Collaboration #99

Collaboration 99 By Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai and Kristy Raines


Get your heart adorned into mine
Do tell the world what we are
Let two hearts be blended into one
And drown me in your emotions
Let my moments be soaked in your feelings
Inhaling that tropical scent of yours
Give me a shelter in your heart
Dissolve me in your warm sighs
Just a small promise in my entire life
We ‘ll be together at every turn of life
Our love is not going to be very short
And I ‘ll wait for you till my last breath.
©®Dr.Prasana Kumar Dalai@India.

Drowned in his emotions, she whispers to him…


Our hearts are adorned by the beauty of purity and love
We are one heart that resides in two bodies
Our hearts blend easily and can not be seperated
Every feeling and emotion is shared without shame
For there is only pureness in such a joining
Every emotion drenches your being and every
touch felt deeply and it is welcomed with pleasure
The the intoxifying scent fills your nostrils and
makes your body shiver as our souls join
Hear my sighs and let me take in your every breath
until the thunder claps and the lightening strikes
within the realm that we share…
When the silence comes, the promise is fulfilled.
I will be with you in every turn of our lives
and will reside within you in eternity when I take my last breath.

July 11, 2023

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You are time for me
And I’m moment for you
You are my universe
How will you be separated
You are the reason for my living
So unique your smile and style
Your face is like a mirror
A beautiful lilly you are Full of genial gesture
A small promise is for you
Will stay together at every turn of life
For this moment
Do tell me how long I shall I wait !

©®Dr.Prasana Kumar Dalai@India.

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Collaboration #139

Collaboration #139 between Dr Prasana Kumar Dalai India & Kristy Raines United States of America.


The way life has turned away
I had never thought about that
I can’t believe what has happened
That painful episode of my life
I have given my heart and soul
I never betray you ; I don’t know
Why I fail to understand your value
I won’t let your eyes shed tears
However thorny the path may be
I am ready to walk on them for you.

©®Dr.Prasana Kumar Dalai@India.

She understands him more than anyone and responds…


Because of the painful episodes in your life
you never gave much thought for a reason
You would have to relive them again if you did
You have never betrayed me
Yet you also never understood my value
I am the other half of your life
The half that has arms to hold you
a heart that never quits beating for you
and a love that holds you above all else
We can walk forward now, even when painful
For you now truly know how to love me
I am glad I never gave up on you…

July 10, 2023

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Biography of DrPrasana Kumar Dalai

DrPrasana Kumar Dalai
(DOB 07/06/1973) is a passionate Indian Author-cum-poet while a tremendous lecturer of English by profession in the Ganjam district of Odisha.He is an accomplished source of inspiration for young generation of India .His free verse on Romantic and melancholic poems appreciated by everyone. He belongs to a small typical village Nandiagada of Ganjam District,the state of Odisha.After schooling he studied intermediate and Graduated In Kabisurjya Baladev vigyan Mahavidyalaya then M A in English from Berhampur University PhD in language and literature and D.litt from Colombian poetic house from South America.He promotes his specific writings around the world literature and trades with multiple stems that are related to current issues based on his observation and experiences that needs urgent attention.He is an award winning writer who has achieved various laurels from the circle of writing worldwide.His free verse poems not only inspires young readers but also the ready of current time.His poetic symbol is right now inspiring others, some of which are appreciated by laurels of India and across the world. Many of his poems been translated in different Indian languages and got global appreciation. Lots of well wishes for his upcoming writtings and success in future.He is an award winning poet author of many best seller books.recently he is awarded Rabindra nath Tagore and Gujarat Sahitya Academy for the year 2022.winner Of Rahim Karims world literary prize 2023.

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The way life has turned away
I had never thought about that
I can’t believe what has happened
That painful episode of my life
I have given my heart and soul
I never betray you ; I don’t know
Why I fail to understand your value
I won’t let your eyes shed tears
However thorny the path may be
I am ready to walk on them for you.

©®Dr.Prasana Kumar Dalai@India.

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Collaboration #138

Collaboration #138 Presented by Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai and Kristy Raines


My life began when we were unknown.
Still I feel,you always known to me.
When you cross Infront of my sight.
Your tropical scent blown away to me.
Your steady breathing as you walk away.
Your face like first glow of sun.
Your shadow like a paint of evening moon.
So many questions running through my mind
It’s unfortunate that I am unable to hide.
When you leave me, all happiness has gone.
My mind is clear as we walk down.
Your whispering words still running through my mind.
I can’t explain, unspoken words behind.

©®Dr.Prasana Kumar Dalai@ India

She speaks to him with love…


My whole life, I felt something was missing
Never feeling whole or satistified
I searched my entire life to find it
I filled that void with things that didn’t last
One day, there you stood, and it all came together
My days were brighter and my nights were calmer
The breeze carried the scent of your love to me
And from that day, I wanted to only walk with you
The words you whispered to me filled my being
When you are not here, my sadness is my only friend
and I am left with only thoughts of an image of love
Unspoken words begging to be heard…. <3

July 8, 2023

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There is no shape of my love
You can’t trust it
Million of empty eyes can’t see it
Always lost in your thoughts
Day and night same for me
Whatever be the consequences
There is a peace in restlessness
If one has fallen in love with someone
Your intoxing eyes intoxicate me
They have sorrounded me
The shades of your soul
I can’t tolerate the distance now
I can’t find peace anywhere
I want to hide myself under your heart.

©®Dr.Prasana Kumar Dalai@India.

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We are two bodies but one soul
Have two desires of one heart
This is the real union of two hearts
Confluence of two tempting hearts
The truth has emerged
What has passed was a sad dream
This love belongs to us
We are nothing but immortal souls
Let me know from you
What is hidden in your heart
For lovers who love from soul
Don’t talk about bodies.

©©Dr.Prasana Kumar Dalai @India.

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My life began when we were unknown.
Still I feel,you always known to me.
When you cross Infront of my sight.
Your tropical scent blown away to me.
Your steady breathing as you walk away.
Your face like first glow of sun.
Your shadow like a paint of evening moon.
So many questions running through my mind
It’s unfortunate,that I am unable to hide.
When you leave me,all happiness has gone.
My mind is clear as we walk down.
Your whispering words still running through my mind.
I can’t explain, unspoken words behind.

©®Dr.Prasana Kumar Dalai@ India

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Collaboration #137

Collaboration #137 By:
Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai and Kristy Raines


Let the world know how you smile
I could be happy all of while
I could change the destiny
If I had you
I forget all the old memories behind
I am ready to leave all love and affection
I had never mind
I rely on you
I could start my life a new
I know some where
You had look at me and I would see the smile
You are smiling now
Now you are my world
I found my world in you.

©®Dr.Prasana Kumar Dalai@ India.

She smiles lovingly and responds to him…


Do you ever wonder why I smile?
I smile when I see a beautiful sunset
When I hear birds sing on a silent day
When a baby laughs, I shine
For many years I lost my smile
Then I saw yours, and slowly
I found my smile again.
Now our world has changed
Our destiny is clear ahead of us
You can rely on me; My world is in you!
Could you not see?
And yes, I am smiling now
So when you see me smile
I hope you finally realize I smile because of you …. <3

July 7, 2023

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Collaboration #136

Collaboration 136 By:
Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai and
Kristy Raines


Looking at the world through your eyes
Everything looks pretty
Everything that passed seems to close to you
Like the pictures of yours stick to my heart
Like moon clings to the stars
Or, you will never get rid of me
Me and my shadow
We are closer than hearts that stick in a soul
When your dreams fall apart
When each passing day
And life gets more exciting
And love is either in your heart
Or in its way.

©Dr.Prasana Kumar Dalai@India.

She smiles as she responds…


I love that you notice how I look at things
You now see them as well..Not like before
There is a new gentleness about you
The closeness we have, is genuine
When you show love, you receive love
Like the pictures you save of me in your heart
or when the Moon sticks to the Stars above
Our hearts, no doubt, stick to the same soul
We are closer than your breath on my skin
When life changes, it will not change our love
For whether life is exciting or my dreams fall apart
I know that you will be right there still close to my heart
picking up any pieces…. Because your love will always live there

Never leave …<3

July 5,, 2023

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Looking at the world through your eyes
Everything looks pretty
Everything that passed seems to close to you
Like the pictures of yours stick to my heart
Like moon clings to the stars
Or ,you will never get rid of me
Me and my shadow
We are closer than hearts that stick in a soul
When your dreams fall apart
When each passing day
And life gets more exciting
And love is either in your heart
Or in its way.

©®Dr.Prasana Kumar Dalai@India.

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Congratulations #135

Collabortion #135 Presented By:
Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai and Kristy Ann Rasmussen


Don’t show your little love for me
A wanderer in my world I am
How can I be someone’s love trustworthy
I am unfortunate and the restless one
It’s not easy to stay intact for me (complete)
I am a cloud moving from place to place
Like a falcon of the deep blue sky I do fly
You don’t know the depth of my love
I ‘ll walk with you until you accept & consent
We are becoming childish in our love (cotrolling
It seems we have only the love of a fool
Now it’s impossible for me to leave you
For I ‘ve already left the whole world for you.

©®Dr.Prasana Kumar Dalai@India

She knows his heart and responds…


Our love has only become a fool’s love
because we are afraid of getting closer
It is not easy to trust hearts that have been hurt
And both of us have felt that kind of pain
So we play this game of hiding our deep love
to protect these two hearts that care so deeply
You pretend to be carefree and happy but we
both know how this game will end
You, like a falcon do fly but I am like the sun
I shine on you as you enjoy the warmth
Neither of us will leave such a beautiful blue sky
You have left the whole world for me, but you forget..
It is impossible for you to leave me, because our love
is not a fool’s love at all… We are merely full of love
And I am ready to consent, accept, and walk with you… <3

©®Kristy Ann Raines
July 03,2023

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Don’t show your little love for me
A wanderer in my world I am
How can I be someone’s love trustworthy
I am unfortunate and the restless one
It’s not easy to stay intact for me
I am a cloud moving from place to place
Like a falcon of the deep blue sky I do fly
You don’t know the depth of my love
I ‘ll walk with you until you accept & consent
We are becoming childish in our love
It seems we have only the love of a fool
Now it’s impossible for me to leave you
For I ‘ve already left the whole world for you.

©®Dr.Prasana Kumar Dalai@India.
Date.02,July 2023.

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Collaboration #134

  • Collaboration #134- By Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai of India
    And Kristy Ann Raines of The United States of America


You are my love with the past
But your love will never last
I used to think that your love could be fair
I am too much in love even to care
You will break this heart of mine
The joy of having your love all time
I cherish the memories of how you loved me
I’ll be yours only all the time
I’m going to love you all my way
I never care as long as
you’re mine today.

©® Dr.Prasana Kumar Dalai@India.

She shakes her head and closes her eyes as she speaks…


I am your love with the past
Not sure why you think it will never last
There is never a day that I don’t care
Even though I am here and you are there
I’ll never break this heart of yours
For love never leaves and always endures
I treasure all the memories we have made
And you should know by now they’ll never fade
I’ll love you forever; till the end of time
And thank the One that he made you mine
If you leave me, I’ll still feel blessed
As I relive the days of your sweet caress <3

©® KristyRaines@USA
June 30, 2023

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Man with The Rose!

  1. Man with The Rose

The Moon heard the screams of his heart and tapped her on the doors of hers. She turned around and there he stood with a rose that was meant for her only and she gladly took it, for he was the one who truly loved her. But she hides it, like she always hides her deep feelings. Her heart is too fragile to be touched and he understands her. ❤©

Kristy Raines

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If Ever…

If Ever…

If ever I can not see your loving eyes
Know that I will always remember them.
If ever I can not hear your voice
Know that it is etched in my memory.
If ever I can not feel your heartbeat
Know that when I feel mine, I also feel yours.
If ever I can not have your gentle kiss
Know that I will have it in my dreams.
If ever I can not be by your side
Know that I am only a memory away.
If ever I can not tell you that I love you
Know that I always wanted to…….

Kristy Raines ©

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My life , a burning sun
And you, a soothing shade to me
When I caught your sight
This thought came to me and
My heart wished for something more
Today again I had to console my heart
When you leave, I ‘ll ponder over it
What I have lost or gained
I’m even forbidden to write
My good luck has a poem for me
And I feel myself on cloud nine
As I’ve bequeathed my life in your name.

©®Dr.Prasana Kumar Dalai@India

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Collaboration #133

Collaboration #133 Written by:
Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai and Kristy Raines


We are made for each other
By the grace of Lord Krishna*
Only after dying for you
I learned to live a blissful life
Paths I step on to encounter you
Those hard times often follow me
I ‘ll recall our dreams and vows
Our meeting was a destiny
I grow and glow because of you
Roads many though, I ‘ve chosen yours
To walk hand in hand all the way .

©®Dr.Prasana Kumar Dalai @India
Date 27.06.2023

• God of Protection,Compassion, Tenderness and Love in Hindu mythology

She is thankful for him and responds…


I have shared many lives with you now
I recognize you at some point in every one of them
I see me reflexion when I look into your eyes
I never even have to speak to you because just
knowing you have a presense in my life is a comfort
I recognize you when I need you most and there is no doubt of the deep connection that we live over and over.
The things we could never explain are now revealed
and will always be protected. There is no final death
between us, for we will meet again like we always have
We meet at a fork in the road in each life and
there is a deep felt void if I can not feel you with me
I have an inner peace knowing that we will continue to
walk hand and hand, and that you chose to walk with
me into the next life until we reach our final journey..

June 27, 2023

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Collaboration #132

Collaboration #132 By Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai of India and Kristy Raines of The United States of America


Every iota of heart recites your name
Since I ‘ve looked at you long back
My days and nights ‘re entangled
Now my life has been stolen by you
Let me leave this mundane world
My eyes ‘re shot with your breaths
Let me hide in the lap of your dreams
My dreams ‘re yours if you ‘re lost
Quench my thirst with your dreams
Decorate me a little more colourful.

©©Dr.Prasana Kumar Dalai @India.

She longs to embrace him and speaks…


Every love song in my heart sings to you
My every dream at night leaves me longing
for the gentle but strong embrace of your arms
You have stolen my soul and now you own it
Leave every part of your mundane life behind
and come to me as I reach out for your touch
I can’t find my breath when you pull me to your chest
Come join me inside my mind and warm my thoughts
As long as I can have your dreams I’ll always be home
Drink from the lips that quench your thirst
And I will spill the colors of my love over you.

June 25, 2023.

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Every iota of heart recites your name
Since I ‘ve looked at you long back
My days and nights ‘re entangled
Now my life has been stolen by you
Let me leave this mundane world
My eyes ‘re shot with your breaths
Let me hide in the lap of your dreams
My dreams ‘re yours if you ‘re lost
Quench my thirst with your dreams
Decorate me a little more colourful.

©©Dr.Prasana Kumar Dalai @India.
Date Sun,25 June 2023.

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Collaboration #131

Collaboration # 131 written by :
Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai of India and
Kristy Raines of The United States of America


What to write
What to say
Things used to happen everyday
Nothing to write, nothing to say
My pen in my hand and start to write same way
So many things to go
I will remember the long years through
I swear, I breathe your name
With every breath I take
And every breath becomes a sigh
But a sigh that I will always care
When I wake from dream
I was floating in your lives stream.

©®Dr.Prasana Kumar Dalai@India.

She responds to him with understanding…


You are there and I am here
We write to each other everyday
It’s second nature now to pick up my pen
but today no new words come to me
I know my heart beat leads to you
And no doubts that yours beats for me too
Sometimes we need not even speak at all
For what is in the heart needs no lines
It beats without effort as does our love
But you’re still in my every thought
and when I wake I know you are still mine
If I get no letter from you today, I do not fret
For a letter can’t take the place of what is in your heart
And what is in your heart needs no pen or paper
I can always feel your love, regardless… And I smile. <3

June 24, 2023

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What to write
What to say
Things used to happen everyday
Nothing to write, nothing to say
My pen in my hand and start to write same way
So many things to go
I will remember the long years through
I swear ,I breathe your name
With every breath I take
And every breath becomes a sigh
But a sigh that I will always care
When I wake from dream
I was floating in your lives stream.

©®Dr.Prasana Kumar Dalai@India.

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Collaboration #130

Collaboration #130 perfectly presented by Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai of India
and Kristy Raines of The United States of America


How can you tell
Why you’re still alone
The one who used to be mine
Now belongs to someone else
Is this the destiny
If I let someone touch my heart
My heartbeats spread in her love
If we’re close why so much distance
From my broken heart now
None has let you keep knocking
A solitary heart when hope is dead
Why you reignite

©®Dr.Prasana Kumar Dalai@India


Lonliness and sadness grew in my heart without you
I tried to find in someone else what I found in you
But what I failed to realize is that you can not be replaced
For when two hearts are one, nothing can separate them,
no matter how much I try to move forward.. I’m so sorry..
When he would try to even touch my hand, it would chill me
I could not look in his eyes because I couldn’t find my reflexion
You hold the key that locks these golden chains around my heart
I need your kiss, your touch and the love that only we share
But I have no answers, because although apart in distance
In my heart you could never be closer than you always will be
So I will stay alone with your memory, because I can’t live
a life with someone else that was only meant for you and I
I pray that one day we find a way to live life together because…
I am too lonely living without you… Please forgive me and find me
I am still yours . <3

June 23 2023

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