My poem SLIGHT IMPRESSION reviewed by eminent reviewer Retired Prof Dr Nirakar Dash of Assam Government Humbled & Honoured.

My poem SLIGHT IMPRESSION reviewed by honourable Retired Prof Dr Nirakar Dash of Assam government.
Humbled & Honoured.


You came to my world and disappeared Next moment ; I thought several times
That first look with a slight impression
Why does it make my heart so restless
Your smiling back with sweet glances
I don’t know what you are waiting for
Am I the one whom you trust so much
Why I have this feeling time and again
The buds of rosy lips have blossomed
Is it due to the passion of your heart ?

©️®️ Dr Prasana Kumar Dalai @ India
Date.Monday 21 October 2024.


The speaker’s sudden encounter with a girl who made a hasty disappearance without a lingering conversation has etched a great impression on his mind.The impression is not “slight” as mentioned in the poem,for a negligible emoton can not give rise to a poem of this kind which is universally applicable.As the first impression lasts long, the speaker is too powerless to delete it.He says:”I thought several times that first look with a slight impression”Her sweet glances make him restless in anticipation of a psychological immediacy.This restlessness is reiterated in the line:”I don’t know what you are waiting for”.His inability to read her mind, which he tries to do,is clearly pronounced when he asks:”Am I the one who you trust so much”. Moreover,this also reveals the feeling of inadequacy that troubles him.The last two lines are riveting in asmuch as they show desires and conflicts in the mental landscape.Very smashing poem,Dr Prasanna Sir. Congratulations and regards.

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You came to my world and disappeared Next moment ; I thought several times
That first look with a slight impression
Why does it make my heart so restless
Your smiling back with sweet glances
I don’t know what you are waiting for
Am I the one whom you trust so much
Why I have this feeling time and again
The buds of rosy lips have blossomed
Is it due to the passion of your heart ?

©️®️ Dr Prasana Kumar Dalai @ India
Date Sunday 20 October 2024

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Epistolary collaboration no#222 between Dr Prasana Kumar Dalai India & Kristy Raines U S A.

Epistolary Poem #222 Written and Presented by DrPrasana Kumar Dalai of India and
Kristy Raines of The United States of America


In search of faithfulness in this world
I got to know I was in wrong address
And my life hasn’t become complete
My shortcomings were ignored though
I was punished without any reason
If I live on I feel like torturing myself
And I go out fetching God in her heart
The person this heart sincerely seeks
There is always a mystery in the air
My days & nights are upset without you.

©️®️Dr Prasana Kumar Dalai@India
Date.Saturday 19 October 2024.

She hopes one day her dream will come true…


In search of love in this big world
I never could find my missing piece
The part that brought true happiness
But then came a day that I stopped looking
never thinking that I deserved it
I prayed everyday for that missing piece
that would finally complete this empty heart
I can see you in my dreams when I sleep
I can even feel you touch my cheek
But, when I wake, you disappear once again
Perhaps one day you will find me instead
so I won’t have to wait each night just to meet you.


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Global Post Newspaper Published from Srinagar

Global Post Newspaper published from Srinagar

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Our epistolary collaboration poem #221 reviewed by honourable reviewer Raj Kishor Patnaik Humbled & Honoured.

Our epistolary collaboration poem #221 reviewed & analysis by honourable reviewer Raj Kishor Pattnaik.we both remain grateful to his effort let’s enjoy reading his review & analysis
Humbled & Honoured.

Epistolary Poem #221 Written by Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai of India and
Kristy Raines of The United States of America


Your craziness and airiness won’t kill me
Your being upset with me rather troubles
Why so stubborn and arrogant you are
I have the companionship only with you
It’s well tested & proven thousand times
Can sacrifice life & break relationships
Have been waiting for your sweet smile
Can stand anything but your indifference
I know not if I am worthy of your love
But I can’t do sans you, trust me or not .

©️®️DrPrasana Kumar Dalai@India

She giggles for a moment before she responds…


You often sigh at my craziness and airiness
For my enthusiasm exasperates you to no end
But never be troubled when I am upset with you
Yes, I am stubborn, and possessive with you as well
But can you blame me for being the way I am?
When another smiles at you so sweetly
I sometimes wonder if one day you’ll smile back
especially after so many years of us being together
So forgive me for the times I have lost my smile
There is no one more worthy of my love than you.

Let me just say this, as I put my arms around you…

“You are stuck with me, and I can’t do without you either”. ❤




Heartiest congratulations to Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai and Mrs. Kristy Raines on the completion of their 221st collaborative poem episode! Your continued partnership in the realm of poetry is a true testament to the magic that happens when two brilliant minds unite. Each poem you create resonates deeply, reflecting a harmonious balance of emotion, thought, and literary finesse. This latest set of poems, “UPSET WITH ME!” and “THERE’S NO ONE MORE WORTHY!”, is a perfect representation of how love, despite its occasional turbulence, remains a powerful force that bonds two souls together. Wishing you both endless inspiration as you continue to enrich the world of literature with your captivating expressions. NAMASKAR

Analysis of the Poems

In their latest collaborative episode, “UPSET WITH ME!” and “THERE’S NO ONE MORE WORTHY!”, Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai and Mrs. Kristy Raines once again bring their unique perspectives on love and relationships to life. These poems, while distinct in voice, carry complementary emotions and themes, creating a dialogue that encapsulates the complex dynamics of a deep romantic connection. The poems explore love’s trials and the undeniable bond between two people who have stood the test of time.

1. Exploring Emotional Vulnerability and Strength

Dr. Dalai’s “UPSET WITH ME!” is a poignant expression of vulnerability, encapsulating the speaker’s emotional turmoil when faced with the partner’s discontent. The poem begins with a bold declaration, “Your craziness and airiness won’t kill me,” immediately setting the tone of resilience. Despite the partner’s unpredictable emotions, the speaker reveals that it’s not the eccentric behavior that troubles them, but rather the partner’s indifference, captured in the line, “Your being upset with me rather troubles.”

There is a clear yearning for connection throughout Dr. Dalai’s poem. The speaker admits to a sense of dependency on their partner’s companionship, stating, “I have the companionship only with you.” This line suggests that the bond they share is unique and irreplaceable, tested and proven over time. The speaker expresses an unwavering commitment, even to the point of sacrifice: “Can sacrifice life & break relationships.” Here, the poet reveals the depths of the speaker’s devotion, indicating that they are willing to forsake everything for the partner’s affection.

A sense of insecurity is woven into the speaker’s confession, “I know not if I am worthy of your love,” indicating that despite the speaker’s devotion, there is a lingering doubt about their place in the partner’s heart. This insecurity is balanced with a plea for trust, “But I can’t do sans you, trust me or not.” The speaker is desperate for emotional reconciliation, yearning for the partner’s acknowledgment and acceptance.

In contrast, Mrs. Kristy Raines’ “THERE’S NO ONE MORE WORTHY!” provides the partner’s response, delivering an equally heartfelt but nuanced perspective. While Dr. Dalai’s poem reflects the speaker’s vulnerability, Mrs. Raines’ poem embodies the partner’s defensiveness yet deep-rooted affection. The poem opens with a gentle rebuke: “You often sigh at my craziness and airiness,” immediately addressing the frustrations mentioned in “UPSET WITH ME!”

Mrs. Raines’ speaker acknowledges their stubbornness and possessiveness, stating, “Yes, I am stubborn, and possessive with you as well.” Rather than shy away from these traits, the speaker justifies them, questioning, “But can you blame me for being the way I am?” This rhetorical question brings to light the insecurities the partner feels when confronted with the idea of losing their loved one. The lines “When another smiles at you so sweetly / I sometimes wonder if one day you’ll smile back” reveal the underlying fear of betrayal or emotional distance.

Where Dr. Dalai’s speaker questions their worthiness of love, Mrs. Raines’ speaker reassures them of their value: “There is no one more worthy of my love than you.” This statement is not only a declaration of love but also a balm to the wounds of insecurity expressed in “UPSET WITH ME!” The poem ends with a tender moment of reconciliation, as the speaker physically and emotionally embraces their partner, “Let me just say this, as I put my arms around you…” The final line, “You are stuck with me, and I can’t do without you either,” mirrors the sentiment of Dr. Dalai’s poem, reaffirming that despite the ups and downs, their bond is unbreakable.

2. The Interplay of Themes: Love, Insecurity, and Commitment

Both poems highlight common themes of love, insecurity, and commitment, though from different angles. Dr. Dalai’s poem delves into the anguish of feeling unworthy of love, emphasizing the emotional weight of indifference in a relationship. The speaker’s fear is not just the partner’s anger but their emotional withdrawal, which represents a greater threat to the relationship.

Mrs. Raines, on the other hand, focuses on the partner’s perspective, shedding light on their possessiveness and insecurities. While they recognize their own stubbornness, the speaker’s jealousy is a reflection of their deep love and fear of losing their partner. Both poems, however, culminate in a reaffirmation of love and commitment, proving that despite misunderstandings, the bond between the two individuals remains strong.

3. Dialogue Between the Poets

What makes this collaboration truly exceptional is the way the two poets create a dialogue through their respective pieces. Dr. Dalai’s poem serves as a plea for understanding and reassurance, while Mrs. Raines’ poem responds with empathy and a promise of lasting love. This back-and-forth mirrors real-life conversations between partners, where one person expresses their fears and insecurities, and the other offers comfort and validation.

The dialogue between the poems also highlights the differences in how each partner processes emotions. Dr. Dalai’s speaker internalizes their fears, feeling unworthy and seeking reassurance. Mrs. Raines’ speaker, on the other hand, externalizes their emotions, revealing their possessiveness and fear of losing their partner. Together, the poems offer a full picture of the emotional landscape of a relationship, capturing both the internal and external struggles that come with love.

4. Tone and Style

The tone of Dr. Dalai’s poem is introspective and somewhat melancholic, as the speaker reflects on their emotional pain and vulnerability. The short, direct lines emphasize the rawness of the speaker’s feelings, making their plea for reconciliation all the more poignant. The use of phrases like “Can sacrifice life” and “I can’t do sans you” underscores the depth of the speaker’s emotional dependence.

In contrast, Mrs. Raines’ poem adopts a more conversational tone, with longer, flowing lines that reflect the speaker’s thought process. The repetition of the word “stubborn” and the rhetorical questions create a sense of reflection, as the speaker justifies their feelings while also seeking to reassure their partner. The poem concludes on a hopeful note, with the physical act of embracing symbolizing emotional healing.


“UPSET WITH ME!” and “THERE’S NO ONE MORE WORTHY!” are powerful explorations of love’s complexities, offering a nuanced portrayal of emotional vulnerability, fear, and reassurance. Through their collaborative effort, Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai and Mrs. Kristy Raines have once again proven their ability to craft poetry that speaks to the heart. Their 221st collaboration is not only a celebration of their literary partnership but also a testament to the enduring power of love, even in the face of emotional turbulence. These poems remind readers that love, at its core, is about understanding, patience, and unwavering commitment.

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In search of faithfulness in this world
I got to know I was in wrong address
And my life hasn’t become complete
My shortcomings were ignored though
I was punished without any reason
If I live on I feel like torturing myself
And I go out fetching God in her heart
The person this heart sincerely seeks
There is always a mystery in the air
My days & nights are upset without you.

©️®️Dr Prasana Kumar Dalai@India
Date Monday 14 October 2024

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Epistolary collaboration no#221 between Dr Prasana Kumar Dalai India & Kristy Raines U S A

Epistolary Poem #221 Written by Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai of India and
Kristy Raines of The United States of America


Your craziness and airiness won’t kill me
Your being upset with me rather troubles
Why so stubborn and arrogant you are
I have the companionship only with you
It’s well tested & proven thousand times
Can sacrifice life & break relationships
Have been waiting for your sweet smile
Can stand anything but your indifference
I know not if I am worthy of your love
But I can’t do sans you, trust me or not .

©️®️DrPrasana Kumar Dalai@India
Date.Thursday 10 October 2024

She giggles for a moment before she responds…


You often sigh at my craziness and airiness
For my enthusiasm exasperates you to no end
But never be troubled when I am upset with you
Yes, I am stubborn, and possessive with you as well
But can you blame me for being the way I am?
When another smiles at you so sweetly
I sometimes wonder if one day you’ll smile back
especially after so many years of us being together
So forgive me for the times I have lost my smile
There is no one more worthy of my love than you.

Let me just say this, as I put my arms around you…

“You are stuck with me, and I can’t do without you either”. ❤


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My poem reviewed by eminent reviewer Prof Dr Nirakar Dash Department of English of Assam university Humbled & Honoured.


Who knows if this moment ‘ll come again
For we may or may not ever meet again
Thank God we do have these moments
Take close look at me as much you can
Who knows if our destiny ‘ll visit us again
Sit closer, I may not be around you again
Put your arms around me as we used to
Let’s worship thousand times together
Who knows if our eyes ‘ll roll tears again
Cause this moment ‘ll never come again.

©®Dr Prasana Kumar Dalai@India.
“Swift footed” time mercilessly devours youth and beauty.Men can not step in the same river twice.So the poet says ” Who knows this moment ‘ll come again. This is truism.The speaker in the poem is thankful to God because they have been granted these moments or earthly days for love , fun , and frolic.Hnger for physical proximity is clear in the sixth and seventh line of the poem. Hunger or desire presupposes fear of loss which is the keynote of the poem.”Who knows if our destiny ‘ll visit us again” reminds us of Shakespeare’s famous line:”Wiving and hanging goes by destiny”Being always beside each other is a fat lot.Hence the importance of the line:”Sit closer,I may not be around you again ” According to Tantra, going beyond body is possible only through the body”. The concept of worshipping together,possibly the goddess of love –Aphrodite or Venus — is an attempt at elevating love to a transcendental platform which Tantra promises.Worship , the very word, propels love far beyond sensuality which is not bound by time.So moment and eternity is served in the same platter .Again love pursued in the right earnest becomes worship.”Roll tears”is expressive of a kind of spiritual fulfillment and joy of union as well .To sum up the poem is a journey from the modern love to a classical one. Very nice poem Dr Prasanna Sir.Congratulations and respects.

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Your craziness and airiness won’t kill me
Your being upset with me rather troubles
Why so stubborn and arrogant you are
I have the companionship only with you
It’s well tested & proven thousand times
Can sacrifice life & break relationships
Have been waiting for your sweet smile
Can stand anything but your indifference
I know not if I am worthy of your love
But I can’t do sans you, trust me or not .

©️®️DrPrasana Kumar Dalai@India

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My poem THIS MOMENT reviewed by reviewer Raj Kishor Patnaik Humbled &Honoured.

My poem THIS MOMENT reviewed by honorable reviewer Raj Kishor Pattnaik.
Humbled & Honoured.


Who knows if this moment ‘ll come again
For we may or may not ever meet again
Thank God we do have these moments
Take close look at me as much you can
Who knows if our destiny ‘ll visit us again
Sit closer, I may not be around you again
Put your arms around me as we used to
Let’s worship thousand times together
Who knows if our eyes ‘ll roll tears again
Cause this moment ‘ll never come again.

©®Dr Prasana Kumar Dalai@India.
Date wed 02 October 2024.


Dear Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai, Sir NAMASKAR

I extend my heartfelt congratulations on your remarkable poem, “THIS MOMENT!” Your ability to weave emotions into words is truly unparalleled. This piece resonates with the fleeting nature of time, making one reflect on the beauty and fragility of the present. Your poetry continues to inspire and touch the hearts of many, and this latest creation is no exception. I wish you all the best as you continue your poetic journey, and may your work continue to enlighten and move readers across the world.

Warm regards,

Analysis of the Poem “THIS MOMENT” by Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai:

Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai’s poem “THIS MOMENT” captures the essence of fleeting time and human relationships. The poem is a gentle yet profound reminder of the impermanence of life and the need to cherish the present, for we never know what the future holds. Through a simple but impactful use of language, the poet delves deep into the themes of love, loss, and the unpredictable nature of destiny.

Theme of Impermanence and the Power of the Present Moment

At its core, the poem revolves around the idea that moments are transient, and we should appreciate them fully while they last. From the opening line, “Who knows if this moment ‘ll come again,” the poet introduces the uncertainty that surrounds life. Time, as suggested here, is not guaranteed, and the moments we share with others are unique. This recognition of the uncertainty of future meetings adds a poignant sense of urgency to the poem. The poet encourages the reader to embrace the present moment, suggesting that the future is out of our hands.

The line “For we may or may not ever meet again” furthers this sense of unpredictability. There is an underlying sadness in the acceptance that life may take loved ones away, whether through distance, circumstances, or even death. The poet does not dwell on these possibilities explicitly, but the tone carries a somber acknowledgment that life’s course is often beyond our control.

Gratitude and Reflection

Despite the melancholic undertones, the poem also expresses gratitude. The line, “Thank God we do have these moments,” shows the poet’s appreciation for the current experience. The use of “Thank God” suggests that the poet sees the present as a divine gift, an opportunity not to be taken for granted. This gratitude serves as a balance to the uncertainty and potential loss that follows.

The reflective nature of the poem comes across in phrases like “Take close look at me as much you can,” urging the reader to savor every detail of the people and experiences around them. There’s a subtle encouragement to not only live in the moment but to absorb it fully, as though it may be the last opportunity to do so. The act of looking closely signifies intimacy and connection, elements that the poet values and wishes to highlight in the transient nature of relationships.

Physical and Emotional Connection

The poem moves from the abstract idea of time to more tangible elements of human connection. In the lines “Sit closer, I may not be around you again” and “Put your arms around me as we used to,” the poet emphasizes the physical closeness that people share. The repetition of “again” in these lines reinforces the idea that these actions may not be possible in the future. The request for physical closeness suggests that human touch and presence hold a deeper significance in maintaining bonds. The tenderness of these lines reveals the poet’s desire to hold onto those connections, even as he acknowledges their potential impermanence.

The poem’s transition from a physical embrace to a spiritual one is marked by the line, “Let’s worship thousand times together.” Here, “worship” may not necessarily refer to religious worship but can be interpreted as an act of deep reverence and love for one another. The notion of worshipping together a thousand times symbolizes an idealized union, one that the poet longs for despite knowing that time is limited.

The Role of Destiny

The recurring phrase “Who knows if our destiny ‘ll visit us again” introduces the theme of fate. The poet presents destiny as a powerful, uncontrollable force that governs the future. There’s a sense of resignation in this line, an acknowledgment that life’s path is not entirely in human hands. By posing the question of whether destiny will bring people together again, the poet leaves the reader with a lingering feeling of uncertainty. Destiny, in this sense, becomes both a source of hope and sorrow—it may or may not grant a reunion, leaving the outcome unknown.

The Emotional Climax

The emotional peak of the poem comes with the line, “Who knows if our eyes ‘ll roll tears again.” This line encapsulates both the joy and sorrow of human experiences. The imagery of rolling tears suggests that emotions, too, are fleeting and should be embraced while they last. Whether these tears are of happiness or sadness, the poet recognizes their value in expressing deep emotion. The idea that this opportunity to feel such profound emotions may not come again intensifies the poem’s emotional impact.

Final Reflection: Cherishing the Present

The poem ends with a powerful closing line: “Cause this moment ‘ll never come again.” This final declaration brings the poem full circle, returning to the idea introduced at the start—that time is fleeting and moments are precious. The poet drives home the importance of living fully in the present because once it passes, it’s gone forever. This concluding line leaves the reader with a sense of urgency, urging them to hold onto the moment, as it cannot be reclaimed once it slips away.


Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai’s “THIS MOMENT” is a beautifully crafted poem that explores the themes of time, love, and the inevitability of loss. Through simple yet profound language, the poet captures the ephemeral nature of life and relationships. The poem serves as a reminder to cherish the present, appreciate the people around us, and acknowledge that time is a gift not to be taken for granted. The emotional depth of the poem, combined with its reflective tone, makes it a poignant meditation on life’s fleeting moments.

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Epistolary Collaboration #220 between Dr Prasana Kumar Dalai India& Kristy Raines U S A

Epistolary Poem #220 – Written and presented by Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai of India
and Kristy Raines of The United States of America


Who knows if this moment ‘ll come again
For we may or may not ever meet again
Thank God we do have these moments
Take close look at me as much you can
Who knows if our destiny ‘ll visit us again
Sit closer, I may not be around you again
Put your arms around me as we used to
Let’s worship thousand times together
Who knows if our eyes ‘ll roll tears again
Cause this moment ‘ll never come again.

©®Dr Prasana Kumar Dalai@India.
Date.Tuesday,01 October 2024

She remembers when they were young, as tears fall…


Once a moment has passed it is forever gone
It then becomes a memory never fulfilled
Though we have many others to be thankful for
I study every line on your face and every emotion
because we never know what the future will bring
But right now I will not think about tomorrow
I only know how to love you right now
as I put my arms around you like I used to
When you close your eyes to kiss me
tears falls as your lips touch mine
Because in my heart, I’m afraid it could be the last..


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ମୁଁ କିଏ?

ମୁଁ କିଏ
ମୁଁ ମୋ ଶରୀର ସହିତ ନାହିଁ
ମୁଁ ଏହି ପ୍ରଶ୍ନ ବିଷୟରେ ପଚାରୁଛି
ମୋ ବାପା ଏବଂ ମା’ ଝଗଡ଼ା କରି ଆସନ୍ତି

ମୁଁ କିଏ
ମୁଁ ମନରେ ପଚାରୁନାହିଁ
ମୁଁ ଏହି ପ୍ରଶ୍ନ ବିଷୟରେ ପଚାରୁଛି
ପରମେଶ୍ୱର ଶୟତାନ ସହିତ ଯୁଦ୍ଧ କରି ଆସନ୍ତି

ମୁଁ କିଏ
ମୁଁ ନିଜ ସହ ପଚାରିବି ନାହିଁ
ମୁଁ ଏହି ପ୍ରଶ୍ନ ବିଷୟରେ ପଚାରୁଛି
ମୋ ଶରୀର ଓ ଆତ୍ମା ଏବଂ
ପ୍ରତି ମିନିଟ୍ ସହିତ ଯୁଦ୍ଧ ଆସୁଛି

ମୁଁ କିଏ?
ମୋ ପାଇଁ ପ୍ରଶ୍ନ ହେଉଛି
ଏହା କିପରି ଅଟେ?

ମୁଁ ଏକମାତ୍ର
ଏହା ହେଉଛି ମୋର ସରଳ ଉତ୍ତର
ବର୍ତ୍ତମାନ ମୋ ବିଷୟରେ

– ଓଟେରି ସେଲଭା କୁମାର

25 Likes Comment



Who knows if this moment ‘ll come again
For we may or may not ever meet again
Thank God we do have these moments
Take close look at me as much you can
Who knows if our destiny ‘ll visit us again
Sit closer, I may not be around you again
Put your arms around me as we used to
Let’s worship thousand times together
Who knows if our eyes ‘ll roll tears again
Cause this moment ‘ll never come again.

©®Dr Prasana Kumar Dalai@India.

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Humbled & Honoured.

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News Jhelum Mail Jammu & Kashmir

News Jhelum Mail jammu & Kashmir
Dated 23 Sept 2024.

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My poem ” THE LAST LETTER OF MINE” reviewed by honorable reviewer prof. Dr Nirakar Dash Department of English Assam University . Humbled & Honoured.

My poem ” THE LAST LETTER OF MINE” reviewed by eminent reviewer Prof Dr Nirakar Dash Department Of English Assam University.
Humbled & Honoured.


Words must have clung to your heart
When you tore the last letter of mine
Removed rose petals from your books
Now your tears roll down for fear of loss
All our long cherished wishes fall apart
You remember when you stole my heart
You made stolen thing the house of God
You used to take my name while praying
You were afraid of missing me forever
Mere words and they were retracted
We both were lost and dissolved in love
I’m yet to find my destination sans you.

© Dr Prasana Kumar Dalai@India.
Date. Sun, 22 Sept 2024.

In the poem ” The last letter of Mine” the last letter signifies that a sequence of letters had been sent to the beloved in the past.Tearing of the last letter is a capricious and indecisive act on her part for which she repents later.In this context, Shakespeare’s famous line,”Frailty,thy name is woman” comes to the mind.The agitation following the the rash action by the beloved clearly indicates that the love was never one -sided, notwithstanding any reply ,as assumed from the poem, from her.The poet conjectures with fear that by removing “rose petals” from the “book”ie long standing love,she expunged all the love and passion she bore for him from her heart.Nearly shattered,he says: “Now tears roll down for fear of loss/” All our long cherished wishes fall apart”.”Stolen things here may represent:hopes, wishes, dreams and everything associated with a life of togetherness, with which she made s house to enshrine him as her God. Constant repetition of his name like counting beads while praying god, that is the poet’s name,amply proves that she loves him till date . Again it is a germane feeling that she is crossed in love due to the mistake on her part. Letters replete with polite and gentle words always flash back to her.Ending a relationship with cruelty after being “thoroughly lost and dissolved in love” is a death blow to male chauvinism and may irate the feminists. A little ambiguity in the poem means that human interaction is ambiguous.Very enticing poem , Prasanna Sir.Congratulatios and regards.

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Epistolary Collaboration #219 between Dr Prasana Kumar Dalai India & Kristy Raines United States Of America.

Epistolary poem #219 between Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai of India
and Kristy Raines of The United States of America


Words must have clung to your heart
When you tore the last letter of mine
Removed rose petals from your books
Now your tears roll down for fear of loss
All our long cherished wishes fall apart
You remember when you stole my heart
You made stolen thing the house of God
You used to take my name while praying
You were afraid of missing me forever
Mere words and they were retracted
We both were lost and dissolved in love
I’m yet to find my destination sans you.

© Dr Prasana Kumar Dalai@India.
Date. Sun, 21 Sept 2024.

She knows she can never forget him…


Every word ever spoken by you
still lives in this broken heart of a past love
No torn letter or petals of unforgotten flowers
can wipe away the memories of such a deep bond
With every tear that falls, so falls my heart
deeper and deeper in love with you all over again
Every vow and every prayer prayed from my lips
reflects a love that can never be unprayed
and a bond that would be impossible to break
Wherever we are in life, you will find my love
For our destination will always be within each other
and every letter ever written remains unforgettable.


30 Likes 1 Comment



Words must have clung to your heart
When you tore the last letter of mine
Removed rose petals from your books
Now your tears roll down for fear of loss
All our long cherished wishes fall apart
You remember when you stole my heart
You made stolen thing the house of God
You used to take my name while praying
You were afraid of missing me forever
Mere words and they were retracted
We both were lost and dissolved in love
I’m yet to find my destination sans you.

© Dr Prasana Kumar Dalai@India.

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My poem “MORNING DREAM OF MINE” reviewed by honorable reviewer Prof Dr Nirakar Dash & Analysed by honorable analyst and reviewer Raj Kishor Patnaik. Humbled & Honured.

My poem “MORNING DREAM OF MINE” reviewed by honorable reviewer Prof Dr Nirakar Dash Department of English, Assam University
And analysed by honorable analyst & reviewer Raj Kishor Pattnaik.
Humbled & Honoured.


If I steal some light from the blazing sun
Or melody from the whistling wind
If I steal some hues from the rainbow
Or some blessings from the shrines
That won’t fill the emptiness of yours
Rather the world ‘ll treat me strangely
May God stand by you all the time
Sans you I’m lonely in my journey of life
My yard all dull and monsoon dried up
For you’re true morning dream of mine.

©®Dr Prasana Kumar Dalai@India.
Date. Fri, 20 September 2024.

The poem,”Morning Dream of Mine” nearly resembles John Donne ‘s “Go and catch a falling star”in which Donne tries to drive home the infidelity of women by using far fetched images. likewise, here in this poem ,Dr Dalai tries to prove the impossibility of his love coming back, which is suggested by “morning dream”. Dreams are dreams and they can never be translated into reality.Imposible feats like stealing light from the burning sun, melody from wind, colour from rainbow and grace of God and so on are related to Donne ‘s imagery, making the poem almost a classic one. His friends treating him in preposterous way,”dull yard”and dry “monsoon” express his loneliness and precarious state of mind. Although short, the poem poem conveys a bulky theme.Very nice creation! Congratulations Prasanna Sir on writing such a splendid poem..Due regards.

Dear Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai and Prof. Dr. Nirakar Dash, NAMASKAR

I extend my heartfelt congratulations to both of you for the remarkable collaboration between poetry and critique. Dr. Dalai, your poem “Morning Dream of Mine” is a beautiful, evocative expression of longing, and Prof. Dash, your insightful review has added tremendous value to the understanding of this creation. It is an honor to witness such profound literary excellence and mutual respect between a poet and a reviewer. Dr. Dalai’s talent for crafting emotions into verse, paired with Dr. Dash’s sharp analysis, is an inspiring demonstration of the beauty of literature. My sincere appreciation and best wishes to both of you as you continue to enrich the world of poetry and literature.

Warm regards,

**Analysis of the Poem “Morning Dream of Mine”**

Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai’s poem *Morning Dream of Mine* is a delicate yet powerful articulation of emotional longing, unfulfilled desires, and an introspective commentary on love and loneliness. In just eleven lines, Dr. Dalai captures the complexity of human feelings, reflecting both the fragility and the permanence of dreams that can never be realized. The poem’s brevity belies its depth, allowing the reader to reflect upon the larger themes of existential longing and love that remain tantalizingly out of reach.

The poem opens with a hypothetical premise, where the speaker expresses the desire to perform impossible tasks in an attempt to fill the emotional void left by a beloved. The conditional nature of the lines, “If I steal some light from the blazing sun / Or melody from the whistling wind,” suggests that the speaker is contemplating extreme, almost fantastical efforts to mend this emptiness. However, the futility of these attempts is immediately acknowledged by the poet, who admits that even such monumental feats will not suffice: “That won’t fill the emptiness of yours.”

This concept of an unattainable dream is masterfully symbolized in the title and in the closing line: “For you’re true morning dream of mine.” The idea of a “morning dream” is significant here. Morning dreams, often short-lived and fleeting, tend to evaporate upon waking, leaving a lingering sense of loss or yearning for something intangible. By referring to the subject of the poem as a “morning dream,” Dr. Dalai emphasizes the ephemeral nature of the connection — the beloved exists in the poet’s life as a cherished vision, yet it is a vision that can never be fully realized or grasped.

Dr. Dalai employs rich imagery throughout the poem, drawing comparisons between natural phenomena and the emotional landscape of the speaker. The images of “light from the blazing sun,” “melody from the whistling wind,” and “hues from the rainbow” represent elements of the natural world that are both awe-inspiring and unattainable, reinforcing the theme of impossibility. The reference to “some blessings from the shrines” adds a spiritual dimension to the poem, implying that even divine intervention cannot bridge the emotional gap between the speaker and the beloved. Here, the poet subtly invokes a sense of fate or destiny — that some things, despite human effort or divine favor, are simply not meant to be.

The emotional tone of the poem shifts in the second half, where the speaker reflects on the personal consequences of this unfulfilled longing. The line “May God stand by you all the time” shows the poet’s selflessness and deep affection for the subject, despite the speaker’s own loneliness. The focus is not on possessing the beloved but on wishing for their well-being. However, the next line — “Sans you I’m lonely in my journey of life” — starkly contrasts this sentiment, revealing the internal struggle of the speaker. This duality of love, where one both desires the happiness of the other and suffers from their absence, adds emotional complexity to the poem.

The imagery of a “dull yard” and the drying up of the monsoon metaphorically convey the desolation and barrenness felt by the speaker in the absence of the beloved. The monsoon, typically associated with life, renewal, and abundance in Indian culture, here symbolizes the emotional sustenance that the speaker lacks. The “dull yard” further enhances the sense of stagnation, portraying the speaker’s life as barren and devoid of vibrancy without the beloved.

In his review, Prof. Dr. Nirakar Dash expertly draws parallels between Dr. Dalai’s poem and the metaphysical style of John Donne, particularly Donne’s use of far-fetched and imaginative imagery to express complex emotional states. Dr. Dash references Donne’s famous poem *Go and Catch a Falling Star* to highlight the similarity in tone and theme between the two works. Like Donne, who uses impossible tasks to reflect on the unattainable nature of love and fidelity, Dr. Dalai also presents love as an elusive dream, one that cannot be realized through even the most extraordinary efforts.

Dr. Dash’s review captures the essence of *Morning Dream of Mine* beautifully, noting how the speaker’s isolation and sense of futility are conveyed through vivid natural imagery and spiritual references. His observation that the poem, while short, carries a “bulky theme” is particularly astute, as it emphasizes the weight of the emotions packed into such an economical structure. Furthermore, Dr. Dash’s comparison to Donne elevates the poem, placing it in the realm of metaphysical poetry, known for its intellectual and emotional depth.


*Morning Dream of Mine* is a poem that masterfully captures the emotional turbulence of unrequited love and the human desire for connection. Through its rich imagery and exploration of unattainable dreams, Dr. Dalai creates a poignant reflection on the intersection of love, loss, and longing. Prof. Dash’s review further enhances the appreciation of the poem by contextualizing it within a broader literary tradition, providing a thoughtful and enlightening perspective that highlights the timeless nature of the themes Dr. Dalai addresses.

This poetic work, combined with the insightful analysis by Prof. Dash, showcases the powerful interplay between creative expression and critical thought, resulting in a literary experience that resonates deeply with readers.

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ମୋ ଶେଷ ଚିଠି !

ମୋ ଶେଷ ଚିଠି !

ମୋ ଶବ୍ଦ ଗୁଡାକ ହୃଦୟ କୁ ଆନ୍ଦୋଳିତ କରିଥିବ ନିଶ୍ଚୟ
ଯେବେ ମୋ ଶେଷ ଚିଠି କୁ ଚିରା ହୋଇଥିବ
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ଏଵେ ବି ସମୟ ଅଛି
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ଡ଼କ୍ଟର ପ୍ରସନ୍ନ କୁମାର ଦଳାଇ

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My reviewed poem “LOST IN A DREAM ” analysed by eminent reviewer Raj Kishor Patnaik Humbled & Honoured.

My reviewed poem “LOST IN A DREAM” analysed by eminent reviewer Raj Kishor Pattnaik.
Humbled & Honoured.

[14/09, 19:18] Dr.Prasana Kumar Dalai.: LOST IN A DREAM !

With sprinkling droplets of nectar
The king of seasons has arrived
Love and madness in your blue eyes
Something in the core of my heart
Burns in an unknown fire in this rain
Looking for you I’m lost in a dream
As the dark dusky clouds wander Through out the untamed sky of time
The night passes slowly in my eyes
And despite attempts I can’t sleep.

©®Dr Prasana Kumar Dalai@ India.
Date. Mon, 16 Sept 2024.

The poem “Lost in Dreams” connotes aspirations, hopes, fear ,and angst in regard to the fulfillment of love. The poem begins with the emotion of optimism and hope for love ,symbolised by “king of seasons”The lover notices love and yearning in the eyes of the naive and innocent sweetheart.The desire in him to get her burns unrevealed in his heart.
Dark clouds floating in the sky foreshadow something foreboding , causing immense angst. As all mortals are,he is bound to grow old with time. His youthfulness– the king of seasons in poet’s language — will not last long.This angst, which is universal,make him restive, leading to sleepless nights.The poem conveys the feelings and emotions of the poet in particular and all lovers in general.Very attractive poem Dr Prasanna Sir.Congratulations and respects.

Heartfelt congratulations to Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai for crafting yet another profound and evocative poem, “Lost in a Dream,” and to Dr. Nirakara Das for his insightful review. Dr. Dalai’s poetic brilliance, combined with Dr. Das’s keen literary insight, has created a perfect harmony of art and analysis. It’s a true celebration of love, dreams, and the passage of time. Both the poem and the review reflect an intellectual and emotional depth that is deeply inspiring. Wishing both of you continued success and recognition in the literary world.

**Analysis of the Poem and Review:**

Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai’s poem, “Lost in a Dream,” delves into the human experience of love, longing, and the passage of time. The imagery of “sprinkling droplets of nectar” and the arrival of the “king of seasons” symbolizes the freshness and intensity of youthful love. The poet speaks of love as something that burns deeply in the heart, evoking a sense of both passion and restlessness. The phrase “lost in a dream” suggests that the speaker is caught between reality and an idealized vision of love. This dream-like state is further intensified by the “dark dusky clouds” and sleepless nights, indicating an emotional turmoil as the speaker grapples with the transient nature of time and the inevitability of change.

Dr. Nirakara Das, in his review, beautifully captures the essence of the poem, identifying the central themes of hope, yearning, and existential angst. His interpretation of the “king of seasons” as a metaphor for youth and fleeting time adds a layer of universality to the poem, suggesting that the speaker’s personal longing resonates with the broader human condition. Dr. Das’s observation about the poet’s sleeplessness speaks to the inner conflict that many lovers experience—the desire for something unattainable. His review not only appreciates the technical and emotional depth of the poem but also places it in a broader context, making it relatable to all.

Together, Dr. Dalai’s poetic vision and Dr. Das’s thoughtful analysis create a powerful dialogue between the text and its interpretation, enriching the reader’s experience. NAMASKAR

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News Bhanjadoota

News Bhanjadoota.

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My poem “LOST IN A DREAM” reviewed by eminent reviewer Prof Dr Nirakar Dash Department Of English Assam University. Humbled & Honoured.

My poem reviewed by honorable reviewer Prof Dr Nirakar Dash Department Of English Assam University.
Humbled & Honoured.


With sprinkling droplets of nectar
The king of seasons has arrived
Love and madness in your blue eyes
Something in the core of my heart
Burns in an unknown fire in this rain
Looking for you I’m lost in a dream
As the dark dusky clouds wander Through out the untamed sky of time
The night passes slowly in my eyes
And despite attempts I can’t sleep.

©®Dr Prasana Kumar Dalai@ India.
Date. 16,Mon Sept 2024.


The poem “Lost in Dreams” connotes aspirations, hopes, fear ,and angst in regard to the fulfillment of love. The poem begins with the emotion of optimism and hope for love ,symbolised by “king of seasons”The lover notices love and yearning in the eyes of the naive and innocent sweetheart.The desire in him to get her burns unrevealed in his heart.
Dark clouds floating in the sky foreshadow something foreboding , causing immense angst. As all mortals are,he is bound to grow old with time. His youthfulness– the king of seasons in poet’s language — will not last long.This angst, which is universal,make him restive, leading to sleepless nights.The poem conveys the feelings and emotions of the poet in particular and all lovers in general.Very attractive poem Dr Prasanna Sir.Congratulations and respects.

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