालेषु भवन्तः मां गायितुं ददति स्म ।
सर्वे नमस्काराः विदाः च ।
अहं धन्यः अस्मि यत् कस्यचित् पिता, न कस्यचित् पुत्रः, न कस्यचित् प्रेमी इति प्रस्थानम् ।
अहं च अधुना एव समयं परीक्षितवान् ।
ते तस्य कृते तत्र श्मशानस्य मध्ये विशालं मृदु च परितः वृक्षाणाम् अपेक्षया ऊर्ध्वतरं प्रतिमा निर्मितवन्तः।
“अस्माकं मित्रम्” इति अभिलेखितं न च अन्यत् किमपि।
That was odd, I thought, since that was a thing. By the sea, this is something a fisherman might do.
We were landlocked, distant from the sea, and the cowlicked youngster was young and green.
I put it up to the light once he completed and thought, for someone so young, he appeared extremely elegant and practiced.
As a result, I asked him, What do you think now that it’s finished?
He murmured, I believe I am a phony and a dunderhead.
I laughed as I pondered, That describes both me and the rest of you.
I put it next to the others on the wall and asked him, “Do you like that?” Yes, just like that.
Can I put her there?
You can put whatever you’d like.
Like that?
Yes, like that.
Then down the beach he placed fishing poles dug into the sand and casted out to the sea.
A thing, I did not think the boy had ever seen.
Where did you see that, was it in a movie?
No, I saw it in a dream.