- Collaboration #124 Written by DrPrasana Kumar from India and Kristy Raines from The United States of America
You are my heartbeat , me the heart
My abode is your companionship
I do seek my home in your street
In your hands I exist since we met
I ‘ve changed & achieved every thing
Even there were difficulties earlier
Reaching goal has now become easy
None but I can read your heart beats
You are getting upset & persuaded
Fetching your smile I find happiness.
©®Dr.Prasana Kumar Dalai@India.
She looks at him with love and speaks…
I am your companion, your lover and friend
You are the heart that feels my every emotion
My heartbeat, is the wellspring of your life
You seek your home in my arms every night
and in my hands I hold your tender heart
We’ve both overcoming earlier difficulties
and have grown in many ways together
Only you truly know the beats of my heart
whether I am happy or I am somber inside
But oh, how easily you can find my smile
And when you smile back.. there is no doubt
that my pounding heart beats only for you <3
June 10, 2023
Collaboration #122 Written by DrPrasana Kumar from India and
Kristy Raines From The United States of America.
God has written a destiny for me
Which doesn’t bear your name
I convey my pains in my writings
For this reason I am called a poet
My heart does sob day and night
I do know you don’t belong to me
And will never be mine in this birth
My mistakes cause pains to others
My naïveté is such a test in love
You are the dream sans meaning
My eyes never get tired of staring
Since it is my fate to wait for you.
©©Dr.Prasana Kumar Dalai@India.
She speaks these words of truth to her Dream…
I have learned in life that everyone has a journey
that bears no one’s name but our own to walk
God has also made me a Poet, but on another road
I write what is in my heart, good or bad.. It’s my gift
I know I will never belong to you in this birth
Fore in this birth, I only belong to The One Above..
To fulfill His bidding and his destiny for me without you
I am a healer of hearts, a lover of the unloved and I
am a warrior for the suffering… He rules my steps
And yes.. I am also your dream without meaning
Until our journeys for Him are fulfilled in this life
We will have to live the lives we were given, apart
Perhaps it will change in the next life, My Dear One..
But remember..It is also my fate to wait for you..
Our true test of Love.
June 6, 2023
Whatever the cost be
I’ll give away the store
Even lose all my wins
And love you beyond limits ;
All my boundaries I ‘ve broken
After giving me the destination
You became lonely ;
Yes, you’re my dream
Cause of all pleasure and pain
Now my desires have met you
You have become my prayer
The very last one.
©®Dr.Prasana Kumar Dalai@India.
God has written a destiny for me
Which doesn’t bear your name
I convey my pains in my writings
For this reason I am called a poet
My heart does sob day and night
I do know you don’t belong to me
And will never be mine in this birth
My mistakes cause pains to others
My naïveté is such a test in love
You are the dream sans meaning
My eyes never get tired of staring
Since it is my fate to wait for you.
©©Dr.Prasana Kumar Dalai@India.
- Collaborations #121 Written by Dr.Prasana Kumar from India and Kristy Raines from The United States of America
Far away though, you’re close to me
The reality is beyond the dreams
Do give me all the pains you have
You’re there in every prayer of mine
But tell me where you’re in reality
You’re mine; I can share with none
I ‘ve lost my heart over you only
As if I ‘ve lost my senses for you
Remember and you’ll find me close
Dream and find me under your eyes .
©®Dr.Prasana Kumar Dalai@India.
Date.Sun,04 June 2023.
She looks in his eyes and then whispers to him…
Far away I may be in distance
but in my heart you are so close
What I thought was only in dreams
has become reality in front of my eyes
I will never grieve you with my pain
Though I know you’d take it gladly
Just keep me in your prayers at night
The One above us will give me rest
You ask me what is my reality
I think you know by now
But the words are like a wish
I dare not say it out loud
Or else it may not come true.
Just know that no matter what happens
in my heart you will always have a place
Every time you think of me, I will appear
And in sleep, no one can take me from you. <3
June 4, 2023
Collaboration #120 Presented by DrPrasana Kumar from India and
Kristy Raines from The United States of America
You are losing your trust on me
But you can never forget me
I don’t know why I’m certain
You won’t be able to mar my life
Whenever you turn the pages
Everything ‘ll remind you of me
In both pain and pleasure
You ‘ll find me pining for you
Wherever you go, a new spark awaits
Even if you try to extinguish it
You can’t find the reason of your tears.
©®Dr.Prasana Kumar@India
She speaks to reassure him of her love…
Our lives have been filled with much joy
But all relationships are sometimes strained
Trust has never been an issue with us
for you have never given me a reason not to
So marring your life has never filled my mind
One heart, can only feel the other’s feelings
So, how could that thought even enter yours?
In every pain or pleasure, you will be with me
But without you, my heart could not survive
Wherever you go, I will be beside you
With every spark, I welcome the fire
And no tears will ever fall to damage that heat
Only if we ever part. <3
June 3, 2023
Far away though, you’re close to me
The reality is beyond the dreams
Do give me all the pains you have
You’re there in every prayer of mine
But tell me where you’re in reality
You’re mine ; I can share with none
I ‘ve lost my heart over you only
As if I ‘ve lost my senses for you
Remember and you’ll find me close
Dream and find me under your eyes .
©®Dr.Prasana Kumar Dalai@India.
Date.Sun,04 June 2023.
You are losing your trust on me
But you can never forget me
I don’t know why I’m certain
You won’t be able to mar my life
Whenever you turn the pages
Everything ‘ll remind you of me
In both pain and pleasure
You ‘ll find me pining for you
Wherever you go , a new spark awaits
Even if you try to extinguish it
You can’t find the reason of your tears.
©®Dr.Prasana Kumar Dalai@India
Collaboration 119 Written By: DrPrasana Kumar of India and
Kristy Raines of The United States of America
My heart belongs to you
I must go where you may lead
If love is red I am colour blind
I may not see the things
That you might see
And I may do just what I should do
I am looking through the eyes of love
And can see so much
The other eyes don’t find
Still the sparkle in your eyes
Makes me realize one and all..
©® Dr.Prasana Kumar Dalai@ India
She responds in awe…
I know that your heart will always belong to me
Wherever we go makes not differnce to me
as long as we are always walking together.
Love has many colors and are not always red
But my love for you will always be crimson
I will never stop you from doing what you should
because those things are what make you who you are
But as long as you always look at me through love’s eyes
you will see the many things that others do not see in me
The sparkle in my eyes for you makes me realize many things
But what it shows me most, are the manycolors that I don’t see
in myself, and the many colors I never saw in you until now…
June 1, 2023
Thank you each and everyone ❤️🙏
Keep supporting us💗
And inform about your need Plz 🙏💗
My heart belongs to you
I must go where you may lead
If love is red I am colour blind
I may not see the things
That you might see
And I may do just what I should do
I am looking through the eyes of love
And can see so much
The other eyes don’t find
Still the sparkle in your eyes
Makes me realize one and all..
©® Dr.Prasana Kumar Dalai@ India
Collaboration #118 By DrPrasana Kumar of india and Kristy Raines of
The United States of America
Sans you my life crawls to despair
Eyes search you all day and night
As this selfish world crashes on me
My dreams are scattered into pieces
Yours appears in the west horizon
Can’t stay alone with the twilight of time
Heart can’t bear pain of your parting
Wish you were here with me at this crisis
Eyes drench with your words and thoughts
The whole world is with your sightings
But you are unable to see me only.
©®Dr.Prasana Kumar Dalai@India.
It is time for her to speak up…
Come to me in your darkness and your deep despair
My arms can’t hold a promise close to my chest
Your’s can only satisfy this soul that craves your touch
But as I look to the East, I see no eyes coming towards me
I search for a sign that you want to spend forever with me
Don’t leave me alone any longer; my arms are open wide
I’ve never made demands, but now is the time to speak
Days are getting short, and in our twilight, I want a life with you
The world can’t hold my gaze like your eyes looking into mine
and my body waits for your warm embrace, so now I think it’s time
I will only ask you once…”Do you love me?” Time is ticking away…
May 31,2023.
Collaboration #117 By: DrPrasana Kumar of India and Kristy Raines of the United States
In the ocean of your eyes
I cherish to get myself immersed
My mistake I’m too much possessive
In you I find my own replica and
Some injuries of the past heal
Today’s fire ‘ll disappear one day
A terror may shatter my dreams
I have received so many wounds
I often feel like saying this to you
I’m your culprit to die.
©®Dr.Prasana Kumar Dalai@India
She longs for his contentment…
You often emerse yourself deeply into my eyes
Like a colorful fish swimming in a blue ocean
You’re possessive of me, because we are like one together
Your wounds will heal because you have met your match
I am like a mirror of yourself: My eyes the way to your soul
Today’s fire will never disappear… Unless you choose it too
No terror can penetrate our dreams, for a Light shines on us
It protects us, and It will heal all wounds of our windy past
You may think that I may be the death of you.. but think deeper
I will be what brings life, and will spark a light in your wounded heart
May 29, 2023
My painful memories with love
Used this as an excuse to tag in and unearth
Two hearts have again started blooming
Started to take a deep breath
In the presence of two souls
The heart built a beautiful castle
You whispered a word
Many controversies popped up
After separation standing alone
In the desert of solitude
Look around for kind of people
Would love to come to get me out of trouble
©®Dr.Prasana Kumar Dalai@India
Like a dawn you entered my life
Calm and quiet,all refreshing
And I came adorned in the dust
Of every lane and alley ;
You came like an angel
The panacea of my heartache
I haven’t returned to my life again
But for a wound open today
Perhaps I have reached
The dusk of my life.
©®Dr.Prasana Kumar Dalai@India
Reponding to My Love..
If from the dusk you have come to me
I will restore your heart to where it began.
I have watched the knife that caused the wound
and my love will be the salve that heals it
For, my love did not come from a jealous heart,
but from a place of pureness that only love can come from
Let me bathe you in my affection, because in my eyes
I see no dusk, only our dawn. ©
Kristy (Summer) Raines
Collaboration #116 By DrPrasana Kumar of India
and Kristy Raines of The United States of America
A refugee I am in your world dense
I have always cherished this within
Heart gets trapped by none but you
Unable I’m to get you and your realm
Feeling myself lost ere I step in there
What do you achieve by elbowing me
Now me just a voice, a part of noise
Amidst my people , yet lonely I feel
The world often keeps ignoring me
And I can’t but cry in utter silence .
©®Dr.Prasana Kumar Dalai@India.
Date.Sun,28 May 2023.
She is concerned for his feelings and responds…
I never stopped to think how you were feeling
You never say a word when something bothers you
I must admit, things have changed so much
Our lives have gotten so busy that silence never comes
We were so comfortable when it was just you and I
I never want you to feel foreign in our world
Fore what hurts you, will always hurt me too
Your people are my people, and for you to feel
as if the whole world has turned on you stabs
me like a knife piercing the very strings of my heart
I am lonely in the life that we have made for ourselves
Let us make time for each other again like we used to
Because time can run out without giving notice
And what is life if I can no longer share it with you? ©
May 27, 2023
A refugee I am in your world dense
I have always cherished this within
Heart gets trapped by none but you
Unable I’m to get you and your realm
Feeling myself lost ere I step in there
What do you achieve by elbowing me
Now me just a voice, a part of noise
Amidst my people , yet lonely I feel
The world often keeps ignoring me
And I can’t but cry in utter silence .
©®Dr.Prasana Kumar Dalai@India.
Date.Sun,28 May 2023.
Being without you is not my destiny
Life passes ere love shows its colour
Who would wait so long but you and me
Love asks for patience and patience
You know what I am made of
I would have become a zero
Amidst sufferings in your absence
The end of it is in the grave though
The candle of love keeps burning
Till the sun smiles with a radiant dawn.
©®Dr.Prasana Kumar Dalai@India.
I ‘ll give away all my pleasure
Even ready to lose all my wins
Whatever the cost I ‘ve to pay
You ‘ll be my unlimited love
All my expectations now I ‘ve left
You look stranger to me every day
Reason for my smile and tears
God has been so kind to me
Unasked I ‘ve got things aplenty
My desires ‘ve met you now
My very last prayer you’re !!
©®Dr.Prasana Kumar Dalai@India.
Today I’m like the spring season
Somewhere the cuckoo cries alone
As the spring never ends
Though much pain in my life
I’m a river of tears flowing ahead
You’re the lily of my awful night
The sky cries out for the sun
In the dense rainy night
I’m alone weeping for your hand
I have lost my own destination
The cuckoo cries nonstop and
The spring does dominate again.
©®Dr.Prasana Kumar Dalai@India.
Intruducing #115. A Loving Collaboration written by:
DrPrasana Kumar of India and
Kristy Raines of The United States of America
It’s hard to explain
Why the past doesn’t stop
Why it doesn’t pass away
Everything is here
Still my eyes searching more
What happened to me
I don’t get to you on time
That is not the only face
In this whole world
If she is far away
Why doesn’t she leave my heart
This untouchable pain
My past memories never let me live.
©®Dr.Prasana Kumar Dalai@India
She looks at him sincerely and speaks…
There is so much in your past that never leaves
Our memories have a purpose, good or bad
The pain keeps us from making the same mistakes
The good gives life meaning and brings us joy
It is normal to want more, but appreciate the now
One is with you and the other, she waits in the past
She can not leave you because you won’t let go
Let go of one or the other and choose wisely my dear
Fore the decision you make will bring joy or sorrow
Choose the path that that will bring you the most peace
And the pain will leave you as well as the face in the past.
I’ll accept your decision with no conditions…so you can live again. <3
May 26, 2023